


            For Jongin, Kyungsoo is his angel—the nice angel that always taking care of him and whenever he smiles he feels like heaven is opening up in front of him.
            But Jongin falls in love and his angel was left aside.
            And someone came then slowly the angel is drifting away from Jongin, and he starting to regret everything.
            Will the Angel continue TO fly away and heaven will closes down or Jongin will wake up and get his angel back before it’s too late.


           All in all I got the idea in a fanvid I’ve watched but I can’t find it anymore because I don’t know the title but whoever the owner of the video: I JUST WANT TO SAY THE IDEA IS FROM YOUR VIDEO AND I KNOW IT IS ACHINGLY SIMILAR BUT THE WHOLE STORY, CONVERSATIONS AND SCENARIOS ARE MINE THANK YOU! I LOVE THAT VIDEO BY THE WAY.

          This will be Angsty (I don’t think there’s a word like that though) but I assure you no character death they are too precious to die so hope you like it!






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Hi I'll be posting the continuation of this story in here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/795719 and here: http://wyntercordeil.tumblr.com/ because I think there's no way I can get my account back again I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
Hi so basically I'm posting a comment on my own story because I lose my access in my original account which is SaffronCollins so I decided to create another account. I was informed that some users experienced the same problem as mine but AFF Helper said that it was already fixed but unfortunately I still can't open mine and I don't have a recovery e-mail account (smart move). I don't know what is really happening but I might stop writing though it's hurting ME, well I was planning on going hiatus for the mean time but not like this.I am so upset since I put my time and effort in my stories but it will be all gone just like that. I hope you can all understand. I'm really sorry but I will not stop trying to recover this account. If you have questions you can go here http://wyntercordeil.tumblr.com/ I am more than willing to answer. And if there are changes in any of my stories w/o me stating it on my tumblr then you can assume that it's not my doing! PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE, THAT WOULD BE A LOT OF HELP FOR ME! THANK YOU!
Candy64 #3
Chapter 9: Thank you thank you for the update !! I can't believe that Kai is finding out his feeling for D.O. when he now have a girlfriend !! Poor D.O !!!! And it ok that you never rode a Ferris wheel you will when you find that right person to share it with !!!!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #4
Chapter 9: It's okay authornim, i can feel you. I've also never been in amusement park that consists ferris wheel, roller coaster etc, for 20 years i've lived so far...
Okey now I saw there is no dead! Ohhh thank God!
Chapter 8: That told my precious baby soo '' -.- and jongin you're the stupist thing ever dude really... poor kyungie whats his sickness??? Ideathful thing teytey I need new updateeee!!!
reemoma #7
Chapter 8: It's ok sis
You can't do anything about it .. so focus in your school until you can update ..^_^
We will always be by your side ..♡
Candy64 #8
Chapter 7: Wow this story is awesome !! Please take care of yourself ! and we will be waiting for the next updated.thank you
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 7: Yeay! An update!! Thank u~~
DJane-13 #10
Chapter 6: it's okay author-nim, i'll wait for your updates anytime...and yea, i can relate with you its also freaking hot here coz its summer or so...and yea, about the ferry incident in Korea its very depressing whenever i see it in Arirang TV it makes my heartache coz of the student that's still missing and the increasing number of dead students and others that found in the ship...T_T #PRAYFORSOUTHKOREA

anyways, sorry for blabbering too much...that's just how i feel right now...:-(