Chapter 9

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

The EXO dorm was a hive of activity like always. Luhan flew about the rooms, doing the cleaning as punishment for making Jade spill the drinks. The rest were relaxing since Changsun mysteriously decided to cancel practice for the day. The only member missing was EXO-M’s leader. When the door slowly opened, revealing Kris, who was trying his best to sneak in unnoticed, the group went wild.

“Where did you go!?!?!” Tao pouted. He had hoped Kris would take him shopping on their rare free day.

Everyone bombarded Kris with questions but no one was calm enough to be coherent. Lay interrupted the curious boys with a sharp, “WAIT.” 

“Why are you wearing that scarf? I’ve never seen it before? Is that a girls’ scarf?!”

The boys clawed at Kris’ neck to snatch it from him. They clamored over to the middle of the living room and hunched in a circle on the floor to examine the foreign object. Kris was completely blocked out no matter how hard he tried to break through.

“Hey! That’s mine, don’t rip it!” Kris pleaded.

All 11 heads turned to him at once. Their eyes narrowed. In one swift pull, they made Kris sit on the ground next to the scarf and surrounded him, ready for interrogation.

Lay started first. “Whose scarf is this?”

“It belongs to Jade.” Kris’ reply was met with loud, dramatic gasps.

Suho thought carefully then continued, “Why do you have it?”

“She gave it to me.” This time, the boys all OOH-ed loudly.

The two maknaes were next to question. “When? Why? Did she give it to you as a love confession?!”

“Aaaah you guys are driving me crazy!” Kris grabbed his scarf and made his escape to the room he shared with Luhan. He closed the door and leaned against it. He was surprised to realize that he was smiling like crazy and he couldn’t seem to stop. He collapsed onto his bed, lying on his back. He held the scarf gingerly above his head as it billowed softly with the breeze coming through the open window.

Ever since moving to Korea to pursue music, Kris had met countless numbers of beautiful women, but no one left such an impactful impression as Jade had. She wasn’t plain but she certainly wasn’t drop dead gorgeous. He found her pleasant to look at. Her round face and small stature provided such a strong contrast to his angled jaw and imposing height. He chuckled at how silly and adorable they would look together, with Jade craning her neck up to gaze at him with those large soulful eyes. She was toned but not stick thin like the female celebrities. An image appeared in his mind of Jade in her pencil skirt which showed off her curvy backside, especially when she turned sideways.

Kris shook his head to wipe the thought from his mind. Dammit stop being a ert. He wrapped the scarf around his neck and over his mouth, then closed his eyes to get some well deserved rest.

Meanwhile, the other members sat in shock while staring at each other. After what felt like eons of silence, Chanyeol finally cracked a smile and said, “I approve.”

Slowly, but surely, everyone nodded their head in agreement.

D.O. innocently remarked, “But we’re not allowed to date! Kris will be in so much trouble once manager-hyung finds out!” His mouth was quickly covered by several pairs of hands.

“No one will find out as long as we don’t tell,” said Suho. They all put their hands in the center and chanted, “For Kris!” before breaking to resume their activities.

Hours passed, the sun shifted across the sky veiling the horizon in a dazzling orange hue. 11 shadows stealthily crept down the hallway. They opened the door to Kris’ room slowly. A small creak emitted, provoking gasps followed by hushed whispering. One by one, they slipped inside to form a semi circle around Kris’ sleeping form. More excited whispering ensued.

“You guys would make really crappy ninjas.” Kris opened one eye. Staring down at him were the eager faces of his bandmates who all had creepy smiles pasted on their faces.

“We have a surprise for youuu~” cooed Chanyeol. Before Kris could react, Baekhyun and Luhan had pulled him out of bed. They ushered him over to the floor length mirror hung on the bedroom door while the others rummaged in the closet for clothes.

“Should he wear a suit?”
“No too formal, he doesn’t wanna look like he’s trying too hard!”
“How about a plain white v neck then?”
“Too casual!”
“What’s Jade’s favorite color? Oooh or he could wear something to match her eyes!”
“Sehun…her eyes are brown. He can’t wear brown!”

“Got it!”

Lay triumphantly held up a royal blue button down shirt with subtle grey pinstripes. Xiumin had chosen Kris’ signature white jacket with the mandarin collar. They waddled over to Kris, pressed the clothes onto his body, and all high fived each other for their success. Kris didn’t even have time to open his mouth to ask what the heck was going on. In an instant, the other boys were all gone, leaving Kris alone and confused. He decided to indulge them and get dressed. Besides, they had mentioned something about Jade…


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