Chapter 2

I still love you

"Ms. Amber, there is a distant call for you from South Korea"

     My secretary told me. South Korea? Nervousness strikes me. It's been a long time since I received a distant call from that country.

"Ahm, okay. Put me on the line,"

    My hands are shaking as I get the pjone.

"H-hello? Amber's speakng"

"Amber-ah? Is that you?"



"Omma? Why are you crying? What happened?

   Nervousness srikes me again. This timr, its triple. My heart beats so fast and cold sweats runs down on my face.

"Your dad"

"What about Daddy?"

"He's on the hospital right now Amber-ah. You need to come home now. He really wants to see you already"

"W-what? Why? Why he's in there?"

  This time, I stand up already. I don't know what will I do if something happens to my dad.

"I didn't know that your dad has a heart disease. He got an attak last nigt after receiving a phone from his detective"

"Detective? What for?"

"Honey, you're dad has a detective who's always looking for you. Even though you ran away from us, he still have someone who's lookinn for you."

"But Omma, what happened?"

"You're father knew that someone is spying on you and maybe, trying to kill you Amber-ah. Go home now."

"Spying on me? omma,I really can't understand you."

"Amber-ah, I will explain it to you once tou get here. Please come home already. your dad and I are not angry at you anymore."

"Arasso Omma. But i'm not yet sure. I don't think my boss will allow me."

"Okay Honey. Take care"

    I realized that its been 5 years since I got here on States. I know that my parents really misses ne right noe and I too. But the problem is, I'm not yet ready to face the family that I humiliated 5 years ago. But what about my dad? He's in the hospital right now and I don't know what i am going to do if something happens to him. I will hate myself forever.

"That's it!"


Hey guys! haha! miss me? well, i miss you all! it's been a long time since I update my story. well, in fact, i still can't move on about Kris leaving EXO. hay.. How I wish he come back already. I can't watch EXO's videos right now knowing that Kris is not there. aw.. :3 Kris-oppa!! I miss you!! readers, bear with me. T_T okaay. please comment and subscribe.

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IamKrisbershipper #1
guys, I'll update soon :) please wait for it! :))
Chapter 4: oh my goshhh keke, i love that last moment there lol
Chapter 4: Oh mo na!!! OMO OMO OMO!!! i can't believe it! u.u
Chapter 4: Interesting, questions :
1. Who want to kill our amber?
2. What is the reason kris still waitibg for amber ? Does he love her? But , his attitude didnt show it
Chapter 3: You must to be kidding me... I can't believe that you cut it like that!!!! Asdfgasdfgasdfg!! I want more!!!
adelliaar #6
Chapter 3: woohoo~ anber back to korea!! mwo? is it kris voice? :/ im so curious author.. pls update soon!
IamKrisbershipper #7
I'll update soon :))
adelliaar #8
Chapter 2: can you make the chap a little longer ㅠ_ㅠ? i can't waiting for next chap...

author-nim~ pls update soon :3
adelliaar #9
Chapter 1: i hope this ff krisber
krisber_1806 #10
Chapter 1: i mean amber with key...