( reviews )

▐ ↳ / EUROPA 〉— sment's new girlgroup! ( apply open! )

date submitted. 03/22/2014
status. CHOSEN

Hello there applicants! this is head admin Irene introducing my character Eleanor Choi! Sorry if I took a position you wanted but no worries, since there are 2 main vocals in the group and there are other positions to offer. I didn't really explain a load on my application because I already know my character and will be writing about her so you'll get to see more of her when the story actually begins. Anyways just to note out to please keep your application neat and then turn it in below by commenting with the link and follow the guidlines and cheatsheet. You can view the application by clicking on the name. 

I will give you a cheat, if you want to be chosen we are looking for the following in the official members chapter. 91 - 92 liners would be nice we'll be accepting about 4 91 - 92 liners including the co-admin and then including myself we shall have 5 93 - 94 liners so just be cautious about that. We'd love the leader to be born 1991 so if you have love interests like Luhan, we'll choose you most likely and if your application is good! so hwaiting! 


date submitted. 03/23/2014
status. chosen

Hello there and this is my character Bae Hyelin. Um I'm going to keep this short, sweet and simple, ( haha look alliteration /shot). My application isn't finished yet but it will be finished soon enough and you'll be able to see it. I look forward to seeing all your applications and your characters and sorry in advance if my review comes off as being quite rude, I really don't know how to express things properly and people sometimes get the wrong idea. Anyways the author already stated the majority of the important bits in the guidlines so be sure to follow them and all I have to say now is good luck <3

And as of the 23rd March 2014, I have finally finished with the app-hehe ^^


date submitted. 03/23/2014
status. ACCEPTED

Author's Note: Hi Nicole! first of all, I'd just like to say thanks for applying and I wish you a good luck for being a member of EUROPA. woah, a German speaking member? I've never come across one before, I actually take German classes and French so this is quite a coincidence. For height and weight, I think it's alright and there isn't nothing to change for that. I like her vintage style of fashion and she isn't a fashion terrorist which is good. Nextly is the personality and background, I can see a very dramatic future for EUROPA with a temper like hers and certainly some other members' temper. I love her determination by the fact she auditioned so many times but didn't get through but with a heavy heart she tried once more. I find that being a great quality for an inspiring idol.You put in a good amount of likes/dislikes/trivia ect. which is great for me to work with and her relationship with chen is very sweet and loving, I love the fact he is so caring and I'm glad that their first meeting is the way you say it, I must admit I am very happy with the fact you didn't put any kissing or major skinship otherwise it'd create a scandal. not good publicity for EUROPA. The only error which is really tiny is could you perhaps change the nation's serenader part? i know i put it on the app but it was a mistake and i can't afford all the members being nation's ..... ect. so fix that and your accepted! thanks once again for applying and hwaiting!   

Co-Author's Note: Hello, Nicole and thanks for applying!  I love the detail you put in your app, and how balanced your character's personality is and didn't put your character's background to the extreme like what I see others do in other applyfics. To be honest, I really can't seem to see anything wrong with your app apart from what the author had pointed out. Just fix that small and tiny error, and your app will be fine and cleared.


date submitted. 03/23/2014
status. ACCEPTED

Author's Note: Hi there Eve, thanks for applying for EUROPA and I wish you good luck to maybe be chosen for the group. A Taiwanese member hm? it reminds me kind of like Amber in some ways <3 I think your character suits well with a leader position for the group and your height and weight is a good match especially with your love interest which is Kris. i like the fact she has a variety of styles so I will be able to look for certain outfits which she would be okay with! She sounds like a great leader with the caring attitude she has towards them with checking up on them and someone who brings them in together to make them closer, that's something I look for in a leader so great job with that <3 There isn't anything wrong with your personality and she sounds like an independent person who will take charge. I can clearly see the rivalry between MinAh and her and why it happened, it sounds realistic to me. I also find her relationship with Kris cute and I can see the chemistry between them. I see nothing wrong with your section with the stage names and all, I find it clever and unique and overall great job with your app I loved the detail and how you linked it to show me rather than me searching so thanks! the only thing I'd say is, could you perhaps change the nation's thing? it was my fault and i don't want every member having a title like that. but once you fix that your accepted! hwaiting!

Co-Author's Note:  Hello, Eve and thanks for applying as well as the list of suggestions you've put down-wow, that's a lot! As well as that, I really love the scene requests that you have put down-they were great ^^ And oh my, you like Fahrenheit?I do,too /fangirls/  To be honest, I can't seem to see any other fault in your app. Just go fix that small error that the author had pointed out, and you're accepted!


date submitted. 03/23/2014
status. ACCEPTED.

AUTHORS' NOTE: Hi there Hwayoung, first of all I'd like to say thanks for applying, I can see by just looking at your application that you spent a big amount filling it in. So I respect you for that and I must say, I'm quite shocked since I've never seen a Malaysian member in a K-pop group before so it's unique and I'm totally fine with that since I believe that talent is what matters not where you come from <3. In my opinion I believe that your faceclaim is totally fine and matches with your love interest and suits a leader image. She seems like an approachable person and a leader who is liked and I am also someone who can keep secrets but if urged to tell, I do so. /shot. Your application is very detailed which us authors love and your background sounds realistic and good to work with! I find the language barrier between Luhan and NaEun really cute and how it progressed was a good thing. So.. for the errors that you will need to fix is that, your stagename, i know that some idols have names that are not as normal but in this girlgroup I would prefer the names to be more normal, for e.g instead of kiss, could it be Nana? or a nickname of your character? that's all that I can see you need to fix, so if you do so then you will be accepted as a contender for EUROPA. hwaiting!

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello there, Hwayoung and thank you for applying! First off, I'd like to say how unique your app is, and yes, a Malaysian member in the group would be really unique and the scene request(s) that you've added revolving around this is actually quite good and could see working in the story. Everything in your app seems to be fine however, you didn't state a rapping twin, and even if the position you applied for doesn't really specialise in rapping, we would still like that to be included. Also, one part of your trivia seem a bit unrealistic with your character acting as Lee Bona and such-changing to either a cameo or an extra in a drama would be fine though. By the way, even though the author-nim said an error in the stage name, what we realised was that the stage name of 'Kiss' and fanclub name being 'Hersheys' was genius-I was like 'OMG Hershey's Kisses' <3 I love chocolate <3 By the way, thank you for the detail you have put in especially for the personality and background-it was so detailed and long asdfghjkl <3 Anywho, just fix those little errors, and you'' be accepted ^^ 


title persona. WEST COAST BEAUTY
date submitted. 03/23/2014

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi Aleyna thanks for applying! sorry that us authors took so long with reviewing. We had an issue and were busy at the time so I hope you can forgive us for that. So starters of, great job on your application! It was neat and clear so I could read it. Another English Speaking member although I am really glad that it isn't copied or anything and I love how your faceclaim is Jo Eunhee. #sekai moment haha.  Her height and weight are good as well! I know your description in style is well explained but can you please give us some links to some examples. It doesn't have to be loads, just so we can understand what you mean more. But other than that I love how you explained how she was filmed throughout her childhood with her father's camera. Moreover I like the determination within her which shows real idol potential but I have to tell you from my friend's personal experience, Lee SooMan does not watch the audition so you will have to change that since he is one busy man afterall and can't make time for it. Also another thing is the fact that I have already put down that my character was the girl in Miracles in December so sorry, you'll have to remove that and perhaps replace it with something else. But other than that, great job and I wish you good luck with maybe getting in the group. hwaiting! <3  

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hello Aleyna, and thank you for applying ^^ Let me start off by saying the detail you've put in into the app-it was beautiful. Sorry, sorry (/goes into SuJu mode)-I just really love detail. Your app was enjoyable to read as well, even the personality and relationship with your character's chosen love interest-I liked it even though I'm not particularly fond on noona-dongsaeng relationships so, great job ^^ However, since so many people seem to be applying for the same position and such, I suggest changing your chosen position in the group? It's just a suggestion though-you don't need to particularly change it. Anyway, it was a great app overall!

POSITION. maknae & lead vocalist

title persona. sunshine
date submitted. 23/03/2014

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey there Ara. As I said sorry for the long wait with the review and hope you can understand the fact we are busy. But anyways, thanks for applying and I wish you luck on maybe getting into the group! She sounds like a great member who will bring that cute fun into EUROPA. Hm as I examined your application, it has come to my attention that in your personality and love interest sections why does it change from Seulmi to a random girl named Hana? I hope that this application was not all copy and pasted as it is a rule to not do so. Furthurmore please add some more negative flaws about her personality please, afterall no one is perfect, right? also could you please explain more about her background, you have covered the family parts however I would like to know about her aspirations as a child and her schoollife. Everything was fine below but then your trainee section. Why is it you say she was scouted when she was 15 at first but then said she was 13 in the trainee life? please could you confirm which exactly was it. Lastly I would like to refer to the section #hush hush, the position you would like is the ' lead vocal and maknae ' and jessica isn't a lead but a main along with taeyeon in snsd so please change it to a lead vocal singer instead please. Other than those certain mistakes everything was good and simple and if you correct those certain errors then you shall be accepted as a contender. good luck and hwaiting! <3 

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hello Ara ^^ and thank you for applying! Seulmi seems to be quite a cute character, suiting the role of the maknae, and from the likes and dislikes (etc.), she seems to be quite a relateable character to people so, good job! However, I noticed that Seulmi's personality isn't as balanced, only having the trait of stubborness as a bad trait whilst everything else is good. From those good traits that you stated, you could elaborate on them more for some of those traits have its negatives like if one's hyper and active, then they may sometimes come off as being annoying to others at times (like what the author had said)? In addition to that, your character's background seems to be quite far-fetched with the parents being like 'filthy rich' so, can you change at least one of the parents' occupations, preferably the mother's?The father's occupation was great though since Imaddictedtostationery (/shot) The story between Seulmi's love interest is fine however, you didn't actually talk about the kind of interactions Seulmi and Sehun have so, can you please add that to you app?Thanks!^^ And wow! Seulmi took quite a long time in the shower-40 minutes?!  Hahahaha! I take longer though (even on a normal day at times) which is why the shower had to be repaired so many times in my home-my parents were livid.Oops! (/slapped) Anyway, just fix those mistakes, sweetie and you'll be accepted! ^^


title persona. child-like
date submitted. 24/03/2014
status. ACCEPTED

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well hello Sunny! thanks for waiting so patiently and sorry us authors could not review as quickly that expected. Thanks for applying! and I also wish you luck in getting into the group! Your application including detail which I look for which is great! and also your love interest suits your faceclaim and her personality is very approachable and I really love how humble and strong she is, if I was her, one bad thing or word I would burst into tears honestly. I feel sorry for her background with her brother's passing and in the story, if your character was to be chosen, I would include a scene where she talks about him. I also find it sweet that she sees everyone as a friend when she meets them. I also like the fact you included if she ever had a rival she would do the mature thing to ignore it rather than fight back. asdfghjkl- your relationship with Kris would be a pleasure to write about, I see them kind of like those funny couples such as Benedict and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing. /shot. I honestly can't spot a mistake in your application which is good but a suggestion I'd like to say is perhaps you can change your position since a lot of people keep applying for it so it would be great if you would pick something else similar but different. that's all but overall great promising app! good luck and hwaiting! <3

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hello, Sunny and thanks for applying! I love your app overall especially the part with Kris-that part was so cute however, I wonder what you mean by 'annoying acquaintances'. Can you please explain this for me by putting in how the two interact with each other and such? Thank you ^^ And for the 'friends' section of your app, even though you say that your character's friends with everyone, can you add in a few examples, please? To be honest, I can't seem to see anything else in your app that seems to be a problem, but can you convert your character's height and weight to centimetres and kilograms,please?Thanks, and again, thank you for applying ^^


title persona. COLD & CHIC PRINCESS
date submitted. 03/24/2014

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello there Dree and sorry us authors could not review quicker than others thought but thanks for applying and being patient with us! At first I was a little concerned about your faceclaim as Kwon Suejong, I can't really find many photos that are from a far view, only selcas and faceshots which could be a possible problem but I really love your faceclaim! So you don't need to change it if you don't want to ^^. I really am interested in having members who are international because it gives the group more recognition which is great! I know this sounds a bit selfish but could you raise the height a little bit? this girlgroup has quite a very high height range. By the way, thank you for linking the instagram and gallery links, I can see you read the part about how having ulzzangs with insta acc. are an advantage which you took on board well so thanks! Other than the personality that you have already put down and described, please could you add some more positives like she's caring and what makes people like her not just respect and be civil with her. Your likes, dislikes ect. are totally fine and it's a first finding someone apply with a character owning a guinea pig, it's cute to see that. I can also understand that trainee life was hard and it's unique that she actually was scouted in a noraebang, I haven't had that yet so well done for creativity, moreover I absolutely like your meeting and interactions with him and how you explained your relationship status as well! <3 I can see the dislike-feeling between Hyoyeon and Kia, it's good to hear they make their rivalry unoticable to the public since a very popular snsd member and rookie hating each other would bring bad publicity. I don't see anything else wrong  with your application other than those mistakes so be sure to correct them and you are accepted!  thanks and good luck and hwaiting! <3  

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hey there, Dree, and sorry for the late review-it was my fault since I had too much revision and exams done (and more to come,yay -_-) Anyway, on to your app...Wow, born in France?!That's really unique-I like that ^^And don't worry about the personality bit, it was actually quite good and gave us a clear understanding of what your character's like, but like what the author had said, please just add those little bits she suggested for your character's personality onto the app.And yes, I kind of agree with what Irene had said about the face-claim part since there's not much pictures of her when it comes to long shots, but I do love Kwon Sujeong-she's one of my favourite ulzzangs and she's so tall <3 Just fix those little errors, and you're set! ^^ 


title persona. NATION'S HAPPY VIRUS
date submitted. 03/24/2014
status. PENDING

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Annyeong Sora! and thanks for applying and waiting patiently like the other applicants and I also wish you luck with getting into the group. I am so asdfghjkl- thrilled finally someone who doesn't have the same applied position. So this application is very likely to let you be in the group! You included very good information such as the names in different languages and your application was realistic and I could have a good imagery mind to how her story was. I find her a very happy and smiley person who will bring great fun and life into EUROPA which brings interest to others which is great since no one has put that sort of personality just yet. I can see totally why she is the happy virus of the group, and eventhough she has flaws such as what you said, I can have a positive mind that everything shall be great in the end! She sounds so awesome that if I were to be a fan, I would choose her as my bias, she isn't someone with the best marks but is passionate about music just like me /killed. Determination is something I see which is another great quality I like to see in applicants. Her likes/dislikes ect. are fine and amusing in a way which makes me so happy and determined to know more about her! <3 Her relationship with LuHan is very sweet and I believe she totally suits him, one thing I would like to know though is what variety show was it? and is this predebut or during the story? you must also be careful with the fact that she and him went on dates ( because it may cause bad scandals ). Everything else was great and this application is very promising and not just because you chose a different position to everyone else. so I wish you good luck and hwaiting! <3  

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hello, Sora and thank you for applying, and sorry for the late review-it was sort of my fault;please forgive me! Better late than never, right? On to your app... Your character's personality was alright and good and all however, I noticed that some of your character's personality traits clash with one another and contrasts slightly so, can you please look over your character's app on the personality segment, and fix the bits in which contrasts like Hana being friendly and outgoing however, being a pessimist? Thanks! I think that's the only thing I have to say to fix with your app;just fix those little mistakes, and you'll be accepted! And, by the way, I loved the scene requests you suggested <3 Hana embarassing herself slightly in the idol olympics is cute, hehe! ^^


title persona. THE OBSERVER
date submitted. 03/24/2014
status. Accepted

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello Clo! thanks for waiting patiently for us authors' reviews on your application, thanks for applying and like I said time and time again to the others, I wish you good luck and may the odds ever be in your favour /shot. I love the hunger games <3 and anywho.. to start of well done with your app I know it is hard to actually get a different language name and I like how she is unique by being obssessed with owls, I never seen someone like that before. Her weight is really healthy which I love. I like how she dresses to be herself and not care about the designer brand unlike my character haha. I can see where you get 'The Observer' title from. Moreover I love your faceclaims in my opinion I think your back-up ulzzang claim suits Lay more but Sungsin is fine as well! You explained very well in your background and I understand what she goes through and in your likes/dislikes ect. I find it also amusing and could work wih it if your character gets chosen. I really love krystal and she is my bias but when you explain her it makes me choose your side instead of hers so good job with telling me what you meant and why. I can see these two having drama but at least they are quite civil(?) right. I find your love relationship with Lay realistic and very sweet as well as he cares for her and checks up on her like a sunbae caring a lot for her/his hoobae which is very cute.Your claims and #hushhush section is totally fine and I love how your fanclub name is ' Hoots ' it's unique and a very nice name. Your title is very unique as well. To be honest I can't see massive mistakes, the only thing I would suggest is the faceclaim thing said before and there is a better chance of being chosen if you choose a position that is not your current one since about 4 or more have chosen it already and there is a low chance I can maybe pick you even if I wanted to. But overall great job and good luck. hwaiting! <3

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Oh my Krisus, hello Clo, and thanks for applying ^^ You may be wondering as to why I went all 'Oh my...', and that's because I was really impressed with your app as it was detailed and that I can't seem to spot any mistakes in your app so, well done and give yourself a pat on the back /slapped/ I really like Park Sungsin-she's one of my favourite ulzzangs, and she seems well-suited for the position, love interest and such (etc.) <3 And the idea of a Shandong line's quite good, and would be quite fun to have! Anway, I think that if I keep this up, and I'll be rambling on non-stop so, I'm going to leave it at that! Thanks for applying, and you're accepted (the things highlighted in blue were just suggestions so, you can choose to do it or not-just informs us ^^)


title persona. THE LITTLE SWAGGER
date submitted. 03/25/2014
status. ACCEPTED

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi Yuna, woah talk about lots of the applicants have idol names haha. Well anyways thanks for waiting patiently for the review and I wish you good luck in getting into the group. I can't really find anything wrong with your first section. You kept your application simple and neat and it gave me what I needed to know which is great! She sounds like one of the fun members in the group who will also bring lively energy like Sunny and Luna. I like how you included that she was one of the main spokesperson in the group like Tiffany and Jessica. Thanks for putting detail and giving me many examples of her personality, I look for that in an application! I find it adorable she has brothers who spoil her, I've always wanted a brother and sibiling relationships are very sweet at times. She reminds me a lot like Taeyeon with her faceclaim which is such a coincidence and Park Hwanhui definetly suits Lay, actually any other member of exo to be honest and she is so pretty. I find it sweet that her and Chen were best friends and also got scouted together, I love how you also showed me what you sang and how Nana didn't give up after 1 failure moment. I thank you for taking your time to explain Lay's personality, it will really help me if I choose you and write some interactions between you and him, and your first moments together was really unique and not the most romantic but I find it being so, they seem like one of those couples which fans will totally ship. Your #hushhush section is fine but the only thing I would tell you is Eunji is a main vocal and the position is lead so you will have to change it to someone with less of a strong voice but still has one if you get what I mean. The only suggestion I shall tell you is, I am not very pleased if everyone keeps on picking the same position as everyone else, about 4 have already chose the position you also picked and there will be a low chance possibly if everyone continues that you will be chosen, so I suggest picking a different position incase or adding a backup. But just correct that mistake and maybe if the co-author has some, that too and I wish you good luck. hwaiting! <3

CO-AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hello, hello, hello Yuna, and thank you for applying! ^^ First off, you chose Park Hwanhui as your face-claim, I absolutely love her and she's like in my top 5 or 3 of my favourite ulzzangs, and also the author, too;hehe ^^ Your app is so detailed, and I absolutely loved it-it was really enjoyable for me to read, and the relationship that Nana and Yixing has is so adorable-my feels <3 As you can see-well,read-I'm really impressed with your application form. I've seen that you've already fixed the things that the author had said so, I really don't have much to say now however, even though you changed your character's vocal claim and changed it to Suzy instead, Suzy's a main vocal so, please change it once again-sorry for the repeat on that >< In addition to that, for her family's occupations of being a CEO and magazine editor, it seems a bit too unrealistic. I know that certain idols do come from rich backgrounds, but not that big so, can you alter that slightly? Thank you ^^I loved your scene requests, and most of them, would be really fun to have in the fic-some of the suggestions for it were even what me and Irene have thought of doing-keke ^^ And what do you mean, that your app was 'pretty bad'-it was brilliant! Anyway, thanks for applying, and just fix those little errors, sweetie (wow, I sound quite old, but you might end up being older than me-awkward, huh?) and you'll be accepted!

Character Name
FACE CLAIM. ......

title persona. ......
date submitted. 00/00/2014
status. ......



MARCH: Applications deadline is uncertain, and please don't all keep picking the young positions or there will be a less likely chance you may be chosen.
author's note

Hello everyone! the name is Irene, quite ironic  that there is a smrookie named after me haha. well anyways welcome to the applyfic and I hope you will apply and support it eventhough your character may not exactly be picked. This is my first applyfic and I'm not really sure how much of it works but hopefully you guys are nice and won't bash me haha. Hwaiting!.

Hey there, my name is Rhea, it's pronounced as Ri-Ah. I am the co-author of this applyfic and also known as EUROPA. I know you're jelly of my username heuheu /shot. Nevermind haha, and hope you can apply, I'm here to guide you and help Irene. So Thanks for reading and I look forward to see your applications when the applyfic starts..


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For those who recently turned in their apps,we'll be reviewing them really soon since we're caught in the midst of school,and exams (for me especially)


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Why is it so important that we don't reuse any parts of our old apps? I have ones that I worked extremely hard on, but the author never got on with the story, so it's not like they're in use, y'know? :/
Chapter 3: i'm just asking before applying but does the character's birth year have to be the same? i mean, i want to apply as a lead vocal and lead dancer but that's for 91 liner. is it okay if my character is a 92 liner?
-sunset #3
Chapter 2: thank you for the review <3
I fixed my mistakes and changed the position, to be honest I think my ulzzang fits a badass position more x)
Iwannahyh #4
Finally!! I'm done!!
Hope you like my character, if anything needs improving, tell me and I will do so :)
it's been fixed! and thanks for liking her, I was unsure if I wrote her personality and all that right haha
and sorry for the errors, I find it hard to write good points of a character without it sounding so cheesy otl
but I fixed them now, hopefully it's alright! ; v ;
oh- and I kinda feel bad about applying for a position that a lot of others were as well- I thought more people would apply for the younger positions tbh
so I can change it if you need me too o v o;
okay i'm done omg
some of the stuff doesn't even make sense, but whatever :-)
+ http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/824515
Chapter 2: thanks for the review ; u ;
i've changed what i needed to change
(( sorry about the suzy one since i thought min was the main vocal in miss a ;; ))
Chapter 2: I'm glad you like her :D I honestly thought I did a bad job and I was going to get a load of improvements to make. I've realised that quite a lot of people have applied for the position I applied for so I added a back up position. If you want me to do the blog over to suit that position tell me and I will do so :)
About the face claim, I kind of like my first choice more than my back up :S But again if you want me to change it tell me and I will :)

Thank you!! :D
Chapter 2: To Author: No problem for waiting =). I switched the positions because I saw a lot of people were applying for it. hehe I switched her to main rapper and lead dancer, which I changed her birthyear to 1992 (As it says on positions). I chose that position because I realized that no one applied for it so mind as well give it a shot xD.

To Co-Author: Hi =). hehe I added onto the parts where you told me to elaborate about the 'annoying acquaintance' and the friends section (I hope you don't mind me adding idols since they would be easier to put as friends D;). Also, I converted the height and weight to cm and kg; and kept the old conversions in there just in case. hehe honestly I had fun writing this application, so there's no problem in telling me to fix things ^_^.

p.s. if I have mistakes again feel free to tell me again xD. OH also I changed the singing twin to Shoo(Yoo SooYoung) from S.E.S since I changed positions. Since she is now Main Rapper and Lead Dancer, I didn't think that she should have a powerful voice as Younha has.

is it still okay to apply?
i know it says apply open but i just want to make sure :-)