24 december 2001


im struggling to touch you  who only i can see.

im struggling to hold you who only i can hear


cast : jongin, sehun, luhan, suho, chanyeol, baekhyun, tao, kris.

pair : kaihun, kailu, taoris, chanbaek.

genre : fantasy, drama, angst(?)

rate : T+ 

exo in TimeRider!au

/n : actually this story plot already saved in my laptop since MID!era^^

i'm back! its pretty fast right? haha okay thats the prolog~~ if you want me to post the chapter tell meee^^ i really appreciate it~ and i hope you appreciate me too~~~ sorry for the typos^^

this is going to be oneshot^^ 


I'm struggling to touch you who only i can see

I'm struggling to hold you who only i can hear

I see things that I couldn't see before

I hear things that I couldn't hear before After you left me,

I have grown a power that I didn't have before


jongin hanya ingin melihatnya lagi.

jongin hanya ingin terus bisa menyentuhnya lagi.

meskipun ia harus merasakan sakitnya kehilangan berulang ulang,

yang Jongin inginkan hanya terus melihatnya lagi.

melihat sehunnya.


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clairenoona_887 #1
Chapter 1: mereka itu menetap di
seoul di tanggal
23-24desember2001 ketika tanggal
sudah menjadi 24desember 2001
puku 23:59 rumah mereka—
hanyarumahmereka—akan kembali
ke tanggal 23 desember 2001
begitu seterusnya sampai mereka
dipindah tugaskan.

berarti ga berubah ya tgl nya itu? apa ky doraemon gtu yg wktunya ga brubah mskipun mereka pergi ke tmpat lain berhari-hari? #dorr
bner ga? #engga xD
sumpah klo umur, saya msi rada2 bngung buat paham

mungkin bkal ngrti klo uda bca Time
Riders nya Alex Scarrow itu kali yahh.. ._.

tp ini daebak.. bisa bkin fic rada 'berat' -menurutku- gini..
two thumbs up d^^b
clairenoona_887 #2
bru bsa kebuka.. kekke ^^v
ini sequel yg kmrn or beda?