Mystery Man.

Mystery Man.

I don’t like her, she’s stealing all the attention from me”, Krystal grumbled as she crossed her arms.

Introduce her to one of your friends so all the guys will stop flaunting over her”.

Krystal was like a sister to Kris so he agreed to her ridiculous request. But little did she know, Kris liked Soojin as well.


Soojin, I know we rarely talk but I have this friend and I was wondering if you’d consider going on a date with him this Friday”, Kris asked nervously.

Who is he?”, Soojin asked out of curiosity.

It’ll be a surprise”, he answered with a smile.

Oh? Seems interesting. Okay, tell your friend I’ll see him Friday”.


Kris waited anxiously at the entrance of the restaurant. He had a plan, he just wasn’t sure if Soojin would be fooled by it.

Oh? Kris what are you doing here?”, Soojin asked as she walked up.

Don’t tell me you’re my date”, she joked.

W-what? N-no. In your dreams”, Kris tried to quip.

But my friend asked me to meet you here in his stead so you wouldn’t feel like he stood you up”.

O-oh, well he could’ve just told me”, she answered, looking a bit disappointed.

Speaking of that, he said he would’ve told you himself but he realized he didn’t have your phone number”.

Well you could’ve just— oh wait, you don’t have my number either huh?”, she chuckled.

Silly me. Here”, she said as she took out a piece of paper and scribbled her number onto it.

Give this to your friend and tell him to contact me”.

Kris took a sigh of relief after Soojin left. Luckily she believed him. Although he felt a little bad for taking advantage of her naivety and gullible nature.


Over the next few weeks, her and Kris exchanged texts and he seemed to fall for her even more. It also seemed like she felt the same because whenever they saw each other, she’d be smitten whenever she brought up her “soon to be boyfriend”, as she called “Kai”. But little did she know the person she thought she was talking to was really Kris.

I can’t believe I feel this way for someone I’ve never met face to face”, Soojin gushed.

It’s like a mystery, but I like it. It keeps things fresh between me and him you know?

Kris only nodded his head in agreement. This was going better than Kris thought. Maybe he could try to take it to the next level with her.


The next few weeks, Kris really played up the “mysterious" card and finally convinced her that when they met, it should be in a dark setting where they’re unable to make out each other’s faces properly. Much to his surprise, she actually agreed and today was the day. He rented out a nice suite and told her that he’d give the room card to "Kris" to give to her and that he’d come around 10pm that night. He gave her specific instructions to keep the lights off when that time came around.


Soojin waited nervously in the dark room. She was getting really fidgety and antsy as it was nearing time for her mysterious boyfriend to come. Five minutes before 10, she turned off all the lights and waited patiently on the bed. Soon she heard the door click open and saw light pour into the room, but that only lasted for a second as he closed the door gently behind him. She fixed her dress absentmindedly and looked towards the door. With only the moonlight barely making its way past the thick curtains, all she could make out was his tall silhouette. He walked towards her and as soon as he stood in front of her, he bent down and she instinctively closed her eyes. She felt him carefully cover her eyes with a blindfold.

You’re such a good girl”, he whispered.

Her heart started to beat faster with anticipation as he finally pressed his soft, warm lips against hers. She timidly returned his kisses. He placed a hand on her thigh and gently caressed it, slowly making his way up. Naturally, they made their way out of their clothes. He broke the kiss, only to softly lay her down as he took his position on top and continued kissing and caressing her body. She felt a little embarassed seeing as this was the first time a man had ever touched her like this but she couldn’t stop herself from making lewd noises. Just when she felt like she couldn’t take anymore of his teasing, he gently whispered in her ear.

Soojin, are you ready?


Soojin felt the warm sun on her face as she woke. She stretched out with a smile on her face. She gently sat up and opened her eyes, feeling a bit sore. She looked around, Kai was no where insight. Then the words he whispered after they made love popped into her head.

Let’s keep it like this. Let’s keep it a mystery. Promise me that you won’t try and find out how I look like”.

Soojin thought that was an odd request but she complied. She slid out of bed and saw that there was breakfast waiting for her on the table. She picked up the little folded note that was laying on the empty plate. She smiled to herself as she read it.

Eat up, beautiful. I love you. -Kai


They continued to meet like that for a few weeks before Soojin’s curiosity got the best of her. Tonight, she’d take a look at how her mysterious boyfriend looked. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt right?


When she was sure Kai had fallen asleep, she gently grabbed her phone and used the light in the lowest setting to take a quick glimpse at him. She wasn’t prepared for what she saw.

Kris…”, she whispered.

He scrunched up his face and that startled her. She accidentally dropped her phone onto his chest, waking him up.

Soojin!”, a surprised Kris gasped.

He immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes and rushed towards the door.

Kris wait!”, Soojin shouted reaching out for him.

Too late, the door slammed shut.


Soojin knew she should be hurt that Kris lied to her. But she wasn’t. She was head over heels in love with him. It was Kris that she was talking to this whole time. It was Kris that made love to her almost every single night. It was Kris that she fell in love with. She truly believed that he felt the same. But ever since that night, he’d been avoiding her and she couldn’t get in contact with him. She couldn’t figure out why he lied to her, but she was willing to look over that small fact if he just came back to her. Soojin knew Kris was close to Krystal so she decided to go ask her for help and advice.


Ha! Why should I help you? If Kris is avoiding you, that just means he doesn’t like you”, Krystal said hautily, relishing in the girl’s pain and desperateness.

Please, I’ll do anything”, Soojin pleaded.

That peaked Krystal’s interest.



Krystal agreed to help Soojin, only if she listened to everything she said and asked. Soojin was willing to do it. She felt like it was a small price to pay if she could get Kris back. She became Krystal’s personal servant. Running out to get her drinks, only to get them slapped out of her hand because the order was wrong or wasn’t to her liking. She cleaned Krystal’s apartment. Everything Krystal wanted, she tried her best to meet her demands. Little did she know, Kris was always watching over her from afar, keeping his distance.


Kris felt like complete and utter watching Soojin get used like that by Krystal. He knew full well that Krystal had no intentions of helping Soojin, she just wanted to see her struggle and loved having something to hold over her head. He couldn’t stand to watch this anymore. He loved Soojin with all of his heart. She obviously felt the same if she was willing to go through all of this even though he lied to her. He made up his mind, he’d swallow his pride and meet her like a man.


One day while out on an errand for Krystal, Soojin came face to face with Kris. She didn’t know what to do. It didn’t seem like he was going to run away from her this time so she gathered up all of her courage and stepped towards him.

Kris..”, she began.

I’m sorry Soojin”, he apologized, cutting her off.

He closed the distance and smothered her in the tightest hug that he could manage.

I’m so sorry, please forgive me”, he mumbled into her hair.

She couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Tears flowed freely, soaking his shirt as she lightly rubbed his back reassuring him it was okay. He finally let go and looked down at her. All she could do was smile back at him. Maybe it was from the heat of the hot summer day but suddenly she felt really light headed. She closed her eyes for a moment and lost all her energy. All she heard was Kris repeatedly shouting her name but she couldn’t didn’t have any strength left to answer him.


Kris was so worried after Soojin passed out in the middle of the street. He took her to the hospital right away. He was sitting on the side of the bed holding onto her hand waiting anxiously for the doctor to come back with the results. He felt Soojin squeeze his hand gently. She finally woke up. He looked at her and smiled.

Are you okay?”, he asked quietly.

Mm, I think it was just a little too hot today”, she answered.

Then there was a knock at the door.

Well…”, the doctor said as he entered the room.

Kris held onto Soojin’s hand as they both waited for the doctor to finish.

Congratulations, you’re going to be parents!”, he finished happily.

Kris exchanged looks with Soojin and immediately broke out into a smile and hugged her. She laughed out loud and Kris swore in that moment, that was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard.

I’ll give you two some alone time now, just buzz if you need anything”.

With that, the doctor left and closed the door gently behind him.

So, how do you feel?”, Soojin asked.

I feel like the luckiest man alive”, he answered as he held her against his chest.

I’d feel even better if…”, he trailed off.

If what?" she asked with concern.

He gently untangled himself from her arms and got down on one knee. He pulled out a small, red, velvet box from his back pocket and opened it.

Will you marry me, Soojin?


Soojin immediately covered and got teary eyed as she watched Kris get on one knee and opened the small red box with beautiful diamond ring in it.

Will you marry me, Soojin?”, he asked with a smile on his face.

She couldn’t contain her happiness. She couldn’t bring herself to answer him. All she could do was nod as the tears rolled down her cheek. Kris got up and gently moved her hands from and wiped her tears away.

Don’t cry”, he said as he softly kissed her.

I’ll never lie to you again or leave you alone. I’ll try my best to give you and our baby everything”.

All Soojin could do was nod into his chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

I love you”.

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09mion #1
Chapter 1: ah~ another great oneshot from you authornim :D
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Woaa i love this story!! I am your fan author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: T_T omg so amazing!!!
You're daebak!!!
Chapter 1: *too

typo ehehe
Chapter 1: tHATS IT?? O U O
and i love you took omg wuyifan /slapped
Chapter 1: This is so freaking cuteeeee!
I really love this story. And I understand everything although you didn't put so much details on it!!! ♥