Every daddy's girl

YoungJae: Omma! Appas!

U-Kiss and Alex: Ne?

DongHo: What is it sweet pea??

YoungJae: Can we look at your photo album again?

Eli: Sure, baby girl...

In the living room~

Alex: Look! It's daddy Xander with curly hair! *laughing*

Xander: Sooo not funny..

YoungJae: Daddy Eli is wearing glasses omma! Look!

Everyone: *laughing*

Alex' POV..

Hi. I am Alex. Wife of 7, mother of 1. My husbands are.. You guessed it! U-Kiss. I still remember the day they proposed..


Alex: Xander? SooHyun? KiBum? Eli? Kevin? DongHo? Kiseop? Where are you guys?


U-Kiss: *gets on one knee* Will you marry us??

Alex: *nods*


Now, I have one daughter with them. Her name is Lee Young Jae.. She inherited one thing from each of her fathers... (You guys know already..) My husbands keep bugging me to have another, but I have enough to look after already... It's like I have 7 kids instead of one.


Alex: DongHo! Give that back!!

DongHo: Aniyo!

Alex: Aish~ Xander! Don't wake YoungJae up!

Xander: Tra-la-la! [sounds gay, I know..]

Alex: Eli! Don't! SooHyun! KiBum! Kevin! Kiseop! Aish...


Alex: YoungJae, please prepare for bed.

YoungJae: Ne, omma. Anyonghi jumuseyo omma and appas.. Saranghae!

Everyone else: Saranghae!

YoungJae: *goes upstairs*

Alex: Whose day is it tomorrow?

DongHo: Kiseop-hyung's.

Alex: Kiseop-oppa, is it your turn tomorrow?

Kiseop: Ne..

Alex: What do you wanna do?

Kiseop: I dunno...

You see, the house was like.. A MADHOUSE before. Then I made up some rules... [You know also already...]

~Without You~

Alex: Yoboseyo?

KyuHyun: Dongsaeng!

[BTW, You and KyuHyun are brother and sister]

Alex: KyuHyun-oppa! Why do you call?

KyuHyun: I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with the guys tomorrow? Bring your hubbies..

Alex: What about----

KyuHyun: Let her stay at omma's she misses lil YJ!

Alex: Arasso...

KyuHyun: Anyong! Saranghamnida dongsaeng!

Alex: Anyong! Saranghaeyo oppa!

End of convo...

Alex: Do you guys wanna have lunch with SuJu oppas tomorrow? YJ will be staying over at omma's... Let's sleep...

Lunch time the next day

At Alex' and KyuHyun's omma's house~

AO-Alex' omma

AO: YoungJae!

YoungJae: Halmoni!!! *hugs her*

Alex: Take care of her. Okay omma?

AO: Sure. Have fun! Anyong!

Alex, KyuHyun and U-Kiss: Anyong omma!

At their lunch place~

Alex: *frozen*

Eli: What's wrong?

Alex: *points*

???: Hey Alex. Long time no see...


Hope you guys liked my 1st chappy! Comment and subscribe! Kamsahamnida! Saranghae! heart

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pinkypn #1
I hope you update this soon.
Hey!! Haha.. Love it.. Update soon, ok? Saranghe!
butterfly555 #3
oh wow khun in the story ahhhhhhhhh
ukiss_ss501_addict #4
daniela501, oh yeah... mianhe.. haha!! and it's not _ustin! txt me! saranghae!
butterfly555 #5
Ahh a clif hanger
_ustin? Haha.. I edited chapter 1 cause you used some filipino terms.. Haha
ukiss_ss501_addict #7
Hahaha!! @daniela501, any guesses who the ??? is?
Dongsaeng! You left me hanging again. Better update soon, ok? ^_^
ukiss_ss501_addict #9
Anyonghaseyo! Kamsahamnida SicaSica_love, butterfly555, KYUholic for commenting on my 2nd story! Have u guys read my other story?