
YulSic and TaeNy STORIES


The laughter of the five year old Yoona was filled at the Kim-Hwang’s living room as she plays with her aunts’ dogs.

“PRINCE!! GINGEEEERRR~!!” The little kid shrieked between her giggles as the two dogs were playfully her face.


“She’s growing prettily, Jessi.” Tiffany said as she sips her glass of juice.

“Of course. She’s my daughter after all.”

“Good job you did there with Yuri, huh?”

“I guess the luck was on us.” Jessica said as she sips her juice. “So what’s the plan for you and Taeyeon? I heard you two already want to have a baby.”

“Well, we’ve already discussed about that and she wants to adopt but I want to do it like how you and Yuri did it with Yoona. It’s the closest way to bear a child, right? I mean, I don’t have any objection regarding with adoptions but I think it’s better if I experience the first phase of being a mom.”

“I can’t blame you, Tiff. I mean, I’m sure all married girls want to experience that and what’s the use of technology nowadays if we don’t use it.”

“Exactly.” Tiffany agreed. “Imagine carrying a little angel inside your tummy for nine months and anticipate for it’s birth. How your partner behaves when you’re in that stage… And that makes me wonder, Jess.”

“Of what?”

“How did Yuri deal with you when you’re pregnant with Yoona?”

And just like a movie being replayed, Jessica smiled as she remembers every little detail of her and Yuri’s journey as they wait for Yoona’s coming.


Jessica still remembers how happy and excited Yuri was when she announced the good news one night when Yuri came home from her Japan conventional meeting.

“IT WORKED??!!” Yuri shrieked in happiness, throwing her things into their bed and ran across the room to embrace her wife. And seeing Yuri on her brink of her tears, Jessica couldn’t help herself but tear in happiness as she nods at Yuri’s question.

“Dr. Kyungsan called me this morning and he said he has good news for me. And it happened really fast that I couldn’t even remember other things he said. All I could remember him saying was that, we’ll be finally having our own child after nine months!”

Yuri gaped and then…

“OH MY GOD, BABY!! OH MY GOD, IT WORKED!! BABY IT WORKED!!” Yuri shrieked as she jumps up and down like a little kid who just won some prize in a game.
“I love you, Jessica! I love you, I love youuuu~!!!”

Yuri’s tears won’t stop falling and the latter kisses Jessica and her tummy a million more times that night.

The couple went into procedure so that one of them could bear a child. This was all Jessica’s idea after all. Yuri was contented of having a child in the way of legal adoption but Jessica on the other hand really wants to bear a child. So they seek for their trusted doctor’s advice and luckily, Dr. Cho Kyungsan didn’t disappoint the couple. They’d gone into some procedures, followed what the doctor had said and taking his advices carefully, and here they are. Finally getting what they wanted.

3 months…

It was in the middle of the night and Yuri woke up in the sound of someone sniffling. When she rolled over, she found Jessica sitting up in their bed with her back against the headboard. In the dim light, Yuri could barely see her face, but she noticed the tissues in Jessica’s lap.

“Babe? What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Groggily, Yuri asked as she sat up in bed.

“I’m sorry.” Jessica said, sounding as if she had a bad cold. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s okay… What’s wrong?”


Jessica sounded though as she’d said “nodding”. Yuri watched her, still unsure what was going on. The fact that she was staring didn’t stop Jessica from crying, and she sniffled again.

“I’m just sad.” Jessica said.

“Can I get you anything?” Yuri asked. Of course she knows pregnant woman have mood swings and sometimes have strange cravings. “Do you want honey-dipped pickles? Tomato soup?”

Jessica blinked through her tears, as if trying to figure out what Yuri had just said.

“Why on earth would you think I want honey-dipped pickles and a tomato soup?”

“No reason.” Yuri said. Sliding closer to her wife, Yuri then slipped her arms around her.

“So you’re not hungry? No strange cravings?”

“No.” Jessica shook her head. “I just feel sad.”

“And you don’t know why?”

All at once, she broke down again, big heavy cries that left her shoulders shaking.

“Babyy~” Yuri cooed as she rubs Jessica’s back. “It’ll be okay, whatever it is.”

“No it won’t.” She said. “It’s not going to be okay. It’s never going to be okay.”

It took a long time before Jessica was able to talk. Finally, she faced Yuri with red, puffy eyes.

“I killed my cat.” She announced.

All Yuri could do was stare at her wife.

“Y-your… Your cat?” Yuri asked.

She nodded and reached for another tissue.

“I… killed… it…” Jessica said, still sobbing.


Frankly, Yuri doesn’t know what else to say. She’d never heard that Jessica has a cat, never heard her talk about it either. Meanwhile, Jessica went on, her voice still raspy. Yuri could tell by her body language that Jessica’s been hurt by Yuri’s comment.

“That’s all you can say?”

Yuri was lost. Should she agree with her wife?

“You really shouldn’t have killed a cat.”

Should she empathize?

“That’s okay, the cat deserve it.”

Should she support her?

“I still think you’re a good person, even if you killed the cat.”

At the same time, Yuri was frantically searching her memory, trying to figure out if there is actually had been a cat, and if so, what’s its name was.

“Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

It seemed to be exactly what Jessica needed to hear as her sobs began to subside. Again, Jessica blew her nose.

“I was doing laundry and emptied the dryer to add the next load.” Jessica said.

“I knew he liked warm places, but I never bothered to check inside before I closed the door. I killed Moby Joe.”

Yuri still hadn’t seen the rest of her story any clearer, so she went asking again.

“When did this happen?”

“When I was twelve.” Jessica said. “While I was packing for our trip.” She sniffled.

“Oh, we’re talking about when you were in your fifth grade.” Yuri said, feeling triumphant.

Jessica looked over at Yuri, obviously confused and irritated.

“Of course I am. What did you think I was talking about since the beginning, stupid?”

Yuri knew it was probably best not to answer.

“I’m sorry for interrupting. Go on, Babe.” Yuri said, trying her best to sound sympathetic.

“Moby Joe was my baby.” Jessica’s voice was soft. “He was abandoned, and I found him since he was a kitten. He was so adorable and cute—reddish brown fur and white paws. I knew God had given him to me to protect him. And I did… until I locked him in the dryer.”

Jessica broke down completely then leaning against Yuri, She pulled her crying wife closer to her, murmuring words for support.

“You didn’t kill your cat, Babe.” Yuri assured her. “It was an accident.”

Jessica sobbed even harder.

“But don’t you see?”

“See what?”

“That.. That I’ll be.. I’ll be a terrible mother.. I … I… I locked my poor cat in the dryer…”

And for the whole night, Yuri cradled her wife; giving her reassurance, murmured words of support and locked her arms around her. Yuri let Jessica cry until she fell asleep on Yuri’s chest.


6 months…

“We still haven’t decided a name for our baby.” Jessica said.

It was an early evening in the second week of April. Yuri and her wife were sitting at the couch. Jessica was more or less 6 to seven months pregnant. She also got wide a bit and her feet’s starting to swell but despite of her situation, Yuri is still proud to announce that she’s gorgeous and she’s her wife.

“I’ve decided to leave that up to you.” Yuri said as she starts to scan the magazine she’s holding.

“You can’t just leave it to me. It’s our baby. I want to hear what you think.”

“I’ve told you what I think. You just didn’t like it.”

“I’m not going to name our daughter Mickkuma, Yul.”

Yuri suggested that name as a joke. She combined her two favorite cartoon characters, Mickey Mouse and the Rilakkuma bear.

“Kwon-Jung Mickkuma? How can you not like that?” Yuri said, still teasing.

“Well, I don’t.”

“It’s kinda cute to hear, Babe. Kwon-Jung Mickkuma. Imagine calling our baby.. So we’re going to be like, “Kwon-Jung Mickkuma~ come here, it’s dinner time!” It’s really cute.” Yuri said animatedly.

“No more playing with our last name, Yuri.” Jessica snapped. “You might as well want to name her Kwon-Jung Byuntae or Kwon-Jung Dookoong.”

“I was saving those for her brothers.”

Jessica laughed sarcastically.

“I’m sure they’d be forever grateful. But hey, you don’t have any ideas?”

“No. Like I told you, Babe, whatever you decide is fine with me.”

“That’s the problem. I haven’t decided yet.” Jessica said as she slipped her arms around Yuri’s.

“Cause you’ve searched every baby name in the internet. You gave yourself too many choices.”

“I just want something that fits who she is.”

“But that’s the thing. No matter what we choose, it won’t fit right away. Besides, all babies look like Elmer Fudd.”

“No they don’t. Babies are cute.”

“But they look the same.”

“No they don’t. And I’ll warn you, Yuri right upfront, that I’m going to be really disappointed to you if you can’t pick our daughter out in the nursery.”

“No reason to worry, babe. They have name cards.”

“HaHa.” Jessica said. “You’re going to know what she looks like.”

“Of course I will.”

The two were stuck in a long silence until the latter asked Yuri…

“Babe, are you okay?” Jessica asked. “You’re quiet for a while.”

“I was just thinking about the baby.” Yuri said as she slips her hand on Jessica’s tummy.

“What are you thinking?”

Yuri then pulled her wife closer to her.

“I was thinking how lucky our baby is to have you as a mother.”

Yuri smiled sweetly as she kissed Jessica’s temple.

“I hope our daughter has your smile.” Jessica said thoughtfully.

“You like my smile?”

“I love your smile. But I hope she has my eyes.”

“What’s wrong with my eyes?”

“Nothing’s wrong with your eyes.” Jessica said. “They’re pretty.”

“But yours are so much better? Let me tell you, my mom loves my eyes.”

“I do, too, honey. On you, they’re seductive. I just don’t want her to have seductive eyes. She’s only a baby.”

Yuri laughed.

“What else?” Yuri asked as she snuggled closer to Jessica.

Jessica stared at her wife for a moment, examining her face.

“I want her to have your nose and chin. But I want her to have my forehead and my hair.”

“Your forehead and your hair?”

“You’ve got wrinkles on your forehead.”

Unthinkingly, Yuri put her hand on her forehead.

“I don’t have.. And if ever I have, it’s because I’m thinking. You don’t want our baby to think?” Yuri asked jokingly.

“Of course I want to. But she’s still a baby to think and I want her to enjoy being a child first without stress.”

Jessica got a point.

“What’s wrong with my hair?” Yuri asked, going back to Jessica’s second decision.

“Your hair is messy.”

“Said the girl who usually messily tie her hair up like a choding.”

Jessica giggled and she snuggled closer to Yuri to kiss her wife at the neck.

“Alright, I got it.” Yuri said. “She’ll get my smile, my nose and my chin and she’ll get your forehead and your hair.”

“How about if we stop?” Jessica said, smiling. “Our baby girl is lucky to have you as her mother, Yul. And I’m lucky to have you in my life.”

And with that, Yuri leans closer to Jessica and give her wife a sweet kiss.

9 months…

Yuri led her wife at the couch and surprised Jessica with a small wrapped gift. Inside it was lotion.

“For what?” Jessica asked, toying the lotion on her wife.

“Nothing. I just thought you’d enjoy it.” She said.

Jessica looked at her skeptically. “You can’t tell my legs were swollen.”

“Not at all.” Yuri said, rubbing between Jessica’s toes.

“How about my tummy? Can you tell it’s bigger?”

“You look great, babe. From behind, I can’t even tell you’re pregnant. It’s only when you turn to side that I’m afraid you’ll accidentally knock over the lamp.”

The two laughed at Yuri’s statement.

“Yah! Watch it,” Jessica teased. “I’m pregnant woman on the edge.”

“That’s why I’m rubbing your feet, Babe. I also want to have a connection with Yoona.”

Jessica smiled. “Yoona?”

“Yes. I think it’s just the right name for her.” Yuri said. “You know, Kwon-Jung Yoona. It’s just so cute.” The tanned woman dreamily said.

“It is, Baby. It is.” Jessica then leaned her head on the back of the couch. “There, that’s better.” The latter said as she starts getting more comfortable. “More relaxing.”

Yuri rubbed her feet and started to hum a familiar song.

When Yuri finally realizes what was happening, everything seemed out of focus. All she know was that the first word come out of was,


“Wake up.” Jessica said, poking Yuri again on her side. Still sleepy, Yuri pulled the sheet higher.

“Why are you elbowing me, Sica? C’mon it’s in the middle of the night.”

“It’s almost five not middle of the night, stupid. But I think it’s time.” Jessica poked Yuri again.

“Time for what?” Yuri grumbled as she pulls the sheets higher to her body.

“To go to the hospital.”

Once the word registered, Yuri bolted upright, flinging back the sheets. She then wiped the sleep from her eyes.

“Y-You’re having contractions? When did they start? Why didn’t you tell me? Are you sure? Are you okay?”

“I think so.” Was Jessica could only say.

Yuri swallowed at the thought.

“So this is it?”

“I’m not sure but I think it is.”

Yuri took a deep breath that her lungs filled with air.

“Let’s not panic.” Yuri whispered.

“I’m not panicking and---”

“Good because there’s no reason to panic.”

“I know.” Jessica said, biting her lower lip.


For a long moment, they both were just looking at each other.

“I need to take a shower.” Yuri said.

“A shower?”

“Yeah,” She said, getting out of the bed. “I’ll be quick, and then we’ll go.”


She wasn’t quick. She took a long shower, she brushed her teeth and flossed, then she combed her hair, ruining it again and then combed it again.

Jessica gasped, holding her belly, she was hunched over.


“I’m almost done!”

“Your quick is almost an hour.”

“Really? that long?” Yuri asked.



Yuri began to throw her clothes and was pulling a shirt over her head. She helped Jessica on her feet, she then began to lead her wife to their car.

“Don’t forget the bag.” Jessica said.

“I’ll come back for it.”

In a flash, they were on the car. By that time, another contraction had begun. Excruciating pain was felt by Jessica.

“The bag.” Jessica cried, wincing.

Yuri slammed the brakes and rushed back inside their apartment.

“And she said she’s not panicking.” Jessica whispered.

Yuri was back and sped along the road.

“Are you doing okay?” Yuri asked.

“Yes.” Jessica said. “You might want to drive fast, enough.”

Yuri’s heart hammered in her chest. Keep calm, she told herself. Just stay calm.

“Not that fast,” She said. “I don’t want to die before we get there.”

Yuri slowed the car but then found herself speeding up again every time Jessica had a contractions.

“You’re doing okay, babe?” Yuri asked again.

“Stop asking me that. Trust me; I’ll let you know if I’m not.”

“Don’t worry, babe. We’re almost there.”

They arrived at the hospital and let Jessica sat on the wheel chair. Yuri was in panic with another contraction of her wife.

“Fill in the first three pages, sign the fourth and I’ll need to see your insurance card.” Said the nurse.

“WHAT? IS THAT REALLY NECESSARY NOW?” Yuri yelled. “I mean, my wife’s in labor!”

The nurse turns her attention to Jessica.

“How long are your contractions, dear?”

“About twelve minutes or so.”

“How long have you been in labor?”

“I don’t know. Maybe two hours?”

The nurse nodded and looked at Yuri.

“First three pages, sign the fourth and don’t forget the insurance card.”

Yuri took the clipboard and hurried a seat. After filling it all up and shown her insurance card, Yuri hurriedly seek the nurse.

“You okay, babe?” Yuri asked.

“Yuri, for God sake. I’m really going to punch you if you ask me one more time. I’m serious.”

“Yeah. Okay. Sorry.”

Yuri handed the clipboard without a word to the nurse even though she had tons to tell the nurse that her wife should have a room now. The nurse examined each page, made copies, and then grabbed a few wristbands from the drawer and began to write Jessica’s name and identification numbers on them.

“Okay.” The nurse finally said.

“Just take a seat and we’ll call you when you’re ready.”

“What the—AGAIN?!” Yuri shrieked.

The nurse eyed her over her glasses.

“Let me guess, your first baby?”

Yuri nodded.

“Take a seat. Like I said, we’ll call you and put the wristbands on.”

Yuri looked at Jessica.

“Will you please stop panicking?” Jessica asked as Yuri puts the wristband on her.

Yuri smiled wryly.


A couple of hours later, Jessica’s name was called.

“Kwon Jessica?”

Yuri stood up as if her pants were on fire and hopped behind the wheel chair. “Yeah. Yeah. This is her.” Yuri said. “We’re going to have a room, right?”

“Yes.” Said the nurse. “Follow me.

They headed through the maze of corridors, up the elevators, down the hall, and into the room. The room was empty, sterile, and functional in the way all hospital rooms were. Jessica got up from the wheelchair and slipped into robe before climbing carefully into bed. Towards the end, Jessica was hooked up to a monitor, and the two eager mothers stared at the monitor as they watch their baby’s heart speedy rhythm.

“Is it supposed to be that fast?” Yuri asked.

“It’s just right.” The nurse said. She turned her look to Jessica.

“I’m Sunny, and I’ll be checking on you as the morning progresses. You’re not ready for epidural you requested, so just do whatever you think you need to do to stay as comfortable as you can.”

“Okay.” Jessica smiled.

“And… Mrs..”

“Jung. I’m Mrs. Kwon-Jung Yuri. And this is Jessica, my wife. We’re going to have a baby. And her name is Yoona.”

Nurse Sunny looked surprise by Yuri’s reaction.

“I can see that. But your role for the mean time is support her. Down the hall, there’s an ice machine and feel free to bring her as many chips as she wants. Support her where she is comfortable.”

“I can do that.” Yuri said.

“If you need a nurse, just press this button.” Sunny pointed the button on Jessica’s headboard and then turned towards the door.

“You’re leaving?” Yuri asked.

“There’s a lot of patients out there.”

“What will I do?”

“As I said, comfort your wife.”

As Yuri sat beside Jessica, another contraction happened. Jessica reached for Yuri’s hand and squeezed it.

“, oww.. Sica.. o-oww..owww..ouch..ouch..”

“Sorry.” Jessica said, sounding like she’s singing the word.

“It’s okay, babe. It’s okay.”

A moment later Jessica reached again for Yuri’s hand. Yuri thought another contraction happened but found her wife smiling sweetly at her.

“I’m sorry I put you through panic earlier.”

“Don’t worry about it, babe.”

Jessica smiled and the two were surrounded by silence again.



“Would you still rub my feet when we get back home?”

Yuri kissed the back of her hand.

“I’ll rub them as long as you want me to.”

Jessica then smiled.

“Have I told you how glad I am that we’re married? And how lucky I am to have you in my life?”

Yuri leaned on her and slowly, she gave her wife a kiss.



Yuri knows Jessica is doing okay. She knew not only because she asked but because afterwards Jessica would punch her in the arm.



“What do you think our future would be like?”

“I think we’ll be happy.”

A few minutes later, the anesthesiologist entered the room, and Sunny the nurse asked Yuri to leave the room. Although Yuri found this ridiculous, she gladly obeyed. A couple of moments later, Sunny let Yuri come in again. Jessica was no longer in pain and they had to watch the monitor to even realize she was having contractions.

Without the pain, Jessica’s mood improved dramatically.

“I feel good.” She said, as if she’s singing.

“You sound like you’ve had a couple of beers.”

“Feel that way too.”

“Do you need more ice?”

“No. I’m doing great now.”

“You’re looking better too.”

“You smell great, babe.” Jessica smiled.

“Well, I showered this morning.”

“I know.” Jessica said. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“I wanted to look good on pictures later.”

“I’m going to tell your family and friends.”

“Just show them the pictures, or maybe e-mail it.”

“No, I mean about you taking your own sweet time while I was writhing in pain.”

Yuri smiled. “You waren’t writhing. You look comfortable.”

“I was writhing inside,” Jessica said. “I’m just tough and don’t show it.”

“And beautiful, don’t forget.”

“Right. And that too. You’re a lucky woman.”

“I know,” Yuri said as she reaches for Jessica’s hand. “I love you, Jessica.”

“I love you, too, Yuri.”

Another minutes passed and Dr. Cho Kyungsan instructed that the patient should send to ER. And after a God-knows-how-long hours, a bouncing baby girl named Yoona was born, shrieking cries was heard outside the Emergency Room.

“I wonder if Taeyeon would do that to me, too.” Tiffany said as she escorts her best friend towards their gate. It was time for Jessica and Yoona to go home. It was already evening when Yuri came to their (TaeNy’s) house to fetch her family from work. The tanned girl was found talking animatedly to Taeyeon beside their car as Yoona was already sleeping on Yuri’s shoulders.

“Oh I know Taeyeon would.” Jessica said as she gave a reassuring smile to the girl. “Just tell her you want to do it the way Yuri and I did it.”

The two girls already reached their wives and Jessica was rewarded by a quick peck on the lips as she leans closer to Yuri.

“Are you tired? ‘cause our baby obviously is.” Yuri said.

“No, I’m fine. I guess Yoona enjoyed playing with Ginger and Prince today.”

“I told you, Taeng.. Go and have a baby already.” Yuri said to Taeyeon. “So that Yoongie will have a playmate already.”

“But I’m still not ready to share Tiffany with anyone.” Taeyeon said as she wraps her arms on Tiffany’s waist.

“Aiiissshh~ Taeyeon, you and your wrong timing cheesyness.” Tiffany said as she frown, crossing her arms.

“But Pany-yah…”
The couple was now bickering at each other leaving the other couple watches them in amusement. Looking at Yuri who has a smile on her face while looking at TaeNy, Jessica thought of something…

“Yul, let’s go home. Yoona slept early today.. so, uhhmmm~ I think we could… you know..” Jessica whispered to the taller girl as her left hand was already under Yuri’s shirt at her back, and of course, Yuri knows what Jessica really means.

“Guys.. We already need to go home. Yoona needs some rest.” Yuri said as she cuts TaeNy’s argument.

“Sure. Go ahead. Drive safely Yul.” Taeyeon said.

“I will. Thanks for tonight’s dinner, Pany. And Taeng, don’t forget our meeting with Mr. Liu tomorrow.”

Taeyeon nodded. Yuri lays Yoona on the back seat of their car and started the engine.


Jessica then turned around to face the TaeNy couple.

"Taeyeon, trust me, it's better to do it this way." The blonde girl said. "And Tiffany, speak up with this midget. I'm sure you can enlighten her."

"Yah! I'm not midget!" Taeyeon said as she stomped her feet to the ground, making the girls giggle.

As Taeyeon and Tiffany watches Yuri's car being eaten by the darkness. Tiffany turned to face her wife with arms crossed.

"Tae-tae, we have to talk... like, really talk."


A/N: did you liked it? :)))))) also, the red lines happened at the past, ok? just so you know. :))

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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 7: , cliffhanger....
Chapter 7: please be alright sica and luhan! ><
smirk7 #3
Chapter 6: Sighs. I suddenly feel so worried for taeng and the rest. They are ... just humans
smirk7 #4
Chapter 5: Continue pls! Though whats up with vamps hunting fany?
Chapter 5: yulsic so cute!! XD
attada84 #6
Chapter 5: owh please do continue~~~*puppy eyes*
Chapter 3: ok.... its too much...
i skipped the letter part ;~;
coz i cant hold my tears anymore! TnT
btw is it oneshot or the continuation?
Chapter 2: nice!
i hope u update soon
townberry #9
Eh awesome stories author. I can't believe nobody found this treasure yet. But you have my support! Keep on writing!