
Free Times

free times 

It was during those times when Jongin and Kyungsoo were the only guys at the dorm where half of the EXO members have a schedule at China; Junmyeon and Sehun out in the streets biking while Chanyeol and Baekhyun are shopping.

Their dorm’s living room is dark- curtains drawn in blocking the rays of the sun and the afternoon heat from seeping in to the room. The only source of light was the large LED TV placed in one of the living room’s wall where a replay of the week’s Pororo episode is playing.

If this day was like any other day in their trainee days, when Jongin had to stay at the dorms with Kyungsoo, he would have beg Junmyeon to take him wherever he would go because he will never be able to stand Kyungsoo’s “tsundere” tendencies.

But Jongin has grown to love every side of Kyungsoo, yes, even his tsundere side because after all, it was only Kyungsoo who can put up with his whining. It was only Kyungsoo who’d wake up even on ungodly hours and prepare him a meal when his stomach decides to be hungry at 3 AM. And it was only Kyungsoo who would take care of him when he doesn’t feel well- only Kyungsoo and no one else.

So when they finally have their share of free time, Jongin would always prefer to be with his favorite hyung – staying at home at the dorm and watching Pororo – when everyone else would rather go out.


Side by side, they sit in the comfort of the couch, one of Jongin’s leg propped over one of Kyungsoo’s an arm draped around the smaller guy’s shoulders ablanket neatly folded on the side in case one of them falls asleep.

It was their favorite cartoon- Kyungsoo’s actually but it was another thing Jongin has grown to love as well, but neither seems to be focusing on the adventures of the animated penguin and his friend. Both were sleepy, busy whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ear, giggling and rubbing soothing circles on each other’s palms.

“I’m glad we got another day-off hyung,” Jongin says. “This way, we’d be able to spend more time together.”

“But we’re always together Jongin, aren’t we? Music shows, guestings… doesn’t that count as spending time together?”

“Hyung. What I mean is—“

“I know, Jongin. I know.” Kyungsoo cuts him chuckling at his own failed joke. “And yes, I’m thankful that I was able to spend time with you today.”

The older smiled at him and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

For a while, they continued watching TV programs switching on channels when their favorite animated show was over looking for a new show that fits to their liking.

A yawn escapes Jongin’s lips and as if on automatic, Kyungsoo places the younger’s head on his shoulder free arm reaching and grabbing the folded blanket on his side and pulls it over them.

Kyungsoo hums him a song he is all too familiar with but never gets tired of listening, even though he has heard Kyungsoo hum it to him countless of times. The older’s smooth deep voice slowly lulled him to sleep. He shifts to a more comfortable position- his head laying on Kyungsoo’s chest the rising and falling of it also lulling him to sleep.

“Hey Jongin,” Kyungsoo whispered.

“Hmm?” Jongin replied too sleepily.

“Do you think I’d make a good spouse?”

Jongin opens his eyes and raises his head to look at Kyungsoo and to ask him why he was suddenly opening such a topic. But all he did was laugh a little too loudly when he looks at Kyungsoo earning a pout and a light punch from him.

The blanket was pulled over Kyungsoo’s head making it look like a veil on a bride’s head on a wedding day. He was swaying his head a little from side to side as he hums the wedding march hands clutching the blanket to prevent it from falling on his head.

Jongin knows it was supposed to be a veil but it looks more like a quickly and badly made costume of a kid going to a trick or treat on a Halloween night. He keeps the thought to himself though, unless he wants to deal with an unforgiving Kyungsoo right now.

He keeps on laughing but deep inside he is screaming and squealing at the cuteness in front of him that he even had to stop himself from pinching Kyungsoo’s cheeks because the older just look extra squishy right now.

“So, do you think I’d make a good spouse?” Kyungsoo repeats

Jongin takes a deep breath and smiled at him.

“I thinl you’d do really really well. And if you were a girl, you’d even make a pretty bride,” he said adjusting the ‘veil’ on Kyungsoo’s head

“Really, you think so?”

 Jongin nodded in response. A flush of pink creeped on Kyungsoo’s cheeks.

“If I were a girl Jongin, would you marry me then?” The smaller boy asked his voice wavering and looking everywhere but Jongin.

Jongin places his hands on Kyungsoo’s face cupping his cheeks and forcing his hyung to look at him straight in the eye.

“You don’t even have to ask, hyung and… you don’t even need to be a girl. I’d willingly spend my forever with you if there’s such a thing. Just like how the moon has always accompanied the stars at night. Even if everyone and destiny does not permit. I’d still do.”

He placed a chaste kiss on Kyungsoo’s forehead, which lingered for a moment. Jongin went down tracing the bridge and tip of Kyungsoo’s nose with kisses until his lips landed on Kyungsoo’s soft and plump ones.

They savored each other’s kisses drowning themselves in the moment because they both know that it will take a long time before they could do something like this again.

Jongin lays Kyungsoo’s head on his chest hugging him tightly before pulling the blanket over them.

“I’m really glad we had free time today Jongin. But what I’m more grateful for is that we were able to spend time with each other.”

“I’m thankful too, hyung,” Jongin replied placing a kiss on the top of Kyungsoo’s head. “Really thankful.”

The TV is turned off; the silence and darkness bringing sleep over them but even before they finally reach dreamland, Jongin whispers ‘I love you’ to Kyungsoo who in turn whispered the same words back. And somehow, before he could finally sleep, Jongin prayed to heavens for more free time with his favorite hyung because being together with Kyungsoo is the most wonderful place he’ll ever be to.




This was a result of a conversation between my friend and I about KaiSoo which became somewhat a short fic. Somehow, our convo reminded her of an episode in her favorite anime, Tora Dora. She asked for somebody who could write her a Tora Dora!au KaiSoo and yes I presented in doing it even though I know I can't write that well u_u 

I hope you like this tho, Jewel ♥ mwah 

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Chapter 1: fluffy...fluffy
and i'm agree with jongin...
kyungie looks squishy all the time...kkk
AeChaPark #2
Chapter 1: Oh gahd, this is so sweet.
“You don’t even have to ask, hyung and… you don’t even need to be a girl. I’d willingly spend my forever with you if there’s such a thing. Just like how the moon has always accompanied the stars at night. Even if everyone and destiny does not permit. I’d still do.” this gave me goosebumps. I love it <3