Son Dongwoon will always be in love with Hwang Tiffany

Son Dongwoon will always be in love with Hwang Tiffany


Son Dongwoon will always be in love with Hwang Tiffany









Dongwoon remembers how Tiffany would always call him before every performance to wish him luck.



So when it’s time for Beast’s comeback stage with Fiction, he stares at his phone and waits.





When a staff member calls out that there’s two minutes left before Beast needs to come on stage, Dongwoon feels his stomach churn.






He kinda thinks that maybe, just maybe, Tiffany won’t call after all.




(Later, as they perform ‘Fiction’, Dongwoon can’t help but let a few tears slip.)







Yoseob literally drags Dongwoon after practice to eat ice cream.



The two of them laugh and shout against the cold Korean air and, for a moment, they are normal boys and not Hallyu idols with heavy burdens on their shoulders.






As they push open the door to their favorite ice cream parlor, SNSD’s Mr. Taxi immediately greets them.




Dongwoon catches Yoseob’s gaze and tries to smile.




Yoseob awkwardly smiles back and says, “I think you’ll be needing an extra scoop of strawberry, Dongwoonie. Don’t worry, my treat.”







(Before they go to sleep that night, Dongwoon hugs Yoseob and whispers, “You will always be my favorite hyung. Thank you.”)







“So when are you going to grow balls, maknae?” Junhyung asks.


Subtext: Call her, you ing twit.



“What do you mean, hyung? I have a pair, I’ll have you know.” Dongwoon replies mischievously.


Subtext: Not now, hyung. I just can’t.



“Okay. Whatever. Just make sure you get your act right.”


Subtext: Fine. Be that way, maknae.



“Yes, hyung.”


Subtext: I’m a coward. I’m sorry.






Dongwoon finds a poster of Tiffany at their living room, courtesy of Jang Hyunseung.




“What the hell, Sueng? Go and fan boy somewhere else!” Dongwoon hears Doojoon shout at Beast’s main dancer.



“But hyung, just look at that smile! That smile that makes the world go round and dazzles and-“ Hyunseung stops talking as he notices Dongwoon looking forlornly at the poster.








“Um…maybe I should just put on display the Sooyoung poster,instead.”







12:06 am


Dongwoon doesn’t like the way his heart feels light.




12:07 am


He thinks maybe, the reason his heart feels light is because something’s missing.




12:08 am


Or, on second thought, someone.









1:30 am


Damn. He really misses Hwang Tiffany.







Dongwoon arrives at Beast’s dorm to be greeted by a smiling Yoon Doojoon.



Which is not that creepy.





“Hey, hyung?” Dongwoon greets, the uncertainty in his voice very evident.


Doojoon smiles even more, and tells Dongwoon, “Check the kitchen. I know you’ll like what you’ll see.”








So Tiffany’s coming back on September.




It says so in the letter she sent, along with different Japanese chocolates and his favorite food, chili crab.




                Don’t get too excited.



Dongwoon laughs at this, because honestly, how can he not?



                Soshi’s returning to win back our rightful titles as the Hallyu royalties!



Dongwoon smirks because this is sooo Hwang Tiffany.



Oh, and Dongwoon?


He raises an eyebrow at this, and continues to read.



                I’ll be waiting for a proper confession from you, you idiot.









Deep breaths.






The room’s getting stuffy, and he doesn’t know why.









Dongwoon dials the number he knows by heart.



He sees the Beast members giving him encouraging smiles and Kikwang making lewd kissy faces.





Not cool.





The other line picks up, and:
















“Hey Tiffany-noona. It’s your favorite dongsaeng.”








Son Dongwoon will always be in love with Hwang Tiffany.












Thanks for reading.





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I wanna read more Tiffany X Dongwoon~<br />
can you make one? I'm not forcing you, but I really love this fic~ :)
ah so cute :) it would have been better if it was a full story though hahahah xD
HoneyBunny20 #3
Ummm, it is really rare. Tiffany X Dongwoon.
<br />
That was an awesome trilogy. I love your style of writing. Although it's only one sentence and a little on the short side, it actually says a lot. All the best for your future endeavours:D
jonggggup #6
awwwwwwww good ending ^^ ♥