Instant Relationship

It Will Always Be You

“Son Naeun. What is the meaning of this?”

Naeun turned around and Hyeri is standing in front of her, asking what’s happening as if she’s blaming her for the sudden commotion. Lee Hyeri is one of the most popular students in the tourism department. She’s almost perfect; just don’t look at her attitude. Her life’s greatest dream is to be Hongbin’s girlfriend even if she knows that the guy barely know her existence. But maybe today is her lucky day.

Naeun just looked at her, not answering Hyeri’s question. Hongbin and Hyuk is just standing behind Naeun, feeling the sudden heaviness of the atmosphere. Everyone is looking at Naeun and Hyeri, making the two as the center of attraction.

“Why are you with Hongbin oppa and Hyuk oppa?” Hyeri asked. Hyuk leaned closer to Hongbin and whispered “Hyuk oppa? I seriously think she’s a noona.” Hongbin chuckled lightly and replied with “I think so too.”

“We all know who you are, Naeun. And we all believe that you are not worthy of being with them.” Then Hyeri shifted her gaze to the two men behind Naeun.

“What brought you here oppa? You know, you should not go hanging around with Naeun. She’s jus t a waste of time.”

“I don’t really think that spending time with my cousin is such a waste of time.” Hyuk answered and Naeun looked at him with a face that says ‘You shouldn’t have said that!’

Hyeri and everyone else gasped at the sudden information that Hyuk said. “Y-you’re really Naeun’s cousin?”

“Yes. And Hongbin hyung here is Naeun noona’s boyfriend.” Hongbin eyes grew wide but Hyuk patted his back as a signal of something and fixed his expression into a smile. Now everyone was shocked with that revelation.

“Hyuk! What the hell are you talking about?!” Naeun looked at Hyuk but the younger just gave him a meaningful smile and a wink. Naeun can’t decipher its meaning but she is sure that Hyeri will make her life a mess.

“Hongbin oppa, is it true? This good-for-nothing girl is your girlfriend?!” Hyeri asked, almost near to tears as her dreams of being Hongbin’s girlfriend turned to ashes. Hongbin went closer to Naeun and placed his arms on her shoulder and she flinched a little from the sudden contact. “Yes. This good-for-nothing-girl that you are talking about is my girlfriend.”

“Hongbin sunbae-” Naeun protested but was cut off by Hongbin. “Drop the honorifics, baby. I think it’s time to let everyone know that you’re mine.” Naeun was dumbstruck, jaw dropped from what Hongbin said. She wishes to be eaten by the ground as this moment or just simply disappear. This is too much for her now.

“And I would really appreciate if you will take care of my girlfriend for me. I’m not always around for her and I want to make sure that no one does any harm on her.” Hongbin added and Hyeri’s knees weaken. Her dreams already crashed and she knows that she can’t do revenge on Naeun. But she is thankful enough that she got the chance to talk to Hongbin.

“I think we should go now.” Hyuk interrupted and so they leave, still with Hongbin’s arms around Naeun’s shoulder.


“I seriously hate the two of you! Did you know what you just put me into?! No, you don’t and you never will! Tourism students are way different from the engineering ones especially the girls. If engineering students focused with studies, well tourism students are focused with gossips and good-looking guys and girls! I’m just a freshman but I already know how those people think and I know that starting tomorrow, it will be a living hell for me.” Naeun sighed, both from anger and disappointment. She takes another bite of the Oreo cheesecake that Hongbin and Hyuk gave.

“And that Lee Hyeri will sure do anything to take her revenge on me and she’ll get on my nerves and I might kill her!” Naeun’s nose flares as she chews her food. Hongbin and Hyuk just watched how she furiously ate the Oreo Cheesecake as if she’s murdering it with the fork.

Hyuk sighed. “You don’t really need to be mad at us, noona. We just did that because you looked so inferior and we don’t want that.”

“Hyuk’s right. It looks like Hyeri and everyone else bully you.” Hongbin said as he put another slice on her plate.

“They treat me like that because I accidentally ruined Hyeri’s dress on the first day and we kind of have a small girl fight. I got really mad and punched her in the face but-“ Naeun’s explanation was cut off with Hyuk and Hongbin’s laughter which made Naeun confused to why the two is laughing like there’s no tomorrow.

“What’s funny?” Naeun asked when the two guys calmed down.

“I can’t believe you punched someone on the face.” Hongbin said as he stops himself from laughing again.

“Of course I can punch someone on the face and I can punch the two of you right now because of what you have done!”

“Chill, noona. Don’t worry. It will be ok.”

“How it would be ok? Everyone will pester me tomorrow asking questions about the two of you!”

“I don’t think anyone will do anything to you anymore considering that you are my girlfriend.”

“Lee Hongbin, I’m not your girlfriend.”

“Wow! You didn’t use honorifics on me. I like that! Call me Hongbin from now on.”

Naeun just continued eating her favorite Oreo Cheesecake. “Thanks for this one anyway.” She remembered that she hasn’t said thanks to them since she got the cake.

After Naeun calmed down, they decided to go home but along the way, Hyuk left the two behind, saying that the new couple should have some quality time together. They both got awkward but Hongbin, being the gentleman he is, decided to just walk with Naeun up to her house. Naeun wanted to ask him about why he got drunk up in the rooftop but she doesn’t know if she should ask that or not. She thinks it’s too personal and maybe Hongbin isn’t comfortable talking about it. When they reached her house, she invited him inside but he refused so they just bid each other goodnight before she went inside.

As Naeun got inside their house, her mother welcomed her with an unexpected question.

“Is he your boyfriend?”

“No mom. He’s Hyuk’s friend.”

“He’s handsome. I think the two of you look good together.”


“Invite him here next time, ok? He looks like a nice kid.”

“Cut it out, mom. I’m going upstairs. Goodnight.”

She threw herself into her bed as soon as she entered her room. Today was such a tiring day. A lot of things happened. She became an instant girlfriend of Hongbin and she doesn’t know how she’s going to deal with it. Starting tomorrow, thing could be worse for her. She already imagines that all of the students will look at her everywhere she goes. But maybe that ‘instant fake relationship’ might also be beneficial to her. Maybe Hyeri and everyone else would treat her differently now since it’s “Lee Hongbin’s Girlfriend” they’re dealing with. So it will really look like she’s using Hongbin’s name for her sake. It sounds so wrong but that’s how it will turn out to be.

“It’s all Hyuk’s fault. That brat!”


I really think this chapter is somewhat lame. :/


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Chapter 3 has so many typos. I will try to edit them when i have time. And sorry if this update is later than expected. Thanks to the subbies!!! Lovelots!~


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Chapter 21: Its my second time reading this>< still fangirling but I hope to see your updates soon bcs i miss you writing ㅠㅠ
xoxo12xoxo #2
Chapter 21: Eyyyuyyyyyy hongbin is so cuteeee
zSecretz #6
Chapter 20: Update soon pls!!!! Love naeun and hongbin
xoxo12xoxo #7
Chapter 20: Goshhh such a plot twist! Nice tease authornim. Urghh .haha
Chapter 19: Aaaaah!!!! I love this!! No no no! I really love this!!! XD
xoxo12xoxo #9
Chapter 19: waaaait what??? hospital?? omggg cliffhanger again how dare youuuu authornimm DD: xD
kaitlynhbu #10
Chapter 19: **fangirls over hongeun** omfg there need to be more fanfics about these two