1 : Bite Marks


Another day at school, not a big deal. One more year and I'm out of here, I sighed slipping on my Doctor Martens. My mother was telling me how black was the colour of the devil and that I was going to be condemned if I didn't start changing my wardrobe. I rolled my eyes towards her, half scowling, " Mom. I'm pretty sure the lord doesn't judge people like that. " I picked my bag up which happened to be black too, making my way to the door before I was stopped with one more reminder.

" DON'T FORGET TO SAY GRACE BEFORE YOU EAT! I LOVE YOU. " I turned around and waved, chuckling at how silly my mom was.

" ME TOO MOM! " I loved her I really did, but she was a little naive for my liking and sometimes very cunning. There was one time my math teacher chased me out of class, I was so mad I told my mom and she offered to file a complaint to the Ministry of Education.

" The ministry will deal with her accordingly, they're afraid of parents! Don't worry, I'll take care of this! " I guess she's pretty cool in that sense but boy she's still in the oldies crew. For some reason I ended up smiling my way to school which was nice because i hadn't felt this way for a long long time. All of a sudden, a black shadow ran past me knocking me over, making me fall and spill my coffee

" WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING ! " He turned around muttering an apology before sprinting towards the school gates. I managed to catch his face, huh never seen him before . I picked up the coffee cup and trashed it, checking myself for injuries and coffee stains but  luckily I was clean. I continued on my way to class, avoiding as many people as I can because they're all irrelevant and disgusting. The whole cheer squad making out with the jocks on the left and the skaters talking to the hipsters on the right. All of them are so dumb it hurts me spiritually and physically.

i made my way to class, we had homeroom for first period so I can a snooze for a little bit before second period math starts. I settled down in my seat, comfortably hidden — all the way at the back.  A fearsome presence entered the room, his aura overwhelmed us making everyone fall silent and cease their actions even I stopped what I was doing because he was really a force to deal with. Maybe that's why everyone calls him " Uhm Force ".

" May I have everyone's attention. We have a new student, I know we don't accept students half way through the year but he is an exception." A unbelievably tall kid walked in THAT'S THE GUY THAT KNOCKED ME OVER!  He had orangey-brown hair that was all messed up and he was dressed casually in a blue collared shirt and black pants, his raybands sliding down his nose. Someone snickered, " NERD ALERT! " roaring up the class. I thought he was quite cute in my opinion but I was still mad at him for knocking me over.

" Silence! Chanyeol, do you want to introduce yourself ? "

" Hello everyone, I'm Park Chanyeol. I'm new here so please take care of me. " He bowed 90 degrees making everyone laugh at him. Another insult was shot his way, " What a goody two shoes, any further he can my shoes. " A guy at sitting in front of him said, sticking his leg out. As expected of Kai, the school's kingka* who also happens to be my boss' son. He's okay when you're alone with him but within school grounds biggest douchelord.

" Okay Chanyeol, you can go sit next to Kim at the back. " He walked towards me, shooting me an apologetic glance before sliding into his seat.

We were 15 minutes into math and Teacher Khu was drowning us in his enormous sea of standard form and how it effective it is. A folded note landed on my table, I opened it reading the contents

Hey, I'm sorry for knocking into you today. I saw you spilling your coffee, it was my fault.

Let me make it up to you. 

I scribbled my reply before Teacher Khu could catch me.

No thanks,

I have no interest in accepting your apology or being made up for.

He turned to me and nudged my arm,

" Please! I owe you! Just a coffee. "

" No, stop poking me! "

" I'll keep poking you until you say yes! " He smiled this awful wide smile, and I could almost all of his teeth. His face lit up like a million lights and I admit my heart lit up a little as well. Gosh, he is such a choding* !

" You wanna off nerd ?! " My voice a little too loud, Teacher Khu turned around to catch Chanyeol and I and yes he had heard me ask Chanyeol to off. .

" Talking in my class and spouting vulgarities.  Let me think of a fitting punishment. "

" Teacher Uhm, it's not Kim's fault! " His voice a deep bass sounding as sorry as possible but he was given a mental slap in the face when Teacher Uhm asked him to shut up and sit down before he decided to mete out a harsher punishment.

" I know what you two will do, Library. "

" What the - Teach nobody even goes to the library and it smells dead inside. " I complained, my face twisting in disgust and fear. I had been in there once in my first year, just to check the place out and it was as if I had stepped into a whole another world. It was dark, clammy, and cold. At least half the lightsbulbs fused, and a few of them were a blinking mess. I swear something lived in there and it was like a scene from a horror movie. I got out of there as fast as I could, swearing to myself that I would never go back in and look at me now. I'm going in and with him to make matters worse. 

" Please Teacher Khu, just let me do it. It's not her fault. " Chanyeol pleaded, his eyes glimmering. Oh my god, is he going to cry ? I face-palmed myself, Just great I'm stuck with an idiot! 

" Trying to play hero, Mr Park ? Very well,  you two will do up the library making it as good as new. You have the whole year. " I slammed my head on my table, unsure of whether to cry or laugh because this kid was so stupid. " Sit down Mr Park. "


Classes passed like wind and before I knew it Chanyeol and I were standing before the deserted library, cleaning supplies in hand. I pushed the door open and was immediately overwhelmed with dust, cobwebs and the smell of decay.

" Something died in here. I'm sure of it. " I whined, turning on my flashlight to look for the power switch. Chanyeol walked ahead to stand in the middle of it all, taking in the sights as broken lights slowly flickered to life. 

" Wow, this place is fascinating! " His mouth was agape and he had this look of absolute wonder.

" Kim check it out, these books look ancient! " He ran towards a shelf, taking out a book that was covered with like 1000 layers of dust. He blew on it, the dust flying all over the place to reveal a deep crimson cover with gold engravings. It was beautiful, even my jaw had dropped. These people were missing out, but there was no time to think about that we only had a few hours before the school closed for the night.

" Yeah whatever, let's just clean all this up. " I sighed shaking myself out of my thoughts, picking up the cloth and soaking it in water. I started on the study tables while Chanyeol did the librarian's desk. We worked in uniform silence for awhile, it was nice. Surprisingly, it was the most comfortable I had ever been and we weren't even talking but that silence was soon broken when Chanyeol asked me a question that made me stop what I was doing.

" You know you'd be a whole lot prettier if you could be nicer, why are you always so mean and negative? " He looked at me as if he was trying to dig my whole life out of my eyes. My mouth opened as if to say something but closed again.

" I... I .. Um... " I looked down at the table I was cleaning, feeling cheek get hot all of a sudden. Tears welled up in my eyes and my nose got sour, I remebered.

" I'm so sorry, it was rude of me to ask like that. I - I didn't think it would be - " I raised my hand to his lips to stop him from talking.

" I used to have a best friend, I loved him alot not in a boyfriend way but like a best friend way and we stuck out for each other no matter what. I called him Jin, he was a great guy, he would always listen to me whenever no one would and somehow he always found the right thing to say. He was funny at times and a little gross but I didn't mind because he was kinda like my other half. One day I was feeling really ty and he told me that no matter what happened, I was still his best friend and he was mine and nothing could ever change that. All of a sudden, he got together with this girl called Nana and I was genuinely happy for him. What I  didn't realise then was that he had forgotten about me already and I was nothing but a shadow from his past ; when I did realise I was in denial and I was hurting. It was so painful inside that I had to find a way to release that pain and I- "

For some reason I couldn't say it, I felt like vomitting just thinking about it. I cried, I cried and cried and they wouldn't stop. It was the first time in a long time I had cried in front of a boy, the first one was Dill. Chanyeol closed the space between us, hugging me tightly. His heartbeat was so slow and he was so warm. I couldn't help but hug him back and it was like he and I molded to fit each other's spaces. My body melted as he tightened  the hug, my legs wobbled as if it was jelly. I was weak in his arms.

" I don't know what happened after that, but all that matters is you got through it and you're here now. The past is now long gone, that guy who forgot you is long gone and you've long forgotten about him too. He is just another memory hidden somewhere in that pretty pretty mind of yours and don't bother to look for it because I'm here now. Just focus on me only. " He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.

He pulled away from the hug looking straight into my eyes again, his eyes are so sure. 

" Just.. only look at me from now on okay ? "

I laughed.

" Why should I ? " 

" Because ever since this morning, the only person I'll ever look at is you. " His teeth showed, sparkling in the dim lighting. It was freezing in here because the air conditioning was broken but in his arms it was the warmest I've ever felt. This dork of a boy, with a crazy wide smile and eyes. Now that I look at him closely, his ears were huge too! They looked like elf ears, my hands found its way, gingerly touching it's tip. I laughed again, feeling the tears dry up on my cheeks.

He defensively covered his ears,  mouth turning into a cute pout.

" What's so funny about my ears. ? " Half-angry, half-upset. I laughed even harder, pulling his hands down to pinch his earlobe.

" They're just so big! "

" Well your ears too small ! " He tried to burn me but I wasn't really sensitive about it. I tucked my hair behind my ears and stuck out my tongue.

" Doesn't matter to me ! " We both laughed, it was the happiest moment I ever had. I had forgotten about Dill and Natalie, I was only looking at him just like he said.

The laughter died down and silence filled us again, awkwardness was slowly creeping between us and I hurriedly escaped from his grasp.

" Thank you. " I said, looking the other way.

" For what? "

" For everything. "

" Don't mention it. I really like it when you smile, you have a cute laugh. You're a whole different person when you're not mean. "

" Shut up. " I threw my wet cloth at him, letting out a small giggle.

" I mean it! I really want to see you like this more. " He took my hand, our fingers intertwining. Time had stopped for both of us and we had created another world for ourselves.

" Really ? "

" Really. "

I was infected by this happy virus, his bite marks were prominent on my soul and it won't be long before it spreads throughout my whole body. He had lifted a heavy weight off me and I felt like I could fly away with him.  What is this man?  I hated to admit it if he asked but I really wanted to spend more time with him. I wanted to know more about him and I just wanted him.


 I was unmistakably and undeniably in love with him.



kingka = someone who is very good looking, the king of good looking people

choding = elementary school kid

image cr : here

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