The letter.

From Heaven To Bang.

My Darling Bang,

                        I hope you know how I loved and will always love you. I also hope that you know how much You meant to me. The time we spent together were and will always be the happiest moments of my life. I am so grateful you were in my life.You gave meaning to my life and happiness, I mean there were moments I thought I was in a fairy tale, that I was the Cinderella and you were my prince charming. You were my sunshine and my rock. You guided me through all the darkness I went through. We faced a lot of judgment together.I sometimes sat in silence trying to think of how my life would have been without you. People  Society judge us mostly you because of me. Because we were not of the same race. When I even suggested we break up because of this, I always ended up forgetting what was happening because of you warm and gentle smile.When you held my hand and looked into my eyes all my fears seemed to fade way. The way you hugged me telling me Sweet cake it is all going to be alright. And in the end you always said now who is the most delicious cake in the whole universe and kiss me like it was the last kiss you would ever give me. you love was all I ever needed. I was able to live my life knowing that you were always by my side. And how you always said you belong to me and I belong to you and you would always protect me.

 It really hurts me to watch you go through so much pain because of me. Baby, It is not your fault I died. It is no one's fault it was my fate. It had to happen one way or another. Baby, Don't feel guilty, If you feel guilty It makes me really sad. I want to always see you smile so I can also smile happily where i am. I know what you've been doing. Don't try an come to me quickly. You will come when the time is right. Stay where you are now. I will search the whole world and send you a beautiful girl, someone is way better than I am and maybe become you new sweet cake. Someone who will make you smile and make you feel like the whole world is all about you. Remember that I want the best for you. So, until we meet again, Goodbye and I will always love you. My darling Bang.

                                                                                                                                                             With love,


 PS. I will be watching over you, so if you need a listening ear I will be listening. It is now my turn to protect you.


Tears out of nowhere fell from bang's face. All he could do at that moment was weep. Suddenly he felt a warm breeze wrap around him. He as in a room and the windows were closed there was no way air that strong would be able to enter. And that was when he realized, I t was no ordinary breeze it was his Laura. He wept even more and the breeze hug him even tighter. He looked at the letter and smelt it one last time. Just then, the breeze loosened up. Slowly it left his body. " Come back don't go," Bang screamed in tears, " Please don't leave me," But it was gone. He fell on his knees and wept every drop of tears in him.


The Next Day~

" Yongguk, open up," Yongnam knocked, But there was no answer, " Open, I say," then it opened. The shocked Yongnam saw his brother come out of the room his eyes all puffy and red. From the looks Yongnam knew his brother had been crying a lot. He hugged him as tightly as he could.

" Do you know how worried you made us feel," still hugging him

Bang chuckled," I am fine now, The meals were great by the way," 

Yongnam chuckled, " The first thing you think is food woooow," 

" Did you make them because One thing I know for sure is that you are horrible at cooking."

" Oh Finally you get to meet her,"

"who?" Bang asked

" The house help, you know the one who made the food."

" When did we get one?" bang asked

"When you locked yourself up."

Yongnam Took Bang to the kitchen and Bang could see the back of her.

Yongnam cleared his throat," Ohenemaa,"

She turned around, it was one of the most beautiful women Bang had ever seen. She was dark chocolate. Her hair was an afro. Black curly and thick. 

" Nice to meet you Mr. Bang," she smiled it was perfect her smile that is. Her teeth was perfect and white. So bright it sparkled. 

" Ni- Ni- Ni," He stuttered, he looked on the ground in order not to see her face, " Nice to meet you too," Finally able to say it.

Then they heard a phone ring, " Aish," yongnam left the kitchen to get the phone.

Bang had been curious as to what type of name she had," What does your name mean because I have never heard of such a name."

She smiled, " I am African and my name means Queen."

Queen yongguk thought to himself. And looked and her and smirked, and whispered to  himself, " You are a queen."



Finally updated . It took me a while to write the letter part. I am sorry I made a promise that i was gonna update in two days which turned to two weeks. Sorry. How was it so far. Not really sad but I tried at least. Thanks to those who subscribed to this fanfic. I am really grateful.

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kimsfangirl #1
Chapter 2: I felt mixed feeling when I read laura's letter,mostly sad and curious.
but the last part, I almost laughed when bang stuttered.
Nice story^^
Babyangel11 #2
Chapter 2: sad!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ....SAD STORY ..T-T ! Update Soon