

Rolling her eyes, Violet shoved her chair back, already annoyed at the scene she was witnessing. Sighing, she was just about to walk on out when she felt a hand grip her arm causing her eyes to drop down and meet with her friends,

"Yah V, where ya going?"

Looking up at the screen one more time, she shook her head, her gazed dropping back down,

"I'd kill myself before watching yet another girl be degraded into this ."

Shaking off her friends arm she shoved her hands in her pocket,

"I'll see you later Jae."

And with that she her heels, walking outside. Upon the cool air hitting her face, she gave a small smile, breathing in the fresh air. Quickly taking it in, she gave out a long breath, her body feeling a bit more relaxed. Looking back at the movie once more, she slowly walked forward, her legs taking long strides as she depicted her next move.

Well there goes that. Now what am I supposed to do?

Deep in thought, she found herself coming to a halt when spotting a familiar face.

Isn't that Yu Jin?

Taking a closer look she sighed,

It is. Great, then that means Hyuna is nearby.

Violet groaned upon the thought of the couple. Not that she had anything against them, it just well she didn't like Hyuna and her click, they were the stereotypical popular group that everyone admired and envied. It made her feel as if she were watching a high school muscial episode everytime she saw them and well she just wasn't into that. Shaking her head, about to turn the other way, something caught her eye making her raise an eyebrow.

Wait a second. Don't tell me...

She watched in astonishment as the girl wrapped around Yu Jin was in fact not Hyuna, but Kim, Hyuna's supposedly best friend. "Supposedly" since the occurance in front of her wasn't really what friends would do to one another. Tsking, Violet felt herself smirk.

Maybe today will be fun after all.

And with that she strode forward towards the unsuspecting two. Slowly approaching them, Violet watched as Yu Jin leaned down kissing the side of Kims neck making her raise an eyebrow. Smirking when she thought of something, she quickly reached down into her pocket pulling out her phone. As the two oblivious people in front of her began to get even more personal, she turned up the volume so that when she did take a pic they would know.

"Yah, don't do that someone might see." Kim fakely shoved the boy who was wrapped around her away all the while giggling.

"It's not like they know, besides what are they going to do take a picture?" He laughed and with that leaned down kissing his side girlfriend on the lips.


"That's a great idea." Violet cooed and upon the noise the couple quickly turned.

Yu Jin just blinked and Kim's face...well it definitly was funny. It took all of Violets will power to not laugh out loud right then and there.

"Oh mianhe I was taking a pic of the sign." Violet stated pointed over their heads to the sign behind them.

Kim seemed to relax, but Yu Jin just kept staring at Violet. Violet looked at him cocking her head,

"May I help you?" 

He just furrowed his eyebrows.

"You seem familiar, do you go to Seoul high?"

Violet crossed her arms, faking comfirmation,

"Ah yeh, you also seem familiar... Yu Jin right?"

He slowly nodded and Violet just plastered a smile on her face.

"Wah Daebak! I've heard a lot about you..the popular, smart, athletic, handsome prince of the school. And this-" She began taking a step closer looking at Kim in awe,

"Must be your girlfriend...Hyuna right? Wah you're even prettier then they say."

Upon the mention of Hyuna Kims face twitched and Yu Jin slowly nodded,

"Ah yeh, this is Hyuna my amazing girlfriend."

Violet nodded in understanding before furrowing her brows and cocking her head,

"Weird I could have sworn people said Hyuna had dark brown hair and was a lot shorter, but your hair is blonde?"

Yu Jin quickly began to stutter,

"De...she actually just dyed it recently and is wearing heels so..."

Violet hid her laughter as the boy in front of her began to figet uncontrollably.

"Why so nervous Jin? If I didn't know better it would seem like your trying to cover up cheating by stating another girl is your girlfriend." 

"Eh?" He pratically yelled and Violet just chuckled hitting him on the arm,

"I'm only kidding. You wouldn't be such a low life douche ne?"

His face frowned and Violet looked right back at him,

"Wae? With that look your giving me I would almost think I offended you."

She looked between the two watching Kim look at Yu Jin nervously.

"Well low life douche is a little..." He began and Violet only nodded,

"Ne not enough. Guys like that are stupid s with no lives and the girl-" Violets gaze wondered over to Kim,

"Is even worse."

"Worse?" Kim swallowed,

"Ye, knowing the guy has a girlfriend and yet still dates him. The only thing to make her a complete would be if she knew the girl, over even worse was her friend." Violet fake shivered,

"Now that is scary."

She watched as the boy's face in front of her contorted, his hands going into fists.

"That seems a bit harsh ne? I mean you don't kow the situation."

Violet took in as Yu Jin looked like he would self destruct at any moment.

Just one more push..

"Situation? Ah ye that's true, girls can fall for guys who are taken, or maybe she even liked him before her friend, but what the girl doesn't know-" With this Violet looks directly at Kim,

"Is even if she has sincere feelings, the guy is just playing her."


"And how would you know eh? You don't know how he feels or whats going're just some loner who everyone calls a !" 

People walking around began to look at the sudden out rage. Violet could only smile as Kim pulled on his sleeve,

"Yah do you know her?"

Violets gaze went from the girl to the boy who was staring her down so hard that she thought his eyes were going to pop out,

"Ne, do you know me?"

He shook his head furriously,

"Even if you tell her she's not going to believe you, and why would she? You're just some haughty loner who thinks she's too cool to hang out with the rest of us."

Violet only tsk'd, 

"Weird that sounds exactly like you and the rest of the popular. Kids who think that if they are a little above average in something that they are better then the rest of us."

"Besides I wouldn't tell her."

The boy seemed momentarily confused as Violet brought out her phone before putting it away.

"I took a picture, remember?"

He only laughed,

"What are you going to do send it to her? Or better yet show her in person? I would love to see the loner try to go up to the most popular girl at school and try to tell her her perfect boyfriend is cheating on her."

She watched amused as the boy looked about his eyes were going to pop out of his sockets. Taking a daring step forward, Violet looked at Kim fixing her disshoveled pin,

"So pretty. You guys make a lovely couple." 

Kim could only look at her in horror. 

Turning around Violet walked a few steps before coming to a stop, snapping her fingers. Looking back over her shoulder and locking eyes with Yu Jin she could only smirk,

 "I'm glad you'll love to see it, cause I will... tomorrow."

And with that she turned around walking away. 

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sounds nice..!!
bunnny_love #2
Sound like violet is a boss, i will subscribe