


(Somewhere in South Korea)


" I swear everything is going wrong today! Argh! " 

A petite girl said while stomping her feet , in the rain, in tears.


" And I forgot to bring my mini umbrella and raincoat, got an F for the easiest subject, English, just because Mr. Smiths hates me. Everything is just, great." 

She stood in the rain for quite awhile.


" Why must everything bad happen to me?" Soojung said in between her sobs.


Soojung ran to the nearest bus stop. Lucky for her, she found one. 

The rain started to pour even heavily.

She sat on the bench and put her head down. 

Few strands of hair stuck onto her face.

Clothes, shoes and socks all soggy and wet.

Maskara smudged and few even created lines on her face.

In other words, she looks awful.

Shes shivering terribly, hands clutched over her chest. Trying to find a bit of warmth.



After about an hour or so, the rain stopped. 

Soojung walked back home while hands still clutched and her head down.

Anybody who sees her would know that she had a rough day.


She continue walking till she reach home.



Soojung lives by herself in a small flat not that near to her school. About 20 minutes walk.

Her house is not that big, but its perfect to her.

Her parents boughtit for her because theyre always out of town, plus the house they bought forher is nearer to her school than their house.



Soojung had washed herself and changed into a fuzzy warm pajamas. 

She stared into space as she blowdry her hair.

She sighs every 5 seconds.


Soojung then head to the kitchen and made herself a cup of honey tea and then head to the living room to watch tv.

She plopped herself onto the couch. 

She feels better and start to just forget about everyting that happened to her earlier today.

Her semester break starts after she got her results. 

She heaved a sigh.

" At least I'm out of school for 2 months "


The shows on the tv starts to bore Soojung .

She can hear the sound of raindrops on the window pane.

" Reading a book would be perfect right now "


" Read that one, read this one, uhm, ah! oh wait, read this 4 times. "

Soojung was looking for a book to read, but it seems that she read all of her collection of books.


" I should really shop for new books. " She sat in front of the bookshelf, still searching for a book.

" Urgh , I've read all of these books."


Suddenly, Soojung spotted a brownish cover book.

" I've never seen this one before, I guess its been a long time since I read this one."


She pulls out the book and found out that its not even a book. Its a diary. An old one that is.


" My old diary. I guess it would be fun to read my own younger self's writings . "

She stood up from her position infront of the bookshelf and sat on a chair near the window.

She open the diary and found some funny polaroids of her friends and herself at camping trips and some photo booth stickers.

She found her old self very happy and positive. " Where did that peppy girl gone to?" She thought to herself.


Flipping through the pages. How could just a few years, change a person into something else? she thought.


She flipped to the next page and froze. A picture of her boyfriend and herself at a park. Smiling. 

How could I call him my boyfriend. He still is my boyfriend, no?

Does he still remember me? He probably has a new girlfriend. 


(Soojung's POV)

Kim Suho. My first love. 

Our love started like any normal cliche love stories.

He bothered me all day and night. Suho was my neighbour.

And gosh, was I annoyed with that brat. 

But like any normal dramas or movies, 

I started liking him. A lot

The thing is that, I didnt know that he actually liked me too.

So one day, while I was listening to music,

He sneaked into my backyard

and stole my first kiss. That brat.

I was suprised at first but then I tried to look at him with my intimidating gaze. He was not intimidated at all.

and I chased him all around my backyard and his. but then, he stopped me.

i tried to punch him but he dodged the punch. he then grabbed my hands, clasped his hands on my mouth, and confessed, under a tree in his backyard.

see, it was a cliche love story.


But it was my love story.

And just like any other dramas, the couple must have a seperation.

That happened to us.

And I didnt like it one bit.

His father had to move to Canada bacause of work. 

When he told me about the news, I cried.

I tried to hold my tears, but I cant.

He said its going to be okay, but even a blind mice can see that it would never be okay.

When I ask him when he will be back, he didnt answer. At that time, I know that chances of seeing him after he move is very thin.

Thinner than a piece of paper. 

(End of POV)


She glaced at her clock and see that its almost 4.30 am

She closed the diary and wipe off her tears.

I guess its all in the past.

Just a bittersweet past. 

I will remember you as the Kim Suho that i know and love once upon a time.

In my mind, you shall never change, never grow, just perfect.

Just like Peterpan i supposed.


Goodnight Peterpan, i'll still wait for you. 












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kangsoohee #1
Chapter 1: god this is so sad :(
Chapter 1: oh my gosh. this was .......!! :PPPPP jokes. it made me cry though. MAKE A SEQUEL!! i want the two to like meet up and omg, that would be brilliant. i don't know, or like make it all angsty omg please do this!! askdbfksajdbalhkgbekjfn *spazzes* *fangirl overload*
-- DEAD --
Chapter 1: Oh that is so sad, I loved the story