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Just another note which fill with some of nice words to make everyone put their interest to the things I was suggested, that called "Recommendation"

Yeah, this is an "EXO Fanfictions Recommendation"


What I should say it to explain how the feels of these stories? Ehem.. Okay. "These EXO fics were just Perfect!" Hey, I'm not too much, right? These are totaly amazing to read!


I would shout it loudly to everyone, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT FANFICTIONS!!! LOL 


But why must be EXO fanfics?? Yeah, you can never be able to know without trying to read them. 


Just click the "next" link and then you can found what are fics which I called "the other name of Happiness" ^^ How simply to do, rite? 

An Amazing story can fill your darkest world with the color of the Rainbow! :) 


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trinettethalia #1
Chapter 2: Makasih kak.. ...
Fosbaekliner #2
Makasih buat recomendasinya^^ aku suka aku sukaaa ^^
Chapter 2: Coba deh ff ini, lumayan bagus ceritanya
Chapter 1: Waa gomawo buat rekomennya unni^^ aku masih bingung mau baca yg mana,maklum readers baru disini!! Yeyy firstly, aku mau baca yg baby's breath dulu,, abis tu 48 hours.. Wah bakalan ngebut deh kyaknya
Chapter 1: yeah kaisoo :)
Meidina #6
Chapter 2: Waw daebak!! Terimakasih banyak sudah membantu saya yang 'sedikit' kesulitan mencari ff bagus disaat waktu lenggang.^_^
baekhyunlove599 #7
Chapter 2: Btw bisa kasih link ff ny atau aku harus nyari d mana? Ada beberapa ff yg aku gk bs search d google.
__salsabillah #8
Chapter 1: greeeaaaat! makasih sudah merekomendasikannn! :))
Chaniphi #9
Chapter 2: Waaa, thanks banget udah nge-share fanfic yang keren-keren kaya gini ^.^
Fanfic ChanBaek udah tamat aku baca semua,
yaa karena aku ChanBaek shipper jadi aku lebih sering hunting Fanfic ChanBaek <3
Tapi aku gak nolak baca fanfic couple lain :D
Tambah lagi kak yg banyak rekomendasinya, terlebih ChanBaek couple :3
luhanmydummy #10
Yo I wanna recommend this story, it's a BaekYeol with a pretty original plot.
This is 'Let Me Love You Wallflower'