Please let me move on...

Hey~ After idk years, I've got a diary again, huehue. I hope I can update you everyday my  new baby. I can already imagine that one day, I'll laugh at how immature and childish I was. I can perfectly remember I did, ha!


Oh well, it's the start of classes tomorrow. I can see Jangeun  again (Coz my mom won't give me some money to hang out with her =3=) Yaaaaay! I'll have allowance again lololololol But yeah, goodnight I need to wake up early tomorrow :3





"YAAAAAAAAAA NAM ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


You know very well whose voice that's from. You immediately turned around and just then, a body clashed into yours. It's tall and the hands were around you, hugging….. Or more like crushing down your bones..




The two of you were so dramatic and everyone was looking at your commotion. It’s just the two of you but it looks like there was a war happening. You calmed down first because you felt shy; Jangeun was still spazzing how you look like now.


"Omg did you cut your bangs again?"

"Ya! Ya! Ya! Did you watch ep. 6 of This Is Infinite? Omgggggggg~ Gyu oppa is so cute"

"Wait- Wait... Is your cheeks this chubby before?" She was pinching and poking it

You shooed away her hands

"Ya!" She protested

"Shhhh" You looked from left to right, "Everyone's looking.. Lower down your voice"

She scoffed, "As if this the first time we've been so noisy in public! Come on~ This is our last year~ Let's have fun! Be noisy if we want too! Do crazy things without worrying how others think! They probably won't see us again" She winked

You stood there for a while

"Eyyyyyyyy~~~" She giggled a bit, "Come on! Entrance ceremony is about to start and we'll say bye bye"


The two of you were walking on your way to the gymnasium, talking about random things, people who you've stalked, spazzing about your fav bands while screaming and squealing in delight as you look to some pictures from each other's phone. You were enjoying your time together but when you've reached the gym..


"Sorry to interrupt but you need to fall in line by section now. The ceremony is about to start in few minutes" Mr. No, the Math teacher said

The two of you pouted and can't do anything since you were in a different section


"Damn that someone who did the sectioning! I bet that person is angry at the two of us together" Jangeun crossed her arms as the two of you walk, going inside the gym

You nodded, "Yeah! And hey, Mrs. Woo told us that we'll be classmates this year right? I think she've planned all of this"

"Yeah yeah that scumbag" She pouted even more

"Hey~ There's my section. Just... See you later dude"


You poked her

She looked at you

You looked back

"AWWWWWWW" The two of you cried in unison

"Im gonna miss you Myung-baby" She patted you back

"'l'll miss you to Gyugyu-dear" You cried


And there's this guy walking and passed the two of you. He was staring at how dramatic your scene was. You've heard about him, Yook Sungjae. And you've heard that he is a fanboy.


You pulled Jangeun closer and whispered, "Hey, that guy- Yook Sungjae. He's my classmate right?"

Jangeun nodded, "Yeah~ And you better befriend him. The number of straight fanboys in this school is just limited. I can even count them in the fingers of my hands" She half-raised her two hands

You giggled, "Sooooooooooo~ Is that a mission?"

She nodded, "I wanna see how fanboys spazz"

You nodded, "Yeah yeah me too! We'll be friends from this day on. Remember that"

"Ah huh~ And if not?" She raised her brows

"I'll buy you something. PRICE NOT HIGHER THAN 1000 WON GOT IT?" You gave her a glare

"Yeah yeah~ I got it dude" She pouted

"Let's get going then! I have a mission to accomplish" You smirked



During the entrance ceremony....



"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. Are you guys listening?" The principal, Mr. Son, hollered

"NEHHHHH" The students replied


Your voice were one of the loudest. The people infront and at the back were looking at you, you shrugged your shoulders and continued doing nothing. Good thing Ahreum and Jungyoon are your classmates but what the heck- They're still late

(A/N: They were your classmates last school year and the one of the people who was always at the office because they're always late lolololol)


You don't have anything to do. The games on your phone are boring. You somewhat feel that the pictures on your phone aren't that interesting so you just looked around. Looking at people's reactions, faces, things they do etc. You saw Jinmyeon, that weirdo. Well, it looks like he's counting the hair of the guy infront of him. He'll blink, stare again, point at some part of the head, its creepy. You giggle when you saw Miyeong laugh and got scolded by the teacher. You were observing others and laugh and their mistakes but you feel like someone's watching you. You looked back and saw Sungjae staring at you. You felt uneasy and your body were stiffed, you looked at the front again. Few minutes had passed by but you still have 'that' feeling, you looked back and Sungjae was still there, busying observing your every move. You blinked a few times and he looked somewhere else.


"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. That's all. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah you can now go back to your respective classrooms" Mr. Son ended his lifetime speech

"Neh~ Thank you Mr. Son! And have a good day!" The students chorused

The principal nodded and went down of the stage


You opened a lollipop and it on your mouth, put your hands on your pocket and walked, going to your room. Ms. Oh, a small yet bright and all-too-smiling teacher is your adviser for this year. She just let everyone sit wherever they want, you sit down on the chair nearest to the window at the 2rd row from the very back part of the room. Ms. Oh just let the late-comers find a sit and she then started talking. She was introducing herself and discussing the rules of the school when you are there, looking outside the window. You were imagining things when suddenly..


"Ok class all of you stand up" Ms. Oh shouted


You stood up and went to the side. You saw Ahreum and Jungyoon waving their hands at you but you glared at them as if your yelling shut-up-you-made-me-wait-for-you-now-I-don't-know-you-two right into their face


"Nam ~~~-ssi?"

You looked at Ms. Oh, "Neh?"

"Where do you want to sit?"

You blinked for a few times

"Oh come on~" She smiled

"The chair nearest the window?"

"Ok~ Go sit there then" She pointed the seat where you were sitting a while ago

"Kwon Jungyoon-ssi?"

"Nehhhhhhh~" Jungyoon raised his hand with a bright smile on his face

Ms. Oh tapped her chin, thinking, "Pick your seat but you should be at the back"

His shoulders dropped but still followed the what the teacher said


Ms. Oh continued to do her seating plan and you were looking outside again. You stared at the big tree beside the room. The leaves moved up a bit and you grew curious but you can't find why it happened, thanks to your super clear vision but you still tried to focus if there's a squirrel or something


"Yook Sungjae-ssi?"

You shot your head up


"Of all the seats available.. Where do you want to sit?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really know. Anywhere is fine Miss"

"Oh? Is that so?" Ms. Oh then scanned the room, "Ah! Would you mind if you seat beside Ms. Nam?"

Sungjae looked at you, "Not really Miss"

"Ok then" Ms. Oh smiled


/tap/ /tap/ tap/ /tap/ *Oh my god! He's coming here* /tap/ /tap/ /tap/ /tap/ *Ugh* You groaned a bit, a super little action so no one noticed


Sungjae sat down on his chair, put his bag down, arranged his things and uniform and looked at you. He smiled and did a small wave, "Hey ~~~-ah"

"Ah.. Oh! Hey"


Heyyyyyy~ :3




Till next time~~~~~~~~ /waves/

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Ami7991 #1
Ami7991 #2
Chapter 2: OMG!!!!! I love this!!!!! Its the first fanfic I read and its AMAZING omg the first chapter made me get butterflies in my tummy >.< I could actually picture the scene OMG I love it I cant wait for the next chapter to see what happens >.<