Fairytale (One-Shot)

Fairytale (One-Shot)



-Jieun’s POV-

“Good morning girls and boys, on today’s radio broadcast we’ve got a few surprises for you hard working students. Also I think the teachers will enjoy this day. We’ve got a special guest who travelled from Seoul just to be with us even for just an hour. Can you guess who it is?! – Yes that’s right it’s B2ST/BEAST. Please introduce yourselves.” Our radio announcer said.

My heart thumped over and over again. I clenched onto my notebook as tight as I could as I walk down the hallway. I listened to their voices one by one as they introduced themselves. I felt like I was falling in love over and over again. I didn’t walk any further, I sat by the stairs near the broadcasting room hoping when they come out I’d be able to meet them.

“So today we will be taking calls from anyone to ask their favorite B2ST/BEAST member the questions they thought they can never ask. Also we will have a competition and whoever wins gets to spend the day with their favorite B2ST member. Yes, girls you heard right, a day with your Oppa.” The announcer continued. I was excited as hell to win this competition. I wanted to win it, I needed to win it.

“This competition is easy, really easy. Whoever guesses the songs they will be singing three times in a row wins. Simply and easy as that, so are you girls ready? Yoseob-Sunbae, do you want to do the honors?”

Ne” Yoseob answered.

The instrumentals started playing. The number for the broadcast room was already typed into my phone and ready to dial.

Maybe we need, just a little more time…” Before continuing the song, I pressed call.

“OMONA, that was quick, so who do we have on the line?”

“Oh, anneyeonghasayo B2ST Oppa, I’m Kim Jieun.” I answered.

“Oh, Jieun-unnie, I should have guessed. You’re not in class again, aish. So do you know what it is Unnie?” Jaeyeon said. I laughed before answering “Ne, Cracks of a Broken Heart.

“WOW, that’s correct. You must really like music to guess that song so quickly.” I heard Yoseob’s voice.

“Yeah, I really like music, especially your music.” I replied.

“Oh chincha? That means you’ll know the next two songs I’ll sing then?” He continued.

“I might” I joked making the rest of the boys laughed.

아직까지 니 모습이 선명한데(a-jik-gga-ji ni mo-seub-i seon-myeong-han-de)..” I didn’t let him finished and just yelled out the answer as ‘Yet’. The rest of the boys were amazed by how quickly I was getting everything. They didn’t let me finish the game and claimed me as their winner because they were confident I was going to win.

“Araso, unnie, you’re our winner for today. So who shall we send to come and pick you up wherever you are today?”

I could feel my knees losing its bone because of excitement. I was feeling like air was no longer circulating around my body for me to breathe.

“Dongwoon” I told them. The guys made disappointed noises before telling Dongwoon to come and see me. I told them where I was and then Dongwoon met me right outside the door.

‘Today was a fairytale’


Dongwoon and I decided not to leave the campus. He’s as quiet as I was. He smiles at me here and there, he’d ask me questions but I’d answer with one line which would kill the question straight away. I was scared, scared about being next to him. For a few years I admired this boy only from the TV but I don’t care, watching him turns my bad day into something wonderful.

“You know we should do something fun.” He suddenly said while pulling me to a stop.

“Fun?” I asked curious. He smiled at me then nodded his head.

“Just for today, let’s make all your wishes come true. Well not all only those I can do, let’s pretend we’re a couple. I’m your boyfriend and I’ll do everything you want” He said making me laughed out loud.

“Waeyo?” He asked me.

“You’re not serious are you?” I asked when I realised I must have been rude laughing at the truth.

“Aniya” he told me. I bit my bottom left then lifted a peace sign. He smiled at me then held onto my hand. He smiled then we continued walking around the field. I wanted to cry because of happiness but I didn’t want to ruin this day, I was scared that if I cried and no tears fall I’d realise it’s all a dream. I didn’t want my reality to become a fantasy so as much as I wanted to cry I just tried my best not to.

“You’re my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend, araso? Jieun-ah” He told me. I nodded my head and just played along with this pretend game of his. I followed his steps as we approached a table full of food. He tilted his head towards me then pulled me towards the table. I could hear him giggle over and over again as we come closer to the table. He was such a cute little boy. When we reached the table he pulled me down to his side gently and started putting food on my plate.

“Eat” he told me while gesturing for me to eat. I smiled at him and picked up the chopsticks.

“Dongwoon is it really okay with you to date an older girl like me?” I asked him jokingly. He chuckled then nodded his head. “Chincha? In reality is it like that as well?” I continued.

“I wouldn’t mind that’s for sure. I mean, it’s not about the age or the looks what matters is how that person takes care of you not only outside but also inside, right?” He answered. I nodded my head and continued eating.

Today was a fairytale’


After eating we decided to take numerous photos for ‘future references’, I laughed at Dongwoon when he said that. Dongwoon was up first, he was making all these cute poses followed by manly poses making me want to jump right up on him and just kiss him all over – yes I can be a maniac.

“Yah, babe, Bali, it’s your turn now” He told me while taking the camera off me. I hesitated for a second but got up anyway. We had a deal that when the day ends we’ll have copies of the photos we take. My photos will be his and his will be mine and as for the photos we will take as a couple we’ll both have a copy of it. I started to make ridiculous poses which kept making Dongwoon laugh.

“Yah, Dongwoon, my pictures might turn out ugly because of the way you laugh. Always shaking the camera, if they are ugly I will not give them to you, araso?” I informed him.

“That won’t happen” he said.


“Because you’re a beautiful woman, no angle is ugly; always pretty.” He commented then smiled before taking another photo. I felt my cheeks burning 1000x hotter than how it will usually blush.

“Wow, I think you’re the first fan/girlfriend I’ve seen blush that hard because of something I said” He teased. I stuck my tongue at him then ran to his side.

“COUPLE PHOTOS!” I yelled enthusiastically.

We started posing for the camera doing silly faces, heart-shape with our fingers. Normal cute photos couple would do then suddenly he kissed me on the cheek then took a photo of it. I felt my body shutting down. I stared blankly across the field without moving, making a sound – maybe I wasn’t even breathing for a while. 

‘Today was a fairytale’.

“I had a really good day with you. I hope you did too. I’ll see you again one day okay?” He told me when it was time for us to bid each other farewell. I took out my Polaroid camera and asked for one more ‘Couple’ photo. He grinned at me and took the camera. My height and Dongwoon’s height was not far from each other but he was still taller than me.

Before he pressed the ‘capture’ button I planned to land a kiss on his cheek but I didn’t expect for him to turn his head my way as well. Our lips met and locked.

‘Click’ I heard the camera captured and heard the processing of the film about to come out. I quickly moved away from the kiss and grabbed my camera.

“Miane” he said.

“No, it’s…okay” I stuttered. The photo finally came out. He took the photo out and asked for a pen from me. I gave him the pen; he turned his back around me and started scribbling something on the photo.

“Look at it when I’m gone araso?” He told me as he place the newly taken photo among the other photos we took before.

“Hmm” I answered. He gave me one last hug before he waved his final goodbye. I smiled at him and waved goodbye as well. I tried looking for the Polaroid picture that we just took. He hid it among the rest of photos. As I search for the photos, I slowly started to smile, maybe tears even formed in my eyes. I looked at the photos I took of him, and the couple photos. We had a lot of photos cuddling each other, he argued that if we weren’t as close as we should be, it’s not going to look like we’re a couple then we’d fail what we wanted to be.

He was such a cute boy with a deep understanding of things.

I finally found the picture, it was flipped over.

I slowly flipped it the other way and then the tears that were forming in my eyes for like the whole day finally fell when I read what it said.

Today was our fairytale”.



Finally it's finished :) ; I like this poster better than the first one I did. hehe :) Yes I make posters/trailers hehe. 

gjshinee hope you liked it. hehe. It was really quick koz the Plot was changed as well. Tomorrow my new fanfic will be up :)

210811 ; 8:25PM

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omomomomomo!!!!! i loved it!!! keke you just defined me o.o are you a stalker? xD im older than him in real life too e.e by 7 months T^T awww <3 <3 i love you *hugs and never lets go* you're my sweet chingu now :3 im not gonna let you go hehehe xD