Happy Birthday - Yongguk


When you throw a surprise birthday for Yongguk but things go terribly wrong


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: Of course sweet Yongguk would love it, just because of how much they wanted to give him the party! I cracked up reading this, it ws like, everything was going great & then BOOM fire/burn/boys & balloon popping/Crash of the cake... I was like O_O the last few paragraphs! LOL But it's the thought that counts :) Another cute story! Loved your word picture at the beginning of reading...
Chapter 1: Ahh, so cute! Yongguk still accepted the suprise party even though it was messy. C: Thank you and happy belated birthday Bang Yongguk! <3
Chapter 1: waaa!! how cute! I loved it so much, this made me so happy!! thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: really liked it,this unexpected things can happen
Chapter 1: I love it! But it's weird that she didn't know it was his birthday, don't you think-