


Light filtered in through the broad windows, illuminating the dust disturbed by Royal Advisor Suho’s abrupt entrance into the royal bed chamber and casting a ray of light right into the left eye of His Imperial Highness, Xiumin of Daejeon. Xiumin groaned, grabbing a satin sheet and tugging it over his face, unhappy with his sudden wake up call.

  “What is it Suho? I’m attempting to get a light nap in. Sleep is necessary, you know,” Xiumin sighed, waving his uncovered hand in the direction of his trusted advisor and loyal friend.

  “Your Highness, you know you had a morning lesson with Lay to speak about how the village children will be offered schooling when they cannot commute at such a young age. This is-“ Xiumin held up his hand, issuing the onslaught of recited knowledge to a stop.

  “An important matter that my Excellency must deal with. My decisions affect the kingdom and I must play in avid role in all matters, even the most menial.  I know, I know, Suho. I will deal with this matter, but please, I’m going to collapse if I stand. I’ve been up half the night speaking of battle strategies with Kris and Tao stopped me to ask when the Temple will receive new candles and cloth on my way back,” the young emperor lamented, uncovering his face from the warmth of his bed sheets.

  “My deepest apologies, Your Highness, but you have duties to attend, and I must speak to you as well,” the advisor said, silently urging the lazy emperor to at least sit up and look at him while he spoke.

  “I can hear you just fine where I am. Please go on with it,” Xiumin rubbed at the bridge of his nose, willing the oncoming headache away.

 Suho sighed a very knowing, long suffering sigh and continued on his rant anyway. “There have been some concerns about you, Sir. The nobles who reside here are becoming increasingly anxious with a war looming over our heads, and rightfully so,” Suho announced, looking away from Xiumin.

  “Yes, rightfully so. The YG kingdom has been relentless. I do admit that our kingdom has had some scandals lately, but how is any of this relevant to me? I cannot change the war hunger of a neighboring kingdom, nor can I change how the nobles deal with this pressure,” Xiumin asked, sitting up on his elbow to face Suho.

  “Well, Your Highness, the nobles are concerned for you, because...” Suho paused, seeming to be searching for the right words, “You are young, Sir. You are not as experienced as they hoped you to be. Also the fact that neither of your parents are alive bothers them,” he stopped to allow the emperor to speak.

  “I am not that experienced, I know. I have never seen or been involved in a war, which is true. But what has this got to do with my parents?” Xiumin inquired.

Suho rushed to finish the emperor’s thought. “They are nervous because you are almost exclusively alone in the world without a guiding hand. The King Consort Chen and yourself, you cannot produce an heir. You have not found a family member to be an heir either. They worry that if something were to happen to you, they would be left with no ruler,” Suho finished, wringing his hands.

  “Ah,” Xiumin realized with a smirk, “they want to see an heir. They aren’t worried about me at all, really. The want insurance since I have no idea what I’m doing in battle. I will most likely die, and this is common knowledge, so they want something that will be a ray of hope amongst the dark background of war,” he finished, glancing to watch an appalled advisor reel backwards.

  “No! Not at all, many people would care if you died in battle, my Lord, you are much revered and loved by your people! Everyone just wants to know that your, and their, future is secure in case of a disaster,” Suho finished, panting with exertion.

  “Do you feel this way to, Suho?” Xiumin prompted, causing Suho to bring his head up and stutter.

  “I- I, Your Highness,” he stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts, nervously continuing, unsure of the Emperor’s reaction, “I am only concerned for your sake, Xiumin,” Suho stated, dropping formalities. Xiumin paused, studying Suho’s face. He could see only express concern in the younger man’s eyes. He remembered the first time he saw that same expression.




  “Your Highness, are you alright!?” a slightly squeaky voice assaulted Xiumin’s ear drums, causing him to groan louder than he already was. He felt tears well in his eyes when the dull pain in his right arm began to turn into a throbbing ache. He couldn’t answer whoever was inquiring about him because he could barely breath, having had the wind knocked out of him. Now he understood why his nursemaid warned him not to climb so high in the Magnolia tree outside his window. He struggled to breath, heaving sobs already threatening to wrack his chest.

  “Oh no, you’re dying! Should I get help? Should I carry you? Oh no, oh no, I’m the worst errand boy ever oh no I’ll be executed for letting the crown prince die!” the annoying squeak carried on, blabbering about how he was the worst. Xiumin was almost in more pain from hearing the squeals.

  “Shut… up,” Xiumin managed to whimper, flinching when his arm moved. The very annoying disembodied voice stopped for a moment, and only the sound of ragged breathing filled the silence. Suddenly, a slightly rough, stubby finger poked the pained boy in his cheek. His eyes shot open to reveal a boy, slightly younger than him, hunched over his curled in body. Xiumin jumped, letting out a cry when the movement jolted his arm, that he was now sure was broken in several places. When the agony subsided, he looked up again at the boy, whose eyes were filled with the most compassionate concern Xiumin had ever seen in his short life.

  “You aren’t dead,” the young boy grinned, cupping Xiumin’s chin in his hand oh so gently. The prince almost sighed with how comforting it felt, but stopped when he realized he didn’t know this child.

  “State your… name,” Xiumin uttered, still slightly out of breath.

  “My name is Junmyeon, but you can call me Suho. Everyone does, says it sounds more official. I like it personally,” the newly named Suho rambled, as Xiumin sat in utter disbelief that a small stick like that could contain so much wind. He hadn’t taken a breath since he started talking. The prince sat in wonder of the magic lungs the child contained.

  “But anyway, I should probably get you to the palace in case you start cauterizing or whatever,” Suho grinned, and Xiumin noticed one of his front teeth was missing.




  “I see. I know you care for me, and want what’s best Suho. You know I’ll have to speak with Chen about this; it is his concern as well. We will discuss the matter, and I will get back to you on it by sundown,” Suho smiled, bowing to Xiumin, glad that he could get through to the sometimes thick headed man.

  “Yes, of course, Your Highness. I will have the King Consort meet you in the gardens in half an hour,” Suho bowed again, spinning around to exit the chamber and gently closing the door behind him as he left.

  Xiumin sighed heavily, flopping back onto his pillow. So much for the nap his body and mind desperately wanted. Suho had a way of planning so that everything was on a strict schedule, and he rarely had downtime. While in the most part he was grateful for it, sometimes he wished his advisor could drink a little soju and lighten up, maybe stop acting maternal for just a little while. After much contemplation on his part, Xiumin stood out of the comfort of his bed, feeling the many pops and creaks of his worn bones. A strangled groan escaped his throat as he stretched his arms toward the heavens and silently prayed for another quiet day of peace.

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have you given up on this story?
Can't wait for the update! ^^
bora_xiuhan #3
Waiting for this fic :D