

Title                : Sonnenblume

Casts              : Ok Taecyeon, Park Hyeri (OC), 2PM’s member

Genre             : Romance, Fluff, Brothership

Length            : Oneshoot

Author           : Emyuki

Disclaimer      : The casts belong to God and themselves. Any resemblance to actually persons, places and events are entirely coincidental and unintentional, but the plot is absolutely mine.

A.N                 : Special thanks to Geonho oppa, Jaewon oppa, Taeri oppa, Nindy-chan and Dika for helping me.

Warning         :Ini FF paling absurb yang pernah saya bikin, harap dimaklumi xD FF ini pernah diikutsertakan GA Ultah Taecyeon tahun lalu.



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