Untitled to You



Luhan silently followed Lay to his bed chamber in the Kings Quarter. His mind was reeling with the past minutes of his brief meeting with King Kai. The supposed King was just child, no less than sixteen and he was suppose to marry him?


The hissing sound of the doors brought Luhan to the present. He looked around his bed chamber, noticing Lay had gone missing. The wall to wall windows looked out the emerald sea. His bed was situated in the middle of the room. It’s base made of stone, it’s mattress of the softest material.

Luhan walked behind the bed’s headboard which converted to be his garment closet. To his right, was an opening that lead to the bath chamber and a closed door that Luhan supposed lead to his Men in waiting bed chambers.


“Lay?” Luhan called, tapping the door.


The door slowly opened revealing Luhan’s most appreciated member of his court. “Sehun.”


Sehun bowed deeply, his eyes averted to his toes, “My Grace, was your trip pleasant?”


“It was, but it could’ve been better. Now it’s almost dusk and I’ve been invited to dinner if you could pick out an ensemble, that would be lovely. I’ll be in the bath chamber.” Luhan replied nonchalantly.


Minutes later Sehun was hovering over Luhan’s bath pouring in liquids of different colours. The King then began to undo his garments. Slowly slipping out of each item until he was as the day he was born. He walked passed Sehun and climbed into the tub, the water rising just past his shoulders. Sehun followed him over to the entrance of the tub with a bathing sponge and sunk it down until it was soaked with the soapy water. He then positioned himself behind his King and began to wash his alabaster back, his hands already use to the dips and valleys of his King’s body. Sehun proceed to wash Luhan’s chest, he pulled Luhan effortlessly to rest against the tub, his hands disappearing into the murky water.


Luhan gave the softest of moans, Sehun’s hands were teasing him. Luhan irritably grabbed the hand touching his manhood and turned to look at Sehun questionably.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m just bathing you my Grace.” Sehun replied. If his voice was an indication of the truth  Luhan would’ve believed him. But his eyes were the door to his soul and they were full of mischief.

“I thought we talked about this, we can’t, not now.” Luhan whispered to Sehun, releasing Sehun’s hand.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about my King.” Sehun replied as he moved further down the tub to pull the drain plug.




The Gathering Hall on the second level  of the main building of the Koquenn palace was extraordinary. The rooms' walls were staggered with floor to ceiling windows. Lush curtains, pale in color were adorning the only available wall space.

Luhan, his court, his fiance and his court were seated in long wooden tables in a vertical position to the windows. Behind them was a wall of reflective material almost like curtains but not quite. They cut off the large room into a more reasonable size for having supper.

The King and Queen droned on about the pleasantries of their kingdom. Who was who, and what was what. They sounded like two parrots holding their own conversation for hours at a time. That was until dessert arrived, Luhan couldn’t stand it anymore and brought the attention to his future King who was sitting directly across from him.

“So what do you for fun here?”

“I dunno what do you suppose fun is?” He asked deadpanned.

Luhan was taken aback by the bitter response. Luhan heard Sehun hiss under his breath while Lay made a disapproving shake of the head. The rest of his court went silent.

“Sorry Luhan, my boy here forgets he his King.” Kai’s father quips.

“Darling, why don’t you rephrase your answer.” Kai’s mother ordered.

“O most gracious King, if I do say so myself this Kingdom has variety. We have horseback riding, hunting, performing arts, archery. What pleases you?” Kai asked, mocking interest.

“The King enjoys sightseeing, polo and archery. Perhaps my Grace and you most revenant may go and do as such.” Lay replied for Luhan.

“I asked your King. Does he not speak?” Kai asked, looking at Luhan, Kai’s right eyebrow disappearing into his hairline.

Again, Lay replied. “He does, but not when he’s prudently asked instead I reply for him.”

“So nice of you-”

“If I may interrupt you my King,” Luhan said, putting a hand in the air to stop Lay’s and Kai’s interaction. “I personally enjoy archery, if you like, after supper we can go.”

“That’s a splendid idea Luhan.” Kai’s mother cheered, while Kai’s father nodded in approval.

“I can’t wait.” Was Kai’s short reply




After supper it was advised by one of Kai’s men in waiting, a short, larged eyed young man that the Kings spend some time alone. Everyone agrees, but the Kings.


Moments later after the  gymnasium doors hissed closed, Kai walked to the far end of the large enclosed room. He came back with two large bows and two full sets of arrows, one red, one blue.

“INN, initiate archery practice simulation.” Kai said, ordering the super computer.

Loading simulation… processing. Download complete. Please stand by for targets.

“Get ready, they come in hot…” Kai advised, picking up a red arrow.

Luhan followed suit, picking up the spare blue arrow. They stood back to back, looking for any indication of their targets.

“So Luhan, tell me what’s your best game?” Kai asked as they covered one another.


“140 of out 145.” Luhan replied. Suddenly a red dot appeared on the first quadrant, to Luhan’s right. Luhan pulled the string taught and released it. The arrow struck with a sharp ping.


One point for the player bluie.” The computer announced.

“What’s yours?: Luhan asked Kai, reloading his bow.

“143 out of 145.” Kai replied as he shot one blue dot just yards away from his feet.

“Not bad.” Luhan said jokingly.


From the then on the game was intense. Kai was unforgiving. Shooting all his targets before a new batch appeared. Luhan too was on top of his game, this was his second nature. His younger brother Kris and he use to play a more realistic simulation back in their own palace. Luhan always had the upper hand, but he occasionally let his younger brother win.


Final round. Player blue with 143, player red with 143.” The computer droned.


“Seems like we’re in a bit of a tie.” Kai said out of breath.


“Seems like it.” Luhan replied.



They were  facing eachother, bows loaded. Kai looking to Luhan’s quadrant. Luhan looking to Kai’s. Simultaneously a blue and red dot appeared in the middle either quadrant. Both, Luhan and Kai pulled their strings and released them. Luhan’s arrow hit first, just by milliseconds after Kai’s hit the target.



Player blue wins with 144, player red with 143.” The computer announced.


“Good game Kai.” Luhan said, already walking back to pack away his bow. Kai caught him by surprise as he shoved into him as he walked at a much faster pace to the storage compartment.


“An apology would be nice you know.” Luhan said as he reached Kai.


Kai hung the bow and slammed the door shut turning to look at Luhan.


“You think you know everything, you think you’re perfect. Everyone in this place can’t stop talking about you and how lucky I am to be marrying you. But do you know what I think? You came here to take away everything that is mine. This is my kingdom, not yours! I would’ve never married someone like you if I had a choice. You’re just a pretty boy with money. While I’m a true King with blue blood, you might as well be a Slum. You will never be my King, and most certainly you will not be my people’s King.” Kai snarled and walked away.


Luhan stared at Kai’s back until he disappeared.

Author's Note: Soooo. King Kai, he's bit of a brat isn't he? Hm, I wonder how Luhan will take it to his behavior? And Sehun *O* daummm~

Please love this story and subscribe. I'll admit it's slow one, but verrrrrry interesting one.

kthnx, XOXO

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