Part 2 - His Return


You looked over at the clock for the millionth time before returning your gaze towards the front door. All of your senses were extra heightened at that moment to pick up any signs of life. Today was the day that Jiyong finally came home after one long month of being away for his world tour.

Just as you expected, long distance even for just a month was horrible. You had to get used to the apartment being so empty and quiet, not being able to hug, kiss, or talk to him as much as you wanted… You couldn’t even watch his concerts and rely on fans’ videos who uploaded them after a night. Once in a while you two would be able to catch each other on the phone, but it was still never enough. Finally, your boyfriend Kwon Jiyong was returning and you were so intent on making up for the time lost.

You glanced over at the dining table to check on the candles and the food you had set up just for the two of you. There was no way you could surprise him at the airport, since your relationship with the G-Dragon was still being kept a secret. It would’ve been too much of a risk.

Besides, staying at home gave you enough time to prepare to surprise him. You especially made all of his favorites plus bought his favorite wine to celebrate. Usually, you weren’t the one to be so romantic, but you were already losing your mind at this point from missing him so much.

You checked the time once more and it had only been a minute since the last time you checked. But it was 9:39 PM now… his plane should’ve landed an hour ago already. When you tried to call him, his phone was off, so you just assumed he’d call when he could. But something was off…

Just when you decided to check the faithful internet for any fan spottings of G-Dragon at the airport, your phone buzzed to life. You picked it up so quickly you didn’t even bother to see who was calling.

"Ah! Jiyong!?" You say with a wide smile. But that smile lessened when you heard the voice.

"Ah… sorry. This is SunJin…" You recognize Jiyong’s managers voice and your heart deflates a little. You were all too familiar with calls that came from his manager. It usually meant… "Jiyong wasn’t able to get on his flight.

A stabbing pain surfaces in your chest at the news and your eyes begin to water immediately, “Oh… I see.”

"Something… came up and he wanted me to call you since… his phone is dead." SunJin says with a regretful voice. "He says he’s sorry and he’ll be on the first flight back tomorrow morning."

At this point, you began to block out any noises that weren’t Jiyong’s voice, laugh, or anything that was him. You went into auto-pilot mode with your ‘yes’s and ‘I understand’ and ‘thank you’s before you finally hung up.

Taking a deep breath you try to calm yourself and control the tears, but it was no use. You never felt more disappointed in your life. You looked over at the table of food and wanted to cry out even more at the useless effort you put in to tonight. Slowly, you walked over and blew out the candles, put away the food into the fridge before grabbing your jacket and heading out into the night to the one place you always went to make yourself feel better.

The playground.

It was a small playground in the middle of a park nearby the apartment that you always loved going to even before you started dating Jiyong. In fact, it was the exact place where you two first met. One gloomy night, you found yourself there wallowing in your puddle of sadness on the swings. But unlike other nights that you’ve been, there was someone else just two swings beside you, who also seemed to be in deep thought. You two ended up chatting, contemplating about life troubles, and giving each other helpful advice. After that night, it was days before you went back again but there he was waiting for you. That was when you found out he was G-Dragon… and that since that night you met, he had been returning to that playground every night in hopes to meet you again and ask you out. And of course, you said yes.

"Stupid Jiyong…" You mutter to yourself, thinking back to such heartwarming memories. A tear escaped your eye as you made your way to the playground thinking about how your special place has been invaded by him now… where were you supposed to go when the reason you were upset was because of him?!

But your thoughts stopped when you realized something strange. It was definitely night time… but everything around you seemed too bright. You raised your heard and gasp at the sight before you. The small playground was entirely lined by white Christmas lights and candles, illuminating it with a soft yellow glow.

Your mind boggled at what was happening as you took slow and cautious steps, careful not to step on anything. The lights seemed to dance in front of you, inviting you in and lifting up your mood, bringing a small smile to your face.

Your eyes spot small candles shaped in an arrow pointing towards the one swing that you always sit at. At this you begin to catch on to what’s going on but go along with it anyway taking a seat at your usual spot. But at this new angle, you saw that the hanging lights spelled out your name and the words: “I love you”.

"Do you like it?" You hear the voice you’ve been dying to hear the moment he left and feel the familiar warmth of his strong arms wrap around you from behind. All of it seemed so unreal and overwhelming that you held onto his arms, feeling that they were indeed real and not wanting to let them go.

You couldn’t speak as you just nodded your head vigorously, tears of joy streaming down your face. You hear him smirk behind you before giving you a longing kiss on the top of your head.

"God I missed you…" He said in a whisper, but it was enough to make your heart burst. You quickly stood up, turned and wrapped your arms around the first body it could find as you relished in his warmth and his familiar scent. You buried your face into his chest and cried, thinking about how you never wanted him to leave again and wondering how one could miss another human being so much.

"Shhh…" He soothed you while the top of your head. His other hand wrapped around your waist as he rocked both of your bodies side to side. "I’m here now, baby… I’m not going to go anywhere…"

After a few long minutes, you finally were able to pull yourself together. You pulled back and cringed at the large wet spot that was so obvious against his gray shirt before looking up to see him handsome face.

It’s been so long that you immediately blushed as you remembered how handsome he was. How defined his features was… the sharpness in his eyes, his bright smile. You almost swooned at his attractiveness, which didn’t go unnoticed by him.

"Maybe I should leave you more often if you’re going to be like this." He teased but earned a pout and glare from you.

"Don’t even joke about that…" You said but couldn’t stay mad at him for long. God, you missed him.

He maneuvered you around and helped you sit again before taking his usual spot at the swing next to you. The whole time your mind rattled to think of something to say or talk about now that he was right here next to you. It had been so long that you’ve become nervous around him just like when you two first started dating.

"S-So…" You finally say and turn to look at him, who was already intently staring at you with eyes full of adoration, "isn’t this a bit much… to celebrate you coming home…?"

He raises a confused eyebrow at you and tilts his head, “What?”

You clear your throat and try to remember how it was to act normal with him, “I mean… I just made dinner and bought wine to celebrate your return home… but this is… so romantic.” You said with a giddy smile but when you turned to say a proper ‘thank you’, you were caught off guard by the look on his face.

His jaw was dropped and his eyes wide in disbelief. At first you thought you might have offended him in some way, but he speaks, “Don’t tell me…”


"Did you… forget what day it is today?"

Question marks were popping up in your head as you tried to think. It was the day Jiyong was supposed to return from his tour… but what else could you be forgett—.


"YOU FORGOT OUR ANNIVERSARY?!" Jiyong cried out, standing up from his seat and looking down at you, clearly hurt.

"I… uh… just… um… oh god…" You gave up trying to find a excuse when there really wasn’t one. You completely forgot… even when you were THINKING about the night you two decided to go out! Just as you were about to explain to him the mess you were in, you saw him stomping away, angrily.

"Jiyong! Wait!!" You ran to catch up to him.

"Forget it! SunJin, everyone! Clean this up. It’s useless with this girl, AISH!!" He barks orders towards the bushes where you see his manager and some of his other assistants pop out and scurry to clean everything up. A few of them were snickering to themselves making you blush.

"Aigoo~ Jiyong-ah! Please don’t be mad… I just missed you so much that I forgot!" You whined and finally hooked onto his arm. He barely tries to shake you off, signaling that he was close to forgiving you. "Please, I’m sorry… Really…"

He stares at you with furrowed brows until finally he lets out a groan, “I went through so much trouble to do that… aish, you…” He says and gives you a light flick on the forehead.

"Thank you. Happy anniversary AND welcome home!" You say with a giggle and pucker your lips for a much needed kiss.

A smile breaks onto his face before leaning in to give you what you wanted.

"Happy anniversary, baby… I’m home."

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Chapter 2: awwww!! this is too cute!!
I like it so much ! :))
PrincessGD #2
Chapter 2: Weeeee....i flt lke da oc is me hehehehe ^_^
GlamorousXOXO #3
Aww c': so sweet.... but that's it? Hmmm no sequil?