In Case

In Case

A tall blonde guy walks at the street. Many people pass him, but he doesn't bothered by them. Suddenly, a little girl bumps him on his foot.

"I-I'm sorry," the little girl aplogizes to him. The guy smiles,

"It's okay. Not your fault, see.." the guy points at his eyes, "I wear glasses, so it must be me that didn't see you," he smiles again.

"What's your name, little girl?" he asks the girl.

"Mina," she simply answers.

"Mina... Hmmm, beautiful name. I'm Kris, but you can call me Yifan or Wufan. It's the same thing," he says. The little girl smiles to him.

"I like Wufan..." she claps happily.

"And I like Mina," Wufan smiles wide.

"I must go, my mom is there..." the little girl, Mina, points at Wufan's back. He sees a woman smiles toward him and the girl.

"Alright then. Take care, Mina. And watch out for people," he says.

The girl giggles, "Of course. Bye bye, uncle Wufan!"

The little girl then walks away after she said goodbye to the guy. Then, the tall guy walks again. Honestly, he doesn't know where to walk. He thinks about going to park, but he already went there even twice before he finally walks in this street. Finally, he decides to go back to his apartment.

He reaches the apartment when the sky turns a bit darker.

"Seems like it's gonna be rain tonight," he mumbles to himself. He walks 'till the door, and knocks.

"I'm home, open the door please.." he says. He waits for quite seconds, but no one opens the door for him. He raises his hand to knock again, but then he realizes something.

"Why am I so dumb..." he laughs. He reaches his shirt pocket and takes the key from it. He walks in, and almost instantly, the rains begin to pouring up.

"Guess it's my luck today," he smiles. Well, yesterday when he walked outside, the weather seemed not really good. He went back to his apartment wet, waters everywhere on his shirt.

He walks directly to the kitchen. He thinks he sees someone in the kitchen so he walks toward the 'person'. But then he realizes, no one inside his house.

Only him.

"I'm imagining things again, hmmm...." he rubs his forehead and then traces his long fingers on his hair. He begins to make a hot chocolate.

"Usually you would be the one who make me this..." he smiles. He closes his eyes for awhile, letting the hot chocolate's aroma filled his nostrils.

"Finish.." he says. He pours the chocolate from the kettle into a cup. He sips a bit of the hot chocolate and moans.

"Well, at least I'm good enough to make my own hot chocolate," he laughs a bit. He walks to the living room, bringing his beverage with him. He sits on a couch and sipping the hot liquid. He moans again.

"But still, no one can make hot chocolate as good as you..." he mumbles. He puts the cup on a table beside him, and then he relaxes himself on the couch. He almost falls into a deep sleep, when suddenly he sees a frame with a photo inside it on the table. He tilts his head to the right, rubbing his eyes so he can see the photo clearly.

Smiling, he takes the photo.

"You don't know how much I miss you..." he smiles again, but this time, the smile isn't as bright as his previous smiles. This time it fills like something weird and strange...

"Do you miss me there? I miss you so much than you could ever think," he says to the photo.

"You said you'll send me mails so I can still know your condition..." he says, "but why I never accepted anything from you?"

"No mails, not even a single one of it..." he feels another weird feeling now inside his cheeks.

"Where are you now? How's your condition? Are you fine?" Wufan starts to feel something warm in his eyes. He bits his lower lip.

"You know... I always think about you. Wherever I go, your vision never leaves me. You know it hurts me so much, right?" he curls his other free hand as he tightens his grip on the photo.

"I-I'm missing you... Can you please come back here? Come back here, with me together...."

Tears start to flow from his eyes.

"I don't know how to live my life anymore. W-Without you, my days feel empty...."

Wufan rubs his eyes. He never liked when he cries like this. The person in the photo also doesn't like him when he cries.

"I still keep your things in here... Even your jacket. I took it from the trash where you left it in. B-Because, I couldn't stand to see it go away..."

He can't help himself again this time. He lets his tears flowing from his eyes.

"I missed you... I missed everything of you. Your face, your eyes, your nose, your lips, your hug, your warmth, even your silliness..." he laughs a bit at the last word.

"Now it's raining outside. Do you watch it? Do you watch the rain now like we were used to watch it together in the past?"

"Do you still remember me? Because... I still remember you,"

His chocolate already cold. But the coldness of the liquid is defeated by Wufan's heart. He feels cold all over his body right now.

"I know I've been so silly when I told you, I want to break our relationship..." he pauses and takes a deep breathe. His eyes become so red, and the tears seems cannot stop flowing from it.

"But now I realized, I was wrong. I fell in love with you..." he says.

"And my love is still for you. Even until this time..." he hugs the framed-photo tightly.

"I know I can't talk with you again, and you neither..." he sobs. The rain outside keeps pouring down. The glass wall reveals the dark sky, and also the view of the city outside, with rains...

"I l-love you so much. I love you so much, Joonmyeon. I love you so much and it hurts..." Wufan continues breaking down.

"Joon, do you hear me? Please, come back here..."

He sees outside from the glass wall. He sees everything. He watches as the rain makes everything wet outside. The buildings, the park he used to visit every morning...

He sees the photo again.

"I love you, Joonmyeon..." he kisses the photo. Tears landed on its glass frame.

"I'll always wait for you," he says, "I know you'll back here. I'll always wait for you, Joon....."

"My love for you will never end and never fade away. I'll always love you, until forever. I'll wait, dear, I'll wait..." he feels sleepy. His eyes slowly start to closed..

"I'll wait... in case, you just want to come home."

With that, he closes his eyes, letting the peaceful condition surround him....




















In case you'll missing what you had before...

In case you'll change your mind...

I'll be waiting here, in case..

You just want to come home...

In case.....














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2441 streak #1
Chapter 1: why is it so sad??? ughhhhh
david98 #2
That's what I want actually. I love writing angst stories actually :)
But yeah, we'll see whether I'll make fluff or other genre as well :D
Thanks for all the comments!!!! I think I succeed making angst story as my debut as writer in here :p Love you all!
jackie_06 #3
Chapter 1: This is so sad....the thought of Yifan crying breaks my heart...pls come back to him Joonmyeon!!......what happened???....where did you go????
Chapter 1: this is sad and i felt like crying but i dont wanna crey LOL

it's good keep it up!~

just dont do too much angst !~