Affraid of Love

How did we get to meet like this?


“Luhan hyung?”

There was a very long pause before Luhan could registered that the said man who called his name was a very familiar man in his past..






If Luhan could describe the atmosphere around him at the moment, he could probably say it was kind of horrible..

He never expected that he would meet Sehun after those passed years as he avoided the said man and ran away from everything which related to him..

But in this unexpected situation, he couldnt run away, or could he?

Couldnt it have been just a passing by thing?


“Luhan hyung...!!”

Sehun tried to move forwards and took a better look of Luhan.. He might thought that he could mistaken a stranger man as Luhan.. But he didnt..

Luhan took step backwards as Sehun tried to approach him.. Yes, Luhan clearly knew this man is Sehun despite the fact that he was not as pale as 8 years ago and had different hairstyle which made him looked, admit it.. He looked hotter..

When Luhan realised there was no more space backwards for him, he just frozed and stared at Sehun with no blink of an eye..

He felt suffocated as air stucked in his throat because his heart raced uncontrollably.. He felt like... Dying..

How did you become such a painful love?


“Luhan hyung, its me.. Sehun.. Oh my God.. I really miss you..”

Sehun threw his arms around Luhan and gave him the warmest embrace ever in the world which in fact that his embrace was long forgotten in Luhan’s life.. When Sehun said he missed Luhan, he really meant it.. He felt like there was something missing in his life, but he couldnt figure it out..

Sehun simply could say he miss Luhan but little did he know, his words made Luhan’s heart hurt even more..

“How have you been Hyung..?!”

Sehun pulled away but his hands rested aimlessly at Luhan’s side and the lattter only stared at the sand beneath them, words couldnt escape from his mouth..

“I.. Im fine, i guess..”

Luhan mannaged to smile just a little..


The forgotten 6y.o little kid rushed to those men and clinged on to his father’s legs which were clad in black jeans..

“Do you know Luhan ahjusshi..?

Minhun asked his father innocently because he really didnt know anything about his father and his newly-found ahjusshi..

“Yes.. He was- he is my friend..”

Sehun said as he carried Minhun..


That certain word lingered on Luhan’s ears more than it was neccesary for the whole night..

They walked along the shore and talked to eachothers as Minhun was being carried by Sehun and at his side, Luhan walked in uncomfortableness..

He just answered Sehun’s questions with simple “yes” or maybe “no” or whenever Sehun asked why he was dazed most of time, he just simply said “sorry”..


This was actually make Sehun a bit unpatient to catched him up for these past few years and asked questions as much as his mouth and breath could make.. But Sehun realised that Luhan’s guard was really up since he clearly knew he broke Luhan’s heart 8 years ago..

So Luhan had the right to be the cold hearted one, didnt he..?


“Are you sleepy, baby..?”

Sehun asked his son as that little angel yawned so big and loud.. He just nodded lightly and nuzzled his face on Sehun’s chest..

“I guess i have to take him to our room..”

As soon as Luhan heard this words, he muttered a quick goodbye just to avoided Sehun but he couldnt even manage to finished his words as Sehun’s free hand grabbed Luhan’s arm tightly before the latter could turn around and ran away, again..

“Hyung, please.. Dont go..”

All Luhan could do was stared on the ground as he felt his cheeks flushed when he heard Sehun’s husky voice right next to his ear..


Luhan cursed under his breath but neverthless, he followed Sehun to headed his room..

After what seemed like forever, they arrived in which Luhan assumed as Sehun’s room..

He quickly thanked God because Sehun stayed in different hotel and it made him quite grateful..

“Im gonna tug him in his bed.. Hyung, make yourself comfortable.. I’ll be back..”

Sehun rushed to his room and Luhan did like what Sehun said, be comfortable as he slided his body on the fluffy couch..

‘What do i do now?’

Luhan mentally asked himself because this was not right.. He couldnt do it because he clearly knew, 

just seeing Sehun’s picture could make him cry, then how about talked to him face to face in this room? He surely would die..

I keep, keep getting scared but my broken heart only looks for you


After some sort of minutes Luhan drowned in his own mind, had attempt to run away, his typical..

But then his train thought was cut off with the sound of clink right at his side and he abruptly turned around

just to met Sehun’s handsome face few inches away from his face..

Luhan unconsciously left a manly squeak and the latter only laughed, it was funny enough to made Sehun showed his cressent shape eyes..

“Why are you so tensed up Hyung? Its not like im going to hurt you..”

He said as he hit Luhan’s arm lightly then he took a seat next to him but Luhan choosed to remain silent..

They fell in complete silent for a few good-or bad minutes..


Couldnt stand anymore of this kind of situation, Sehun made the first move and effort..

“Iam hungry.. Would you mind if we go down to grab some foods..?”

Luhan hesitated at first, but then he gave up because of those plea in Sehun’s eyes..

“No.. Iam hungry too actually..”

He mumbled as he kept his head down but loud enough to be heard by Sehun..

“Okay then lets go Hyung..”

They ended up get their late lunch at the nearby family restaurant

and that was Sehun who decided where they would take a seat and lead Luhan in by dragged him by his arm..

They sat infront of eachother.. Once they settled and had their dinner served, Sehun made the first move, again..


“Its been a while, huh? Dont you even miss me Hyung?”

Luhan looked up and their gazes locked for a while before Luhan averted his eyes anywhere but Sehun’s..

Wasnt it obvious that Luhan really missed Sehun..? Or Sehun just wanted to convinced himself that Luhan missed him..?

‘I always miss you, i miss you so much it hurts, you dumb!’

Luhan mentally screamed but he choosed to not answer his question as he stared down his now interesting half empty plate..


“I heard about your wife.. Im sorry for your lost..”

Luhan choosed to change the topic instead as quick as he could..

This time Sehun didnt answered it immediately and it made Luhan had no choice but to looked up once again

only to found a pair pretty brown eyes which showed hurtful and sorrow.. It made Luhan gulped and felt a big lump in his throat..

He didnt like it at all.. Heck, he hated it even..

‘Why must i see how much Sehun loves his wife..?’

Luhan mentally cried..


“Its okay Hyung.. Im fine now.. Iam happy because i still have my son..”

Sehun smiled sincerely and made Luhan’s heart flustered..

How much he missed Sehun’s presence, his voice, his touch, his smile, everything..

How did i come to love you?


“Hyung, you havent even call my name for once..”

Sehun looked serious and stared Luhan intensely only to make the latter felt uneasy..

“Look Hyung, please listen to me..”

Sehun had to lift Luhan’s chin up so that he could stare into Luhan’s honey brown eyes..

‘There you go, i dont want to hear anything..’


Luhan tried with all his strength to pried Sehun’s hand but it was hopeless,

because Sehun’s other hand even gripped Luhan wrist only to made him winced and it made him had no choice but to stood up from his chair and scream..

i love you so much

i miss you so much

my heart hurts so much that i think i’ll go crazy


“No! Dont say anything..!”

Finally Luhan couldnt stand it anymore and his anger bursted out as he tried to break free from Sehun’s hands..

Thanked God it was late at night so the restaurant is lacked of people at that time..


“Hyung, look at me..!”

Sehun had to shooked Luhan’s body and made him faced him instead..

“Im so sorry.. I really am sorry Hyung.. Please forgive me..”

Sehun hugged Luhan forcedfully and tighten his arms around Luhan’s body as the latter kept hitting Sehun’s chest as strong as he could to let his anger out..

“Im so sorry Hyung..”


Sehun kept repeating those words as his hands gently patted Luhan’s head..

Luhan kept hitting Sehun and mumbled some uncoherent words which muffled by Sehun’s shirt..

Sehun felt his front shirt soaked by something which he assumed as Luhan’s tears.. He made Luhan cry, again..

After some good few minutes, Luhan finally gave up.. He lost his strength and his hands dropped freely at Sehun’s side but the latter kept hugging him..

It felt so nice and warm.. Sehun still felt so nice to be hugged and he didnt even change his favourite cologne which Luhan longed so much..

Luhan still loved him..

Why did i love you of all people?


Little did Luhan know, Sehun felt so incredibly nice too at that time.. He surely missed the older so much..

After what seemed like forever, they broke their embrace because they didnt want to make any further scene in public place like this..

Luhan was hiccuping mess and the younger kept gently patting his head as he lead Luhan to sat back on his seat..



Sehun took Luhan’s hand into his and began to say

“Lets start over again.. Shall we..?”

Luhan remained silent

“I still want to keep in touch with you.. I still need you Hyung because i...”

Sehun seemed a bit hesitanted, but he continued anyways..

“I need you ‘cause i love you Hyung.. You are my brother.. Minhun seems to like you too..”


‘Our loves are different..I do love you more than what you do’

Luhan said to himself..

Why is our fate so different?


“I know i made mistakes and hurt you, but please.. Forgive me Hyung..”

‘You caused my heart to bleed and you still owe me a reason..’

Luhan said to himself but nontheless he answered..


That was all his answer..

Though i say this cant be, that this isnt it



When they were settled in their respective rooms that night, Luhan couldnt sleep and tossed around on his fluffy bed..

Little did he know, Sehun did the same thing as Luhan did..

Sehun knew Luhan half-hearted accepted his apologize back then at restaurant..

He knew the older still had a grudge toward him and the fact that he broke the older’s heart back then couldnt make it any better..

Sehun felt a pang in his heart and he cried that night.. He wanted to make it up for Luhan because he need the latter, but still he couldnt figure it out why he choosed to chase after him and be bothered to make it up for him..

He didnt want to make a quick assumption that he might loved the latter.. He needed Luhan but he didnt know what was the reason..

His heart ached everytime he thought about Luhan, how he broke the older’s heart back then still hunted him everynight, he felt.... Guilty..

Without  you, i dont think i can go on


Sehun really need Luhan’s presence next to him everyday to make his days better.. He wanted to relieve their precious moments 8 years ago..

He wanted Luhan so bad..

Maybe he felt like this because of his lack of love since his wife had passed away?

Sehun didnt even bothered to find another woman to replace his wife’s place yet he wanted Luhan became part in his life..

He was  too late to realised that Luhan still be a part of his life no matter how hard he tried to forget him by saying he was normal and had a dream to built a complete family..

He couldnt turn back the time, or could he?

Even when i open my eyes, even when i close them, i think of you so i long for you even more


At the next morning, Luhan heard several knocks on his door and he clumsily opened the door only to revealed a shock face of a room’s service guy..

Luhan didnt even care to find out why the said guy looked so shock..

“Sir, there was  a man who gave you this..”

There was a pretty white roses bouquet being shoved infront of his face.. As he gave it to Luhan, he quickly left Luhan not before he bowed politely..

Luhan finally felt curious as to why the said guy looked so shock, so he quickly made a turn to his bathroom and check his face into the mirror..



That was the only word he mouthed as he stared at his horrible reflection.. His face looked so swollen complete with his red puffy eyes, the result from his restless night and had a terrible crying session as well.. He quickly washed his face up..

After what seemed like forever, Luhan headed out from bathroom and he took the bouquet..

He scanned the bouquet as his eyes squinted to find there was a cute pink-card slipped between those white roses..

As soon as he finished to read said card, he threw the bouquet in a trash can..


‘Meet me on your hotel’s front lobby at 9.00 a.m..’

Luhan clearly knew who gave him the damn bouquet from the scribble, it was non other than Oh Sehun..


‘Im not going..!!’

He yelled as he packed his stuffs into his duffel bag.. Today was his last day to spend his days off in this beach..

‘Am not affraid to meet him, but today i have to check out from this hotel, right..?’

He asked to nothing but the air in his room..


His watch showed it was almost 9.00 a.m as he finished packing his stuffs..

He stood up from his bed and sling his duffel’s bag on his shoulder, ready to headed the front lobby..

Luhan’s heart pounded as his steps closer to the front lobby.. He hoped the lady luck was on his side today, so he couldnt meet Sehun..

But as soon as he made a turn to left and headed the front lobby, he jumped as high as a dear could possibly do because there was someone tapped his shoulder..

As he turned around, he felt his heart fell somewhere on the ground and maybe was swallowed by the Earth..

‘Im doomed..!’

There was Oh Sehun, handsome as usuall with his incredibly pale skin and his y body clad in his simple white pull over sweater and his black skinny jeans couldnt make it any better to Luhan’s poor heart..

“Are you going somewhere, Hyung..?”




“I.. Im going to check out this day..”

“Why so sudden Hyung..?”

“I have a work which i can’t left behind..!”

He answered as his cheeks flushed.. Luhan’s reaction made Sehun grinned so wide, ear to ear as he took Luhan’s hand and they headed to the receptionist..

“Lets go grab some food first.. Minhun and I really want to have breakfast with you..”

Luhan had no choice so he followed Sehun unwillingly but he kept their hands clasped for the whole time they headed to Sehun’s room to picked Minhun up..

Thought i try to escape, i search for you again


When they arrived at Sehun’s room, Minhun had already woke up but still in his pajamas and curled up on fluffy couch..

It made Sehun yelled and ordered him to bathe because they were going soon to have a breakfast..

Luhan had no choice but to helped that kid to bathe, changed his clothes,

and combed his hair neatly because Luhan was really an expert to deal with kids.. The scenes could make Sehun smiled sincerely..

They were finally arrived at the nearby family restaurant, the same one with last night..


“Say Luhan hyung, would you mind if i drive you home..?”

Asked Sehun once their breakfast had served only to made Luhan looked up and stared him..

“Im okay.. I’ll take a bus..”

He quickly averted his gaze and pretended to wiped some invisibble food’s stains on Minhun’s lips with napkin..


“Ohh.. Okay then.. Can i have your phone number..?”

Luhan bite his lower lip and he thought the most realistic reason to not gave Sehun his phone’s number..

“Just give me yours, and i will call you later..”

Sehun was being Sehun, he was so dumb as he happily took out his name card and gave it to Luhan without any suspicion as Luhan took it and stuffed it in his pocket..


Finally it was the time for them to parted.. Sehun drove Luhan to the nearby bus stop..

Truth to be told, Sehun heavily let go of this chance to make his mistakes up for Luhan..

But he didnt want to gave the latter pressures more than he already gave him for this past years..

“Can we meet again sometimes..?”

Minhun asked Luhan as he hugged the latter tightly..

“Sure..” Luhan answered him sincerely as he pulled away..


Luhan didnt sure if he would hug Sehun as well or not because there was Minhun, Sehun’s son there so he couldnt..

He was affraid but he wanted it.. His hope was faded into the dust because Sehun didnt even have any interests to hug him, Luhan felt a little bit sad..

Just a bit..

As soon as the bus arrived, Luhan quickly muttered goodbye to them and hopped in to said bus..

Sehun seemed dozed off, Luhan thought but he just shrugged it off as he headed to the last row and make himself comfortable on his seat..

Sehun stood there, at the said bus stop with his son as their hands clasped..


He stared at the said bus untill it was out of his sight and left them only a shadow and the fume..

The farther you get, the more i miss you

My two feet cant leave

My two eyes only look at you


“Appa.. Why are you crying..?”

Minhun’s word make Sehun realised he was crying at that time..

“Do you miss Luhan ahjusshi so much..?”

His son asked him again as Sehun wiped his tears away from his pale cheeks and didnt answered his son..

‘I dont miss him, but i really need him..’

Sehun mumbled to himself..


Inside the bus, Luhan tried to distracted his thoughts by listening to cheerful songs as his hands took out Sehun’s card name..

He scanned the said card and decided that he wouldnt make a call to him..

He simply choosed to run away this time, it was exactly the same like what he did 8 years ago..

I’m affraid, because i love you


For days, weeks, even months, Sehun had not received any calls from a certain man who occupied his mind all the time..

I will stay here, even if i cant love you

Even from far away, i love you




A/N : Well, i guess i have to make another sequel.. (?)

IDEK what i’ve done to HunHan..


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Gull, i cant explain whut i feel


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Chapter 1: i guess I'm the only reader who think that it's good to end the story here

because Sehun is just a stupid jerk who only cares about himself

he left Luhan because he wanted to have a family and be happy
and now, after all those years, he casually asked Luhan 'how have you been, hyung??' and asked Luhan to stay because he NEEDS him!!!
that really is selfish!!
shame on you, Oh Sehun!!

Luhan made a right decision not to call Sehun again
and plis, Lu!!
stop thinking of Sehun
find someone else, you deserve to be happy with someone who really loves you, not needs you
dengeki #2
Chapter 1: make a sequel please...hehehehehe
ashalpha #3
Chapter 1: you have to make another sequel. can't end like this. can't >"<
even if they are not going back together, this is not the end
that's what i believe :)
Chapter 1: I love this... still makes me wanna cry
Chapter 1: Damnit author-nim ~ .. every words makes my heart hurts so much .. aishhhh iLoveyousOmuch author-nim please make another sequel gosh ! i want it so bad ^_^ .. HUNHAN harthart <3 ..
Chapter 1: u almost made me cry TT^TT
and yesss please~ u should make another sequel!!! my hunhan need a happy ending!!!! >o<
love this so much~~
Chapter 1: I thought they'll get bck together sobs
anyways , You have to do another sequel XD oh btw, I hope you can check out my HunHan fic 'I Miss You' :D
hunhan_chunjoe #8
Chapter 1: I know right >,<
I can feel ur emotion when u wrote this T,T
I really want a happy ending for hunhan *^*
I love you~. ^<^