

One-shot 140215: [costumes; do cheery since the last one was kind of depressing]


Seoyeon never really noticed him. Him with the mud stained shorts, crumpled t-shirt of dirt and torn grass, and the bird's nest of black hair on his small head. Maybe she did, since she knew there was one clumsy boy in her class that she thought was disgusting and crazy. But she didn't really know his name.

Myungsoo never really noticed her. Her with that light blue spring dress and long black hair decorated with a flower. Maybe he did, because he knew there was one that was quiet but pretty. But he didn't really know her name. 
His smile would be that awful smirk that she winced at. His eyes looked so cold and emotionless but lit up with energy at the thought of recess and food. Seoyeon would do all she could to run away from him. If not, hiding was always a good option. 
Her smile was small but sweet. Her big eyes were always so bright. But they often shied away as she looked down at her clean black shoes then looked up at the vast blue sky as she leaned back and forth from heal to toe. Myungsoo didn't really care about her. If he were to chose between his soccer ball and Seo—oh, it's absolutely the ball.


It was the first Halloween party for the whole school grade. Among the hyper crowd of kids, Seoyeon was gripping her sparkly wand in one hand and smoothing out the sides of her fairy dress in the other. She felt magical with the delicate tiara on her head and small wings clipped on her back. 
And then there was Myungsoo. Running through the mass of excited children as if the wooden wand he pointed out in front of him held all the power in the world. His black cloak and yellow-red striped scarf made him an adorable Hogwarts wizard. 
Amidst the running and yelling of kids, a clumsy boy bumped into a girl. The boy stumbled back and glared through his small eyes. The girl caught his angry gaze and bowed her head in apology. When she looked up, all she saw was his smirk. Then she heard a "Shyonggg~!" and he was gone.
Stupid boy.


Seoyeon was the wallflower at school and was happy to be one. She listened to her teachers clearly and studied efficiently as she sat huddled to the side of the room, her face hidden behind long bangs and thick black glasses frames. She often tugged down at the uniform skirt that was just a bit too short for her comfort.
And yet from the back of the room came the paper airplanes and spitballs. Myungsoo could ace all his tests without any studying and would bore his off during classes. His shirt was never ironed, his tie was never straight, and his fluffy hair was still an unkempt mess on his head.
Seoyeon studied hard, and yet no matter how hard she worked, Myungsoo was always the first of the class.
Stupid boy and his stupid smirk.



Sometimes Seoyeon hated badminton. She had to suffer through tedious footwork and drilling. But, whacking the birdie across the court was the best stress relief. As the youngest member of the team, she was clad in her team uniform with her team emblem proudly embroidered over her heart. With her bangs clipped back securely and her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, she couldn't feel more ready to teach her first student.

Apparently, this new kid was already a Class A member at his badminton club. Here on this nationally ranked team, only one match was needed for evaluation. 
Myungsoo, in a straighter shirt and nicer shorts but still with a mess of hair, leisurely walked into the center and took in his surroundings, his hands already ping his bag to take out his racket. Seeing a girl relatively idle on unused court, he set his stuff down and walked over.
"Hi, do you know where I would get evaluated?" 
"Oh, are you the new trainee from the club in Seoul? Kim Myungsoo?"
"Ah." Oh, so that guy's Myungsoo. "I'll be the one evaluating you here. Are you warmed up?"
"Here, rally with me." The birdie was served.
"Are you a team member?" he asked as he calmly returned the birdie.
"How old are you?"
"16. I'm the youngest here."
The birdie was hit back and forth a dozen times before Seoyeon caught it in her hand and asked, "May we start?"
"First to 11."
All went well. Form, check. Stance, check. Footwork, check. Strength, check. Reflex and response, check. Determination, check. Focus and concentration, check. Stability, miss—uh, check. 
Game point. The score, 10-8, in Seoyeon's favor. Both sides fumed in determination, though one was much more relaxed... and amused. With just one high clearing conveniently to the back of the court, Seoyeon returned the birdie with a beautiful (and deadly) jump smash, leaving a shocked and flustered Myungsoo.
It was Seoyeon's turn to smirk. 
Her eyes... She looks strangely familiar... and damn, she's hot when she plays. 


Seoyeon loved libraries. They were not only a condensed hub of knowledge and information with books galore but also a wonderfully quiet place to study. But... not only that, it was comfortable and stress free (not like high school seniors had much to worry). Without wearing those unnecessary glasses frames and school uniforms, her light cream knit sweaters, black skinnies, and black 5cm-heeled boots (and of course topped with her beloved dark magenta fedora hat) were the best when she wanted to snuggle up on a soft library couch with a great book. And, not to mention, the outfit gave her an air of sophistication (esp. with that flip of her hair).
Myungsoo loved libraries, too. Throwing on a pair of black jeans and a loose black t-shirt... and maybe a black sweatshirt... ah, so much better than those school uniforms. Sure, black was the color he often wore, but it wasn't his favorite (though he thought it was the color he looked best in). And... maybe he pat down his messy hair a bit before walking out of the house. Oh, he might have finished a homework assignment or two, but library time is mostly reserved for him to pick a great book to read. And he would do anything to fulfill his avid interests in... manga.
Seoyeon decided to glance through the "New Arrivals" shelves for once. Running her fingers along the edge of the bookshelf, she walked along the sides of the room. Her eyes stopped at the newly published manga volume for the Bleach series. Just as her hand touched the book to take flip it over, another hand snatched it. 
"Oh, I'm sorry." She spoke, bowing her head in apology. "You can have it." 
Myungsoo froze, his hand still gripping the book, his jaw going slightly slack. It was her. She was pretty. Really pretty. Her eyes especially. He was going to open his mouth to speak, but the girl was already walking away, browsing through other books. His stomach made him feel light with a dozen fluttering butterflies. He blinked a few more times before a few fading clicks of the girl's heels brought him back to earth. Maybe he should just let her have the book. He took a quick look at her, only to meet her fleeting glance at him. Nah... he wanted it. He smirked and walked away triumphantly. But damn... she was pretty.
Seoyeon could only roll her eyes and look back at her books. Damn that guy with that stupid smirk. Now she knew that stupid guy's name. Not like she wanted to. Or maybe she did. He's kinda cute.


Seoyeon walked across the university campus to the large lecture hall for her sophomore winter quarter course on nineteenth century British literature. With her long black hair in a quick updo, she felt like herself, comfortable in a flowy tunic, beige scarf, black leggings, and black city flats. Making her way to her favorite seat in the middle left, she set her bag down and began to skim through some of her book.
Myungsoo had finally tamed his hair after all these years. Now flat, straight, and styled to settle calmly over his forehead, he couldn't look more mature. With a last glance at his mirror and the last adjustments to his black sweater and slacks, he headed to the large lecture hall. Book plots and characters ran through his mind as he walked up to the middle left of the auditorium, his eyes wandering for a seat, only to halt at the sight of a familiar (and beautiful) face.
"Excuse me, is someone sitting here?" 
Seoyeon looked up. "Oh, no. Go ahead." She paused, and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Kim Myungsoo...?"
He sat down carefully and looked at her in surprise (and hope). "Uh yeah." His eyes ran through her features again and faltered when they met her eyes. "Were you my badminton coach from a few years ago?"
She chuckled slightly and hid a slight blush behind her fluffly scarf. "Yes."
"I'm sorry, I don't think I ever got your name."
"Oh, it's Seoyeon. Jung Seoyeon."
"Um, nice to meet you, officially." He held out his hand, which Seoyeon gently shook.
How did Myungsoo get to be so handsome...? Damn his good looks. Maybe he's still his old clumsy self?
"Hey Seoyeon, do you have anything after class?" 
"No, I don't."
"Would you like to go get a coffee with me after?"
Myungsoo cursed his stomach and its butterflies, but after all these years, finally. Success. And she's still as gorgeous as ever. He smirked as he turned to face the front.
Ugh, his smirk. It's still the same over all these years. Stupid Myungsoo and his stupid smirk. But damn, he's hot. 


Seoyeon couldn't feel more nervous when she put on some light eye-liner, mascara, and lip gloss. With her long navy blue dress and her matching 5cm heels, she could only depend on her silver-blue mask to hide her bashful blush as she made her way to the ballroom for the senior class winter masquerade. 
Myungsoo was nervous, too. Constantly picking at his tux coat, finger-combing through his hair, and later pushing his hands stiffly into his pants pockets, he stared at the ballroom floor as he waited on the side for his date. 
Seoyeon walked in at last, immediately spotting a familiar man with a silver-blue mask. 
"Hello, I don't think I've met you before."
Myungsoo smirked at Seoyeon's comment and looked up to meet her beautiful gaze behind her mask. 
"Oh, really. I think you're the gorgeous lady I've been waiting for." Myungsoo smirked again as he held her by the waist and pulled her closer until their foreheads met, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Ugh, your smirk."
"I hate it."
"Oh no, you love it."
Seoyeon rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the warm blush across her face. Myungsoo only chuckled and murmured "I love you" before giving her a sweet, chaste kiss on the lips.
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kangsoohee #1
Chapter 1: Aw this is just too sweet >.<