Chapter 1

Together Forever
It was a bright morning, everyone was getting fresh air in a peaceful area in the city of Seoul...
...except for one very particular house.
The members stopped their actions for a second and shouted in unison.
D.O. could only sigh in defeat as he placed down his tray of dishes. He observed the situation outside the peaceful kitchen. Everyone was busy with their own activities. Most of them were gathered up in the living room; trash and papers were thrown everywhere.
What can I say? A bunch of dorks around the living room with no one watching over them. The TV was on with music blasting out from the speakers. Non-stop shouts and hoots here and there...
In other words... the room was a chaos.
Then D.O. heard footsteps coming down the stairs. A young lady dressed in a  T-shirt and dark jeans stepped down slowly, yet intimidatingly. D.O. recognized  the annoyed look on her face, as well as the other younger lady who tailed soon after.
"Oh... boy. This can't be good." He went straight back to the kitchen and started to clean things up when...
"Hey, BOYS!!!!" a sudden girly but loud voice interupted them.
It was the lady in the T-shirt and jeans... Lindsay Lu, futhermore known as "Lin".
The other lady was you, Linda, or "Dani" as the boys called you.
As soon as your fellow friend yelled, everything and every boy seemed to freeze at their spot and every music slowly halted into a mute pause.
They turned their gaze at the bother of you as you ascend the stairs with Lin beside you.
"Awkward..." Kris muttered. "This ain't good," Lay bit the inner part of his lips.
You took another step down the stairs, making the boys gulp and leaned their bodies slightly backwards, avoiding your menacing glare.
"Stop making ruckus at the morning, would you?" you scolded them. The boys hung their heads low, feeling guity.
"You guys should get ready A.S.A.P. We're meeting out parents in a few hours," you told them, glancing at your blue digital watch.
All of them stood frozen at the voice of the one who can control them.
Lin scoffed and crossed her arms. She leaned against the railings.
"What are you waiting for? Get this mess cleaned up and get ready immediately or..." she slipped her hand in her pocket and pulled out her phone and brought it up to her ear, imitating a fake call. "Dad? These boys are--"
"NO! WAIT! LIN-AH/NOONA!" the boys quickly snap and do their things.
The house fell apart as if there was a sudden earthquake.
Well what do you expect? 12 boys running arround all the place.
You averted you attention towards Lin who shook her head in disbelief and went back upstairs. You sighed and followed her.
2 hours passed and the boys are still causing ruckus...
"Ouch! Ouch! Ow! Hyung, don't squeeze me!" said Tao who was being a squished panda at the back seat.
Xiumin glared at the Chinese lad. "Well it's your fault we get to squeeze here in the back. Now just shut up, will you?"
Meanwhile, Suho and Kris were outside the two black vans staring at the 10 arguing where to sit.
Then they saw  you and Lin approaching with backpacks on your backs. Suho smiled in hope.
"Dani-ah, a little help, please?" Suho asked looking at you.
You smiled pleasantly... which turned into an evil smirk. You stood just a meter by the vans, with Lin beside you.
"Ahem," you cleared your throat. The boys immediately zipped their mouths and stared at you.
They gulped as they saw the females smirking evily at them. Lin threathened them with the same method again.
"I thought we had agreed about the seat arrangement a month ago. Everybody quickly to their respective place," you quickly barked at them, which caused them to quickly complied and move.
"This is better," you muttered quietly. Lin chuckled and nudged you on your elbow. "Much better, Linda. Ease up, will you?"
You took a deep breath to lighten up yourself. You turned to your brother who was smirking at you in amusement.
"Gege, you drive?" you reminded your brother, Kris.
He chuckled in his deep voice. "Of course, mei mei," Kris answered back while ruffling your hair as he walked towards the car.
Life could be so hard, couldn't it?
Although EXO-K had their leader Suho, you are the one who was truly able to control EXO-K. Same thing applies to Lin for EXO-M.
The driver of the two vans are Kris and Luhan with you and Lin sitting on the side of your respective brothers. 
After wasting thirty minutes on the seat arranging of both of the van, they finally started to move to their parents house.
After going through traffic jams and a lot of other annoying things, you guys finally arrived at your destination - a giant mansion.
The vans went inside the gates and halted in the front courtyard. Men dressed neatly in red and black uniform stood in two lines in front of the main door.
The 14 of you stepped out of the vans and made your way into the mansion. The servants bowed as you passed by.
The mansion is also the Headquarter of the Red Parkins, where your parents live in.
Every servant who passed by bowed at the heirs and heiresses of the Red Parkins, chanting either "Good day, Young Master/Mistress" or "Good morning, Sir/Miss"
Chen cringed at them. "Why should they call us by formality? Just call our names would be fine."
"Because we, Jongdae, are the sons and daughters of the Red Parkin leaders?" Lin reminded him in as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
The others snickered at Chen as he pouted.
But that snicker was interrupted by a distant high-pitched screech. "KIM JONG JOON! YOU GET THAT NASTY THING AWAY FROM ME!"
Suho, Xiumin, Chen, Kai, Luhan, and Lin gasped.
"DAD!?" the Kim boys ran towards the direction of the voice. "MOM!" the Lu siblings called at the same time and chased the four boys. The eight followed soon after.
They ran towards south wing and went down some steps into their private living room to see their parents, still as lively as ever...
...and still trolling each other.
The elders are running all around the room, chasing each other holding cockroaches and mice. Screams and shrieks of horror were heard.
Lin sighed and eyed at you. "Like father like son?"
You smiled and fist-bumped her. "Definitely."
"YiFei! YiFan!" your mother called as she saw you and the group. She ran away from the chaos and hugged you and your brother.
As if on cue, all of the parents stopped chasing each other and ran like a stampede towards their children.
Chaneyol and Baekhyun glanced at each other and grinned from ear to ear. And just like that, they ran towards their parents, followed by the others.
Poor Mr. and Mrs. Kim... tackled unto the floor by their four sons.
The living room that was filled with screams of horror was quickly replaced by laughter of joy that emit from the family.
After calming down and settling at the giant circular couch in the middle of the pavillion, the real meeting began.
"So... How's handling these kids, Linda?" Mrs. Lu asked from the other side of the couch.
"Well, it's hard of course since these boys are a troublemakers... But fortunately, there's Lin unnie here to help me with handling these oppas," she answered with a grin. Lin nodded in agreement.
"Oh, that's good then..." Mr. Lu muttered.
The parents all looked at each other with an acknowledging gaze as if they're agreeing on something.
"Okay, so you guys must be curious why we're calling you guys here, aren't you?" Mr. Wu, your father asked.
"Yes, Sir," the younger ones chorused.
"Well you know that we're old already right?" Mr. Kim said.
"Not actually, though,  since you guys are still in your mid-fourties. But if you compare it to our ages... Yes, you are," Lin answered back, gaining laughter from the group.
"Indeed. See, actually we're bored leading the group and planning to give the membership of the group to you guys," Mr. Oh said finally breaking the news to everyone.
Everyone was dead silent.
"WHAT?!" the 14 of you jumped on your seats.
The parents giggled at the kids' reaction.
"B-But, Dad, we're not ready for anything," Suho protested to Mr. Kim.
"Not that easily, though. You guys need to face some tests and trials," said Mr. Byun with a wicked smile.
Oh, boy. This is cannot be good, all of you thought.
"Well that's all. Prepare well, guys. The test actually isn't that hard but... it's challenging enough," said the laid-back Mr.Zhang...
Like father like son.
"It's just a test that challenges your teamwork. But remember, everything that happens is for your own good," Mr. Huang said scaring you guys a little.
"D-Dad..." Tao stuttered and gave his father a terrified look.
"Let's not scare the kids, shall we?" Mrs. Park suggested, having a goofy grin on his face, as well as his son does.
"Yeah! Let's have some fun, shall we?" Mr. Do said with a kind smile. 
 You know they say good things never last long? They were right.
All of sudden the door of the living room burst open revealing Mr. Lee - Red Parkins' best man.
"Mr. and Mrs. also Ms., there's a sudden attack on one of our branches. Who's going to handle this mission?" Mr. Lee asked with a calm face, well things like this happen everyday here. 
You stared at Lin, who was also staring at you with a grin on her face.
You chuckled. "Well boys, what are you waiting for?" you said while smirking. Lin smirked back and stood up. "Let's go get some of that fun," she smirked. You stood up as well and the two of you walked towards Mr. Lee.
"That's my daughter" said Mr. Wu proudly. Mr. Lu placed a hand on his shoulder, chuckling. "Our daughters..."


Update : 19/3/14 22:32 pm 1779 words

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The tittle is not fixed yet so any susgestions???


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Ooh sounds interesting...ill read it FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!!