
One night stand
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Dohee let out a big sigh, as she walked into the club; outside hung neon lights, aligning the wall. As soon as she stepped in, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes combined together gushed up into her nostrils as she scrunch her nose up in distaste. The bright neon colors of the lights and loud music make her senses almost impossible to use; she quickly walked off to the sides of the club — where it's a lot darker.

"Where's that brat?" Dohee uttered under her breath; this was probably Dohee's first time coming to a club, much less alone. She was supposed to meet up with Minhye, who she planned to meet with; Dohee was only here because she felt bad for her best friend, furthermore, her parents weren't in the country, so it just makes everything a lot easier.

To past time, she scan her surroundings; dancing bodies tangled together, couples literally eating each others' faces. She let out another sigh; pulling her phone out of her clutch, she immediately dialled for her best friend's number. "Kim Minhye; don't do this to me." She chanted while waiting for her best friend to pick up.

"Oh, Dohee; I was just about to call you." She started off with a nervous giggle. "I can't meet you today."

"Oh, Kim Minhye, don't do this to me." She said, almost in a desperate tone.

"I'm really sorry, I forgot about my meeting with my parents; I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you another day. I promise." While Minhye tried to cheer her friend up, Dohee could only groan.

After saying their good byes, they finally hung up; Dohee mentally groaned at her own situation — she was in a club, all alone, wearing a dress that hardly covers her ; well, good luck to her then.

Just as she was about to leave, a waiter came and left a cocktail — on the beach to be exact — on her table. "It's from him." He then directed her to a guy sitting across the club; upon meeting eyes with the male, he winked at her; whereas she only gave a small nod. With a smile, she sent the waiter away before muttering a short 'thanks'.

She sat back down, bringing the glass to your lips; was then greeted by a berry taste accompanied with the subtleness of a tangy sourness, then a dry and heaty after taste of alcohol. Not being used to the dry and heaty after taste, Dohee chocked at the drink.

"Woah, careful there." A male with rather tan skin and thick lips came up to her, giving her a few pats on her back; he was dressed in white button up shirt, first two buttons undone, revealing part of his well toned chest and his collarbones.

"Oh, thanks." Dohee scurried out of the male's grip; taking a good look at his face, she finally made out who he was — the guy who gave her the drink earlier. "You're the guy earlier, right?" She asked, pretty uncertain; it was dark and for all she knows, she could've been mistaken.

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Amoreno2 #1
Chapter 1: Authornim this seems so good, I can’t wait to see how this story develops :)))) update soon!!!!
Chapter 1: It seems pretty interesting!!
Can’t wait for the baby to come haha
Please update soon...
Chapter 1: wow I love it already <3 :)