Part 1

Love Hurts

"Oh my god Baekhyun. Baek-- it's Jongin. Oh God. Baek~" Kyungsoo squeled like a teenage girl as soon as Jongin entered the room. Exactly 6 
minutes late from  their first period. It's not that Kyungsoo Counts. Yes. He counts. Why wouldn't he ? He likes Jongin so much that he knows 
almost everything about him. From the way he walks, The way he talks, The way he writes, When he stumbles from a not-so-hard teacher's 
question (It's Math! Don't think he's dumb everyone hates Math), When he smiles whenever he gets praised, When his tan skin turns red 
because of embarrassment and most especially, When he dance. God. Everyone knows how good this piece of creation when he dance. They also 
calls him "Dancing Machine Kai" which Kyungsoo have no idea where they got it from. 

Kyungsoo's been with Jongin for almost 3 years since high school started. And for what he remembered, He's been liking. No. Loving this boy 
since then. He's the one who's secretly puts a lovely card,  pretty piece of rose (Jongin likes roses kyungsoo added) and lots of chocolates whenever White's day happens. He even prepares Jongin a breakfast and put it in his locker whenever he gets late. He gave Jongin  handkerchief when he saw him crying in the baseball field bench. He don't know what happened. Infact, Jongin never tells him any single detail of his life. It just happen that eventhough Kyungsoo doesn't know anything, Jongin still make Kyungsoo's heart ached. Kyungsoo just knew things about Jongin from his bestfriend, ChanYeol who happens to be the boyfriend of his bestfriend, Baekhyun. 

He admits he's still a total stranger for Jongin. But because he has a lot of confidence in his petite body, he knows that one day, maybe one day when the planets move in a one  perfect line, Jongin will like him too. Maybe not as strong as how Kyungsoo feels but one day.. Everything will be great.

"God. Shut up Kyungsoo. Of course it's Jongin. He's in our class. How many times do I need to tell yo--" Baekhyun hissed when Kyungsoo started his daily routine. Again. Fangirling. Fanboying to be exact. Over Jongin. 

". Baek Oh my god. Baek he's coming here. Oh God. He's coming. Baek I can't breath. Help" Kyungsoo said while puting his hands up to his chest. Acting like he's having a problem in his breathing.

"Kyungsoo stop being pathetic! He sits beside you so it's normal for him to come here. I still don't know why you're acting like . I'm so tired of your--"

"Mr. Byun can you please shut up or do you want detention?" Their old math teacher interjected the disgruntled BaekHyun. He promptly shut up and gave his bestfriend an I'm-gonna-kill-you look. 


Meanwhile, here comes Kyungsoo. Stuttering while the love of his life is walking to his seat. His heart practically stoppped and then before he knew it, he almost drooled at the sight of this KIM JONGIN. 


"Mom, Help me please. Jongin is killing me" He said while looking at Jongin. 

"Mr. Do? Are you bored? You can get out of this room and go to the detention if you like" Once again, their teacher interupted and he heard Baekhyun laugh and he just glared at him. 


God created a very beautiful place where this little boy named Kyungsoo met this tanned-skin handsome boy named Jongin. How lucky he was that even it is really boring (That he would agree if you ask him to ditch class and play pokemon or  whatever you want just to go away from their old proffesor) in their math class, Fate manage to let him be seated beside his crush. I'M ING SITTING BESIDE MY CRUSH. Just by letting the info brush again to his mind make Kyungsoo a screeching rat. He looked up to BaekHyun who seemed busy writing whatever their proffesor is teaching. He sighed unoticable as he began to busy himself writing. 

"Calm down Kyungsoo. Calm down. It's just Jongin. You've been sitting with him since the first day why are you acting like this?!" Kyungsoo mentally cursed. He can feel his blood rushed through his face and trembled his whole body. Yes he's been sitting with him ever since but hell it's Jongin. It's Kim mothering JongIn how can he calm down?! 

He scribbled a lot of things at the back of his notebook. Deciding not to listen to their teacher anymore. He drew hearts, Jongin's name, His name, Their names together, another heart, heart, and Another heart. He is smilling like an idiot and if everyone will look at him, they would think he's making the poor boy in his mind. He is obviously occupied by that time when something fell on the floor. Kyungsoo is unaware and grabbed the ballpen then looked up. He gave the ballpen to the owner when a sudden feeling of hysteria hits him and realized that the owner of the said ballpen was Jongin. Jongin gladly took the ballpen and whispered a little "Thank you" to kyungsoo then gave a soft smile. Kyungsoo is stunned at the moment. He looked at his hand where Jongin's hand suddenly brushed off then looked back to Jongin. His eyes grew wider as ever and breathed out a large sigh. He wanted to scream and tell the world what happened but he remain silent and looked at BaekHyun.


This time noticing him and shrugged him off. Maybe he's annoyed. YES. HE IS ANNOYED. Really.


"Kyungsoo I'm telling you. If you're going to tell me how did "your" Jongin smiled at you or how did he said thank you or anything to you, I'm going to kill you." Baekhyun said aggravated that time when they were eating lunch at the cafeteria. He was eating with his boyfriend, Chanyeol and of course his bestfriend, Kyungsoo. 

"Baek I'm sorry but you don't know what happened exactly. I need to tell you that he accidentaly grazed his hands on mine and he smiled. He in' smiled at me! Baekkie You don't know how happy I was. GOD" Kyungsoo said trying not to look so exagerrated. 

"Okay." Baekhyun just said eating whatever he has on his tray.

"Baek. Don't do that to me!" Kyungsoo pouted.

"If I were you, I will stop. You're hopeless Soo. So hopeless." Baekhyun said pointing Kyungsoo using his fork. 

"You're just saying that because you already got your Chanyeol." Kyungsoo said. This time pointing his fork to the oblivious Chanyeol. 

"What did I do!?" Chanyeol said looking at the both of them.


"Right." Baekhyun said and sighed. Defeated once again. 



The other day was just a normal day for everyone. But not for Kyungsoo. It's just a very normal tuesday. Meaning you still have a lot of time to count before you reach weekend. It's quite annoying but Kyungsoo enjoys every single weekdays. Weekdays means classes. Classes means he can see Jongin. He can see Jongin means he can sit beside Jongin.But what he did not expect is not to catch just even a single glimpse of Jongin in their first period. He just shrugged it off when he realized Jongin's been late for almost nineteen minutes almost turning twenty. He's always late and if not, that means Jongin is in good mood or what-not.  He still counts but when their math professor dismissed the class, He started worrying. He was worrying because something might just happened to Jongin. He is worried that maybe Jongin will absent. If he absents, Kyungsoo will be alone in his seat. And he doesn't like that. Not even a little. 

He got a piece of coupon bond and wrote everything that just happened in their math class. He already has a copy on his own. He did that for Jongin.  He wrote every single detail. Important or not, He just scribbled it in the paper. He didn't have the most beautiful penmanship but he tried his best to write as neat as ever. When he finished the note he's been writing, He looked down to his watch. One hour and fifteen minutes. Their next prof is not coming because of some urgent meeting which made Kyungsoo a bit glad. But damn. Jongin's been late for an Hour and a half. That's not a good thing. Not at all. He just sighed and pouted while looking at Baekhyun.


"Baek, I think he's going to absent. What should I do?" He said still pouting. 

"Really?! That's good! You're not going to bother me." Bekhyun sarcastically said. 

"Hyung~ Not again" Kyungsoo whined. 

"Don't call me Hyung you're making me too old."  Baekhyun said.

"But you're old enough hyung. Hyunggie~ " Kyungsoo said with a 3 year old tune and an annoying face. 

"Oh stop it Soo. You're so gay!" Baekhyun hissed. 

"But you are too" Kyungsoo said while pinching Baekhyun's cheeks. Baekhyun patted his hand away and wrestled Kyungsoo. They're having fun while what Kyungsoo's been expecting for so long came. 

Kyungsoo is laughing so hard when he felt something on his side seat. There's a human. And the human is Jongin. Abort abort Jongin is here! Kyungsoo stunned once again and looked at Jongin. Probably wanting to ask the tanned boy "Why are you so late!?" And scold him "You made me so worried! " but his mind went all blank. Just seeing this boy made his brain stop. 

"Good morning to you Kai." That's the first thing he said. His face went crimson red. 

"Oh,  Hello there Soo. Good morning." Jongin replied. Kyungsoo swears. He's going to burst any moment. 

". . . No Jongin you're not doing this to me. No. " Kyungsoo mentally cursed while seeing Jongin looked up to him after placing his school things to his seat. He's blushing so red and he don't know what to do anymore. 

"Soo? Are you okay?" Jongin asked while snapping his fingers to Kyungsoo's face. 

. He called me Soo. . . "Ummh.. Yes I am. Ummh.. I-I wrote you notes. For math. You really need this so can catch up to the previous lesson." He said completly stuttered while giving Jongin the notes. 

"Oh. Thanks! It's just once but thanks again. There's a lot of routines we are practicing from my morning dance class and I decided to stay until first period to finished it all. Well, this will help a lot. Thanks Soo." Jongin said while grabbing the notes. He smiled sweetly at him which Kyungsoo appreciated a lot. 

"T-that's nothing. Welcome" Kyungsoo said still trembling. 

That's the longest conversation he ever had with Jongin. Anytime soon, he'll be going to tell this to Baekhyun. Either he like it or not, he'll go tell this to him. To Baekhyun.



Kyungsoo is preparing for his and Baekhyun's music class. Baekhyun likes the music class among any other class not just because music is his passion but because Kyungsoo is all behave in their music class. He never mention anything that is not connected to the class. Even Jongin. He listens carefully to all of what their maestro is saying. Music class means Well-Tamed Kyungsoo. And Baekhyun likes it a lot. But what both of them did not expect is there was a tall tanned-skin boy that is waiting for them in front of the music room. 

"What the hell is that ing Jongin doing here?!" Baekhyun said. Of course, annoyed. 

"Hyunggg~ Don't be like that! Jonginnie is waiting for me~" Kyungsoo said walking towards Jongin. Blushing. 

"I said stop calling me Hyung! And your annoying tone! Stop that! Why are you so gay?!" Baekhyun blurted out to his bestfriend. 

"Shut up Baek-hyung. I told you he likes me too. See? He's waiting for me. Oh no~" Kyungsoo replied not even annoyed from the insults his bestfriend is telling to him. 

"Hi Baek, Hi Soo." Jongin simply greeted. This made Kyungsoo's eyes wide and made his face turned nothing but red. 

"H-hi Kai. Ummh.. W-what are you doing here ?" Kyungsoo asks Jongin. "I just finished my dance class and I remembered you have music class 

after it so I decided to went here. I just wanted to give you something" Jongin stated to a dumbfounded Kyungsoo.

"W-what is it?" Kyungsoo simply asked. 

"This is simple but I hope you'll like it. Just a small thank you because you wrote me notes yesterday. Thanks again" Jongin said giving Kyungsoo a small Pororo keychain. This made Kyungsoo blushed so hard as ever. He remembered when his 'secret admirer' gave him a lot of Pororo stuffs and put it in his locker. From stuffed toy to keychain. He even recieve a handkerchief from him. And even a PororoxKrong cupcakes which Kyungsoo admires the most. But as soon as this school year starts, his 'secret admirer' stops giving him stuffs. It made him sad because he didn't even got the opportunity to know who is his 'secret admirer'. But he don't care anymore. He already got Jongin. hmm?  


"You did that?!" Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo.

"Yeah. Umhh. Thanks for this Kai. I'm willing to help though" Kyungsoo said. Wanting to die because of too much feelings. 

"Thanks Soo. I need to go now. Good luck for your practical test." Jongin said then waved. 

"Umhh. Thanks." Kyungsoo said then waved back. 

"Where's your guts Kyung? You never looked so trembled like that when you're infront of me." Baekhyun teased then laughed. 

"I-i.. God. Help me" Kyungsoo said looking like a red tomato. 

"Good catch Kyung. Hope you do well next time goodluck!" Baekhyun told Kyungsoo. Probably giving him support for his feelings for Jongin. 

This is the first time Baekhyun did that. Everyday whenever he told Baekhyun about his encounters with Jongin, It's either he'll shrugged him 

off or he will reply a short sentence with a sarcastic tone. kyungsoo just looked at his bestfriend. 


"Stop calling me Hyung" Baekhyun said then laughed. 

Kyungsoo is so dumb founded but Baekhyun reminds himself that no one knows about their Music class schedule. Not even Chanyeol. There's a total of five music class and It's suprising how Jongin knew their room or how did he even knew about their practical test today. How that happened? He just left it unanswered and patted his dongsaeng's back. 


"Let's go now Kyung. I'm sure you don't want to waste Jongin's goodluck for you right?" 



When both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun walks home after their music class, Kyungsoo noticed a Krong keychain that's hanging through someone else' bags. They are two tall mens probably same school as them. He also noticed the bag and realized it was Jongin's. He looked up to see a laughing Jongin with a slightly taller than him man. Hair dyed with kinda blonde color and holding Jongin's hand while laughing. 

"Jongin. Jongin. Stop." The guy said while laughing. 

"No! I will not stop until you call me hyung." Jongin threated. Aiming to tickle the boy again. 

"Hyung your !" The boy said and put his tongues out.

Jongin suddenly stop and looked to his phone. 
"Sehun-ah, Mom said you should eat at our house this dinner." 

"Oh sure! I haven't seen mom for awhile now" The boy named Sehun said. 

The two tall mens continued walking and Kyungsoo was once again, dazed. Not because he felt so inlove when he saw Jongin but because he's jealous. He was jealous because Jongin and this "Sehun" are walking together and having skinship. He's jealous because he called Kai, Jongin. He is so jealous because he called Jongin's mother, mom. 


Baekhyun noticed his bestfriends action. 


"See what I told you? YOU'RE HOPELESS" Baekhyun said. Straight to the point. 

"I thought it was fine for you?" Kyungsoo said puzzled.

"What? To see you flirting him? It was so annoying Soo. I was never approved by that." Baekhyun said. Kyungsoo is kinda hurt from everything 

his bestfriend was saying. Earlier when they were in front of the room, he gave Kyungsoo a supporting pat. And now he seemed so annoyed. Kyungsoo is frustrated but he just brushed it off. He told himself he should be used by it. 


Chanyeol said that Jongin, Him and Sehun are childhood best friends. They called each other parents as their own. The reason why the both of them are hanging out so much because they have the same dance class. That's the reason why they saw them walking home together. As the information brushed against his mind, Kyungsoo grin like a mad man. Baekhyun is annoyed once again and tried to ignore Kyungsoo's smile. Kyungsoo stood up and walked away in the cafeteria to grab his foods when he heard Chanyeol's voice from a far. Undoubtly talking to his boyfriend.


"Baek, I don't want to tell your bestfriend about this but the both of them have a past. They use to be the sweetest couple way back middle 

school until first year highschool but--" He heard almost everything but the other words left unheard. His heart scattered in pieces and stayed standing for a while before going back to their table. The BaekYeol couple stopped talking and acted like they're talking non-sense earlier. Kyungsoo stayed silent for a minute. But then he spoked when he saw Sehun and Jongin approaching their table.

"Hyung. I lost my apetite. Can I go to the bathroom? Don't wait for me. I'll go straight to the music class. See you." Kyungsoo said as soon as Jongin and Sehun reached their table. 


He heard Baekhyun greeted them. Kyungsoo knows that Baekhyun hated Jongin but he still need to respect his boyfriend's bestfriend just like how Chanyeol respects Kyungsoo. 


He went to the library and decided to skip music class. That's the first time he did that because he loves music so much but he keeps reminding himself that their's nothing important to do in their class today and he really needs a time for himself. Kyungsoo is a quiet type of boy. He never picks a fight since then and if you pick him up, he lets you bully him. He loves Baekhyun so much because he has a funny personality. Whenever Kyungsoo is sad or angry, He holds his grudge and let it fly away. Library is the most quiet place in school and he loves that place ever since. But when Baekhyun came, he learned to let himself free. To let himself expressive. He loves his bestfriend so much that even sometimes he hurt his feelings, he still accepts everything whole-heartedly.There is nothing much to do in the library. Kyungsoo just sit there and look for the amazing series of books that is neatly arrange at the side of the room. Big books, Small ones, Thick or thin. It is so amazing to think that those things has a lot of knowledge inside. He was still amazed until a small noise was made and Kyungsoo looked at the doorway to see Jongin walking towards him. Kyungsoo is too hurt to act inlove when Jongin came. He stood up poker-faced to greet Jongin but Jongin speaks first.


"Kyungsoo? What are you doing here? I thought you were at the music class?" Jongin asked.

"I ditched class why? You? What are you doing here?" He said still poker-faced. He never expect himself to act like this infront of Jongin. But it was happening and Jongin seemed oblivious. 

"You what? I thought ditching class is not your syle. And it's music class why did you skip?"

"My style what? Anyway, I don't feel any good right now. I decided to clear up my mind. You?" 

"I ditched dance class too. Someones been ignoring me. I felt so tired and I decided to read some books here." He simply replied.

"It's Sehun right ?" Kyungsoo whispered still audible.

"Yeah? You know him?"


"Oh I see"


They went silent for almost 5 minutes. It is so awkward and Kyungsoo's feelings for this boy suddenly builds up. Before something happens, Kyungsoo broke the ice. 


"What genre do you dote on? You said you wanted to read, right? I might suggest something." Kyungsoo said trying to act less awkward.

"." Jongin said then smirked.

"What?!" Kyungsoo questions in panic.

"I said angst. You know one?" asked by Jongin. Kyungsoo smiled and stood up. He took the thin book and gave it to Jongin. The title said 

"Anterograde Tomorrow".

"It's just a short story but it made me teared up so bad. I hope you'll like it" Kyungsoo said and smiled.



Kyungsoo is reading a very big encyclopedia with pictures when he suddenly heard some sniffles. He looked up to his book and saw Jongin crying. He freaked out and gave Jongin his handkerchief.


"hush.. hush, Stop crying Kai. It's not going to happen anytime soon." Kyungsoo said. Comforting a sobbing Jongin. 

"I'm not crying! It's just so sad. ummhh.. Okay this is unmanly." Jongin said wiping his tears away. 

Kyungsoo is looking at Jongin. Admiring his looks once again. Oh no. I should be mad. No. I love him. No. 


"Hey, Do you have a cellphone ? Can I borrow it for a while ? It's getting late and--"

"Here." Kyungsoo said while handling his phone to Jongin. 

"Umh.. Thanks" Jongin typed something to Kyungsoo's phone and gave it back to him. He patted kyungsoo's back and waved mentally saying 

goodbye and walked away fast. 

Kyungsoo looked at his phone. 

#: +82**********

Text me ?



Kyungsoo's voice is hoarse because of screaming and he cannot sleep that night. Probably the best day ever.


An inlove Kyungsoo is a whiny Kyungsoo. A whiny Kyungsoo is an Annoyed Baekhyun.

"I can't hear anything! la la la~" Baekhyun said while blocking his ears. Pretending that he can't hear Kyungsoo. 

"Hyung~ I know you can hear me! Oh God. We texted the whole night and bid goodbyes before we sleep. Baek! We almost sleep together!" Kyungsoo said a little miff.

"No Kyungsoo! That's far from sleeping together! Stop." Baekhyun said still blocking his ears.

"See? You can hear me Hyung. My God hyung" Kyungsoo said and smiled.

"So the whole time you left me alone in the music class you were with Jongin at the library?! What the Kyung." Baekhyun hissed. Totally annoyed.

"Let me explain! I was actually sad and then he came. We didn't mean to do it" Kyungsoo defended himself.

"What did you do? Soo. Don't tell me.." Baekhyun slightly panicked.

"How I wish hyung but unfortunately we didn't." Kyungsoo just said.

"Eww Soo. No." Baekhyun said while acting like he gagged.


The following days are normal. Jongin being late from Math class. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun in the music class. Jongin and Sehun in the dance class,  Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol at the cafeteria during lunch (Jongin and Sehun soon joined them), Kyungsoo being inlove and Baekhyun is annoyed at Kyungsoo.


After the "Library incident" with Jongin, Kyungsoo thought that he can have a lot more skinship with Jongin. They knew each other for a while now and their friendship is not improving as the years passed by. Kyungsoo expects a lot from their friendship but his hopes are going down because Jongin is always with Sehun. They seemed to like each other's presence and Kyungsoo cannot do anything but to look at them while trying to look okay. 

"Hyung~" Kyungsoo calls Baekhyun sounding despondent.

"What again?" Sounding a little vexed. 

"He's with Sehun again" Kyungsoo said and pouted.

"And?" Baekhyun said unconcerned. 

"Hyung!" Kyungsoo whimpered. 

"Okay, Okay. What do you wanna do?" trying to sound a little fascinated. 


Baekhyun wished that he should not have asked Kyungsoo.




Next part right away~

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Chapter 2: Omg suuuuper adorbs!!!
yehet_pcy #3
Chapter 2: i cant believe how confusing this is omg sehun go disappear so kaisoo can be happy. HAHAHAHAHHA KIDDING but srsly in the end kai thought soo did all those things because he liked sehun and soo did all those things because he thought kai and sehun were a thing. omg i wanted to be mad at kai but soo gave in so easily anyway. i guess thats what love can do to a person lol. bonus on baekhyun being such a about soo's feelings for kai. im sure bakhyun just cared a lot about soo. hahahah
Chapter 2: Serious... I'm screaming and my sis said I'm a weirdo. -_-" I love this very much! <3
Chapter 2: Gaaaaaaarrgghhh OH MY GOD I'M DIE!! So many feels I can't handle it uuugggh
Chapter 2: OMG I'm fangirling so much right now *w* this is one of my favourite fanfic ever !

That's just so cuuuuute *w*
Chapter 2: The cutest fic ever! XD
Yah! KAISOO and CHANBAEK is the best couple! Jong In, you must make Kyungie happy, okay! XD

SoSquishy, thanks for this cute fanfic! Love it and love you! XD
Chapter 2: So cute!!! My feels for this fic are exploding because of the cuteness of the story. SO MUCH FLUFF! <3
Chapter 2: Author-nim,you should totally make a sequel
Chapter 2: CUTEEE❤️❤️