Fall in the Symphony
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note first of all, so sorry to not give you guys an update. i didn't even know if this story can catch you guys' attention just by the first chapter haha. so anyway, i'm here to say about the baekhyun thing. i'm not against baekyeon. therefore, i kinda want to change this story character to kyungsoo or probably sehun, or perhaps chanyeol. okno jk. i guess it'll be kyungsoo because this fic is about musical and kyungsoo is another vocalist in exo k. 

i'm here to say that is it fine if i change the character? because i'm not comfortable to use baekhyun since his relationship with taeyeon is just cute and ugh ( no don't believe this line ). actually, i want to change chapter one and i make it longer than that. probably 2k-3k+ words? i like longer chapter lately haha. so yeah, i've made half of the chapter, i'll probably post it in next week or so. i want to thank you guys who subscribed to this fail piece of art ; u ; and yup that's all! i'll change the character to kyungsoo and i hope it's fine to you guys. but if you guys here because of baekhyun, it's fine to unsubscribe. it's your right, anyway.

lastly, thank you to those who patiently wait. i love you guys! < 3 now i ask you guys to wait for overall revamp of this story again. sorry u n u

p.s. i've already changed the girl name to joo ahreum sobs i love that name. alright kamsa. coded by aleric | client: unfamiliar
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+ 06/15/14 hey guys i'm sorry for not updating ; u ; i'll update when i'm free i promise! and yay, FITS finally get a poster! isn't it pretty? c 8


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DeviilWiings #1
Chapter 2: Update soon ^^
Seems interesting~