Only Human

A Collection of Drabbles

Scars stain my life.

Authority ridicules my thoughts.

Expectations deny my freedom, clouding my vision.

A life that is in favour of perfection, full of sophistication, no imagination whatsoever – This is an abomination of the lowest order.


Is this for real?

Are you asking me to cover up my faults? My flaws – that supposedly but not exactly yet you of all people tell me – aren’t realistically perfect?

Well guess what? Reality check.

“Nobody’s perfect”

Google it, it’s true.


So why are you still telling me to “ it up?”

To throw the demons away, slowly tearing me apart.

Why can’t you embrace me the way I am?

Accept me for once!

See past the manipulations.

Past the stereotypes that show unrealistic goals to little girls like me.


I’m only human.

I’m not perfect, just like you.

I’m only human.

I make mistakes.

I break promises.

I feel pain and suffering.

I will always fall prey to love.


I’m only human.

I have my own opinions, thoughts, and judgments.

And whether you like it or not,

Don’t you dare tell me what to do or what I should be? 

I make my own choices.

This is my life.

Not yours.


Scars stain my life.

Authority ridicules my thoughts.

Expectations deny my freedom, clouding my vision.

A life that is in favour of perfection, full of sophistication, with no imagination whatsoever – this here, is a real abomination of the lowest order.


But guess what? Reality check.

I’m not perfect.

I make mistakes.

I’m only human.

And so are you.



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Chapter 2: InEXOrable......
anyways, yes. That panda was the first thing I thought I read this but then it became so intense. Ajskkdf so good XD so deep
Chapter 1: T^T /sobs at your talent/ when you become famous, ill make sure to get as many signatures from you and sell them to eBay T^T
LittleNobody317 #5
Chapter 1: 8s English your first language? Because your vocab is really vast, unlike me. The poem is really good XD looking forward for more~
Chapter 1: YAY SO GOOD!! so proud of u mau. ♡♡♡ good job :D