One year

Stupid In Love

You just arrive at your school then suddenly your teacher asking you a help . " Yu ni , can u help me ? we have one new student today and i need u to take him visit the school today"ask ur teacher .

"I will but teacher let me go upstairs first , i want to put my school bag " say you while you running to go to your class. You fell really grateful since you dosen't have to enter your class for today. You take your book and a pen with you.

You walking along the school corridor with smile and greet the other student suddenly your eyes locked at someone that not to far away to recognize.Your heart suddenly racing that make you feel flustered. You calm down yourself and just walk passing him.

    "Teacher , where is the new student ? "ask you while looking around. Your teacher do the same thing as you , she look around and "There he is , you will take him tour this beautiful school . I will inform your homeroom teacher about this"said your teacher. He is the boy that you really want to forget . He is one and only your first love that keep touch your heart.

"Hai and good morning teacher" said him politely . " You're so kind Luhan , now come here . She will guide you and ask her anything if you curious about something " Said her and holding her book ready for her first class. You dosen't want to show your flustered so you ask him to walk first and you can follow him from behind.

     "Its you or me the one who just come to this school , you should walk first and i will follow from behind" said Luhan . "Aigoo , i'm sorry sunbae its my fault but instead of following from behind can you just stay beside me ? its much easier for me ".Luhan just follow your around beside you , your dosent feel uncomfortable somehow . Its lunch and you had show him all place in school and want to lunch with your friends.

"I think we already visit all the place in this school so its lunch time , you can go recess and i will to "

  "Hyuni , can we go recess together ? since i dont know anyone in this school"ask Luhan.

"Mian sunbae but my name is Yu Ni not Hyuni . i'm afraid my friend will be afraid of you since u still a stranger to them"

    "So i am not a stranger to you ?

"No , no at all . Just a bull that hard to forget. I will go first , bye sunbae !"said you while running fast and dissapear . You couldn't believe what you have said to him but you feel satisfied somehow. 'I m not gonna meet him because our schedule is different so don't be afraid Yu Ni '. You smirked yourself and walk along the corridor.

Luhan's P.O.V

Why she's so cold hearted ? is she hate me that much ? . I will do anything to get your attention back , just wait for it Hyuni .

"Yo man ! so you're the new student right ? meet him Kris "said kai jokingly. "Ya pabo , u should introduced your self before me , i want to introduce my self handsomely"said kris while looking his face at the mirror."I am Kai , i saw you with my sister just now and i thought you were a badass that disturb her everyday . Come , lets lunch and left him "said Kai while take my hand and run away quitely. i could hear kris scurrilous something while you guys running. "Yah Han Jong In , you will be dead if i found you ! "said kris.

I can feel their strong friendship it feel different from other . Kai just said Hyuni is his sister but how can it be ? Im his ex but i dont even know her brother . How terrible i was back then. "Don't you said you are hy...Yu ni brother ?" i ask him. "That girl ? yes she is but step sister . Why you asking me like that ?"ask Kai .

"Nothing, she seem like someone i know" i said while laughing akwardly."I hope she not"said Kai while looking at his phone. This guy surely a popular guy in this school , i never saw a gift this many when i look at his table at class . Luckily, im in the same class with him or i dont have any chance to come closer to hyuni.

Oh God , if i still have fate with her please help me getting close to her .I just look at the sky and wish it will be true and without noticed the lunch time have pass .

"Luhan , do you want to walk with us ?"ask kai to me . "How about your sister jong in , im afraid she will not agree about this "said Kris while packing his bag. So Hyuni will join us walking if i go with them , i think this is great oppurtunity. "I hope your sister dont mind "said me. "Don't worry she will be fine , I knew her". I walk with them while Kris being such a stupid friend with Kai , its not hard to get into them . They known as angel in this school but you cant say it true while you with Kris . Hahaha.

    "Oppa, why..."i see Hyuni suddenly stop talking because she saw me. "Im sorry sweetie , Kris have a constipation so head to toilet first before we get here. Anyway , meet him Luhan ", Hyuni bow politely to me. "Well its okay , Kris hyung my friend asking me your selca . Im gonna take it for them "said Yuni . I bet they are so close to each other , since Yuni call him as hyung while she should call him oppa instead.

We walk along the streets with laugh and joke , i never saw her be this happy and she even talk to me without being akward and somehow i felt like we alraedy friends. "Im haeding to kris house can u sent my sister back ?"

"Sure , we heading to he same place anyway". I just cant stop smilling , i wonder if this always happen to girls when their boyfriend can walk with them alone ? why i dont feel like this when i with Christina ?. "Oppa , i will walk with Luhan sunbae so dont worry". "Seriously ? Kris will accompany you if you want"said Kai. "Heol not , im not gonna too let her walk by herself"said Kris while picking his nose.Suddenly i feel someone hoding my hands tightly,

"I know that hyung will say like that , so i will just go with Luhan sunbae . We will leave first , anneyong oppa and stupid hyung "said Yuni . She hold my hand and walk leave them watching us closely .

   "Sorry i dont mean it , if i dont do that oppa will ask kris hyung to walk with me and that doesnt feel good somehow".She slowly release her hands from mine.

"Then you need to hold it untill we arrived then , now lets go "I hold her hand and walk along the road .

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