
Qualified Fiance

Taeyang doesn't know whether it is a right thing or not to bring his family to meet Choi Min Young, the only girl who captures his heart. Mr. and Mrs. Dong stay silent as the car speeding to the hospital where Min Young is been having her treatment for the last two years.Taeyang is driving pretty fast due to the tensed feeling could be perceived in the air. Even his brother changes to be cold the entire time since the incident in the restauran just before. Taeyang knows exatcly his family must be feeling annoyed yet disappointed regarding his decision just then. It is a shame for his family. He knows he should have not done that, and it was out of the bound, but he had no choice since it iwas the only way and he is getting tired to every drama in his life. The car stops in front of the hospital after an hour traveling through the highway.

"Hospital?" his mom asks in confusion.

"Are you now pulling another joke?" his dad utters still can't believe that they are really in front a freaking hospital. He thought his son said that he would bring them to meet a woman he loves.

"Yes, she lives here." without saying much more, Taeyang removes his seat belt and manages to get off the car. He inhales some oxygen in the air.

"I wish you have thought more than once before doing it." his brother taps on his shoulder. Taeyang meekly nods. Obviously he feels restless since anything could happen from now on.

"I will take you to her." Taeyang says while walking into the hospital, three people behind him haven't other option beside to follow him and wish there will not be any more surprise waiting inside.

A nurse bows to Taeyang, indicates that he is used to come here.

"Mr. Dong, you're here again? You come at the right time, Ms. Choi has't slept yet, she just had her medicine." the nurse informs him. She does not miss to bow to three people that are so unfamiliar for her since Taeyang never brought people with him.

Taeyang takes his steps to Min Young's room which is located near the hospital's park. His steps are halted just in front a room. He was about to knock the door before his mom's hand grips his shoulder.

"She's here?! You must lose your mind already. Don't you dare say to me that she's sick or something." his mom stares fiercely while her heartbeat's pace runs very fast.

Taeyang lets a very long breath knowing that his mother's words are completely right. Min Young is been in the hospital since years ago. And he's expecting how would his mom react when finding out that her words were true.

"Just please don't underestimate her. She is literally a very nice woman." Taeyang finally rolls the knob which makes the door opened.

As soon as the door is opened wide, the four people can see a very beautiful woman lying on the hospital bed, seems like she is just about to sleep. Min Young heard the door is opened by someone, and some steps beforehand behind the door. Min Young could feel that she's not alone anymore, but due to her disability of seeing the visuals of people, she only manages to feel the difference from the air in the room.

"Min Young-ah." A voice that is very familiar to her cracks the tensed ambience which filled the room.

"Taeyang? You're here?" Min Young tries to climb down the bed. Taeyang without any command dashes to help her.

"You're here? It's you?" Min Young still can't believe herself. Though she's very sleepy and her eyes looks drowsy but she can't hide her excitement for having a person she loves so much with her right at the moment.

She palpates through the air, trying to reach where Taeyang is. Taeyang grabs her hands.

"Taeyang, what the hell is this? You don't say that we came all the long way only to see this woman?" his mom sounds sarcastic. She widens her eyes as she is scanning through Min Young.

Min Young is stupefied. She is all confused. She has no ide who talked, and it was the voice she has never heard before.

"Taeyang! Get yourself together! What the heck is this? You brought us all the way here only to see her? This woman? Are you losing your mind?" his brother shouts out loud enough to make everyone including Min Young gets very shocked. His voice was bumming through the room.

His brother is totally worried for Taeyang. He doesn't want his brother to have such as dark future if he keeps staying with that girl. His brother knows Taeyang might just get blinded by his love. His keeps shaking Taeyang's body which is gone stiff. Taeyang just keeps in silence. His mother can't bear any longer and slap him across his face.

"Why are you being like this Dong Taeyang?! What the hell is in your crazy mind?! Did you do this in purpose to make me get some heart attack?!" His mom now is in front of him with furious eyes and hastily breath.

"Mom, please can you think about my feeling just once in my life? I always followed your order, to do this, to do that. Please just this time, listen to me." Taeyang begs almost cries. There are too many feelings that about to explode, and he has to handle them all.

"Listen you said? How can I listen to such as stupid thing like this? This is the most embarrassing moment in my life to have my son loving someone who has disability like her!" his mom sounds really rude. She points right to Min Young who can do nothing beside keeps at her place and begins to cry from the fierce words that she keeps hearing from last ten minutes.

"Mom, please! Your words are too much!" Taeyang tries to protect Min Young's feeling, but everybody knows he's just too late.

"Taeyang, we'd better go home now. You might be depressed from all the works in the office, and you might be stressed out due to our pressure for you to marry soon. But you should not have gone this far. If you don't want to marry soon, then it's fine. Just marry later, in a year, two years or whatever year you want to marry. For now, we should just go home." his father, not like usual, tries to be calm. He knows that someone like Taeyang can't be dragged out by violence.

"Go home? No! Never! I wouldn't go to a place that's worse than a hell! This is my life and you keep telling me what to do. This is my place. I want to be with her." Taeyang persists. He emphasized the words my place.

His mom steps ahead. She lands her sight to both Taeyang and Min Young with disgusted eyes. Taeyang knows exactly what his mom is thinking. A second later, his mom passes him and goes to Min Young who can't do anything the entire time.

"I can't believe my son is crazy enough to let go everything he has only to be with a girl like you. Do you know what he bets if he's staying with you? He's leaving everything, not only his own family, but he's going to ruin his future. I'm telling you miss, don't even you dare to imagine my son beside you for the time being and for the rest of your life. Taeyang is not your fate, and so you are, definitely not his fate. Keep dreaming because it's the last time you'll meet him." Mrs Dong warns Min Young who's now open-mouthed.

After knowing Taeyang for years, she had no idea that Taeyang literally never told his family about her. She didn't know how Taeyang family is. She knew nothing about Taeyang's family basically. He always refused to tell her, and now she knows the meaning of shaky tone of Taeyang whenever she popped up the topic about his family. She realizes that she has disability, but it doesn't mean people can insult her as if she is the poorest creature ever living, and she doesn't deserve anything. She was also desperated the first time she found herself can't be able to see everything anymore. Yes, she was not blind when she was born until that accident happened. It was years ago but she could clearly remember how the pain was when she got bruises all around her body. Her injury was pretty serious and she had to be hospitalized for almost 3 months before she found out that the accident not only left trauma for her, but also took her vision forever.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Dong, I know you must love your son very much, and I know it is a huge matter to let your son to be with me. But please, I beg you, don't insult me the way you have been doing the entire time. I know I might can't see, and I will depend on people to take of me for the rest of my life. However, I am not someone who will give up easily. And please listen to your son, he's suffering so much because you never actually listen to what he wants. I don't care if I will end up to be with him or not since I know love never perfidies itself. It will go to the right place and right time." Min Young said between her sobs. She knows Mrs. Dong is now standing right in front of her. She just doesn't know how keen Taeyang's mom eyes looking towards her.

"Are you now lecturing me about life? Listen young woman, you said you don't care if you'll end up with Taeyang or not. Why didn't you say it earlier? It's pretty clear right that you're only chasing for his money? You know he comes from rich family. You know how successful he is that you only look for money he has. And do you think with your condition now and your ty motive, we will accept you to be the part of our family? Heck no!" His mom is going to be rude by grabbing Min Young's  chin and uttering the words right in front of her face.

"Mom! Stop it, can you? What are you doing now? You're hurting her!" Taeyang tries to stop the scene.

Taeyang pulls her mom's hand, and pushes her back. Mrs. Dong is all fluttered, his son never acted that daring towards her before. Taeyang sighes over his mom doing to Min Young's hand. As an educated person and a wife of a very successful man, his mom went too far. Her action and words are way too much.

"Mom, if you don't like, it's okay. I don't insist you to like her in your first time meeting her. But it doesn't mean you can hurt her like this. You can get to know her later. She is the only woman I love. I know you're very disappointed to me. I'm getting tired seriously over this never-ending drama of you three thinking that you are the right ones." Taeyang said in desperate tone.

"You're tired? Me either! Can we just go home and forget about all of it? Taeyang might need some rest since he's kind of going insane. We will forget what happened this night, and pretend nothing happened tomorrow as long as you go home and stop begging for nothing." his brother replied in second.

Taeyang feels like he has a mountain rock falls on his shoulder. His brother used to support him no matter what. He was the only supportive and understanding person in his family. But now he has to accept the reality that everyone goes the contary from him.

"Taeyang, you know you're doing wrong. Let's just go home. You know what you will lose if you're staying with her. You will not only lose your position as a CEO, but you will also lose your family. Your family, I repeat. You know it will be hard for you to seek for a job once they find out that you're my son. They will think that I send you to leak their companies' information. There are too many to bet only to stay with one woman meanwhile it will not be so hard for you to get another one later." his father had his speech and left the room. He doesn't care anymore about Taeyang's decision later. It has been so frustating and he's stressed out already that it's better to search for some fresh air.

The room goes silent. Min Young feels so guilty towards Taeyang. She doesn't want love that is supposed to be the most beautiful feeling in the world brings only misery for Taeyang. We all know we don't live only with love. And it's not the right thing to sacrifice your family for a lover.

"Taeyang, just go. You know you've been doing wrong. Don't let your heart win over your mind. Think clearly about this. You might find the right woman one day. I can't be the right one too." Min Young persuades Taeyang. She will do anything for Taeyang, for his happiness, including by burrying her feeling. it's better for her to get hurt herself than seeing Taeyang lives in sorrow.

"Min Young? What the heck are you talking about? This is my happiness to be with you. I will not take the wrong path anymore." Taeyang holds both Min Young's hands.

"Do you think it's the right path? You will ruin your life, and I will feel more guilty than you ever think I will. I can't let you sacrifice everything for a blind woman like me. I can't do anything without people's help. I am only a burden for you. This is the time for you to listen to your family." Min Young tries to calm herself down, tries not to cry.

"I have gone this far. I have sacrificed many things. Please don't say such things. We both know that we can do thru this." Taeyang can't believe what Min Young said. He knows deep inside Min Young just betrays her own feeling. She must be lying for his good.

"You must really lose your mind, don't you? Love is not everything, Taeyang. There's one more important thing beside love, it is family. You will lose your family for love that you yourself don't know how long it is going to withstand." one more time, Min Young utters the words that she honestly didn't want to say. She can't deny that she can't bear to lose Taeyang. She has no one beside Taeyang. He's the only person who always stays beside her no matter what.

"You heard her, right? Now let's go home. Father is waiting outside." his brother is grabbing Taeyang's body, dragging him out of the room.

Taeyang tries to fight his brother. He has not done with Min Young yet. He knows Min Young tries to sacrifice her own feeling, and he himself is feeling tired about this sacrificing . He doesn't care anymore. Yes, his family is everything for him, but to stand with people that literally always torture his feeling for his lifetime might the worst decision he ever makes, plus he will lose the only woman who can open his heart that was closed and untouched for years.

"Stop it, hyung! Let me be here any longer!" Taeyang shouts out. But his brother doesn't seem to listen to him. "Hyung! Please!" Taeyang begs.

"Bring him out. I will wait outside. I can't stand to watch this nasty scene any longer." Mrs. Dong takes her step outside.

"Taeyang! What the heck is wrong with you?! Let's go home!" his brother having a hard time of pulling him outside. Taeyang is like a beast who can't be controlled.

"Min Young! You must be lying, right? You remember our promise? You said you love me, don't you? Why are you doing this?" Taeyang looks furios. His face is getting redden.

A nurse and a security of the hospital come into the room due to excessive commotion considering that they're in the hospital. The nurse tries to check whether Min Young is fine, in another side the security tries to help to drag Taeyang outside.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, right?" the nurse asked in worry.

"Yes I am okay, but please bring them outside. I don't want them to be in my room." Min Young replied.

"Please bring them both outside! We're going to check the patient's condition." the nurse ordered.

"Min Young! Please don't do this! It might the last time we meet! Min Young!" Taeyang screamed for the last time before he was successfully dragged outside.

"Good bye, Taeyang." Min Young finally lets out the tears she's been holding the entire time.





Seven Months Later....

It's been seven months since last time Taeyang met Min Young. After the thing that happened in the hospital between Taeyang, Min Young and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Dong go really strict towards Taeyang. They always watch Taeyang the whole time making that poor youngest kid of Dong family can't do anything without his family know. Taeyang is back to his daily life as a CEO and as an obedient kid of his family. He can't do nothing beside follow his parents' order since he has lost his faith for life. He's getting more distant to people than ever. He has tried so many times to go to see Min Young but they were all useless.

Today, as usual Taeyang comes to his office. A usual boring morning he has to face over and over again. A nerdy-look woman with a long skirt, who is no other beside his secretary, is approaching him, and handing him a letter.

"For you, Mr. Dong." she said in timid voice.

Taeyang doesn't take it, he stops walking as he lets out a big sigh.

"Are you deaf or something? Ah, you must not pay attention when I said that every letter has to be put on my desk. Who says you can hand me a letter like this?" Taeyang said coldly without even looking at her.

"I'm sorry but the lady who gave me this told me that I have to give you this as soon as you arrive since it's really important." she said the real reason behind her action.

"Does she pay you? Who pays you? Me, right? Then, follow my order!" Taeyang said, can't believe his morning would be this annoying. He's now kind of sensitive to people, that makes him even looks more horror to everyone.

"I am sorry. I will not repeat it anymore." his secretary bows.

Taeyang enters his office. He sits on his chair and closes his eyes. A kaleidoscope of his bad memory of the accident years ago pops up again. He was very drunk back then that he coudln't control his steering wheel well. He lost control of his car and he accidentaly hit passerby. He still remembers how panic he was. The night was rainy and the road was so deserted. He was about to leave that woman but he changed his mind. He called an ambulance though he knew he might be jailed if people found out he was the one who hit the woman, and to make it worse he was in a drunk state. He finally was free from all indictment since his family has the power of controling justice and they had money to bribe the judges. But Taeyang couldn't let it just go. He regularly visited the woman in the hospital to see her condition without his family knowing.

The door is suddenly opened and wakes up Taeyang from his thoughts, and not long afterward his secretary looks entering his office, anyone can tell she's having a hard time of bringing the pile of documents and letters which belong to her boss. Taeyang uprights his sitting position. Here I go, back to work again, he said on his mind.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dong. I'm bringing you some documents that have to be signed, and here your letters." she said while handing Taeyang some documents, and carefully arranging some letters on Taeyang's desk.

"You may go. I will call you once I finish my work." Taeyang orders. The secretary bows to Taeyang, and as ordered, leaving the room back to her own work.

Taeyang was all busy flipping through the documents before he remembered something. That letter. The letter that his secretary was hastily giving to him. The curiousity is building up through his mind. He doesn't know why but it seems that he has to open it as soon as possible. He can't continue his work though if his mind goes to another place. Taeyang searches for the letter. He tries to remember the envelop of the letter. He finally gets it within a minute. Taeyang reads the sender of the letter, there's written Jung Min Ah, a name that he hasn't heard before. Taeyang furrows his forehead. He begins to read the letter.

Hello, Mr. Dong Taeyang. You must don't know me so please me to introduce myself. I'm Jung Min Ah, one of the nurses in the hospital where Miss Choi Min Young was in. Miss Choi was pretty close to me, she always told me about her day back then. I actually was feeling complicated to decide whether I should send you this or not. There were so many thoughts of mine that I finally collected all my courage to tell you this.

I will begin it from the very begining. Gratefully Miss Choi got a donor for her eyes five months ago. She was so excited and she even told me that she finally got to see you once she could see later. She couldn't even wait for the operation. She was sedulous to follow our order for her pre-treatment before the operation. Without knowing, the day of the operation came, and it was successfully done. We just had to wait until we could release Miss Choi's bandage. Day after day passed and doctor allowed Miss Choi to release her bandage. We were so thankful that she could see everything clearly. She eventually could have her vision again.

But happiness didn't go for long unfortunately. She got a very severe headache one day. She first did not tell us, but later we found out that she had the headache not only once but for times already. The doctor gave her a throughtout check. We later found that the operation was not fully a success. Some of her nerves got damaged because of the operation. And it cpuld't be helped that her condition went down by days.

I am really sorry to tell you that Miss Choi Min Young is already dead. She was peacefully going to heaven just two months ago. We were all mourning due to lose our patient, friend and sister. I am sorry that I managed to tell you by now. I was wondering whether it's the right thing or not since you're not her family too. But the feeling of I should tell you this was haunting me down. Once more, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I have one more thing to tell you, I found a letter that Miss Choi wrote just before she died. I found this in her room, and I am sure the letter is meant for you.

Taeyang can't control to release a bunch of tears down his cheeks. He feels like he got a sudden heart attack. He can't believe himself that he actually has lost his love already, for forever. He can't help but crying a river. He feels the world is not fair to him. He even still can't believe that it is really happening. Taeyang's sight finds his surrounding is blurry due to his tears that keep coming out. He is crying badly like it's the end of the world.

"What is this Min Young-ah? You think you can go like this?" Taeyang stuttered in the middle of his sobs.

He gathers all his remain strength to open one more letter that's still in the envelop. No matter he's man and how strong he is. He knows the fact he might collapse after reading Min Young's letter for him. Taeyang lets out a big sigh. Though his feeling is ready to explode but he has to keep it down. There's another important thing that has to be put as the priority. He has to read the remain letter from Min Young. He slowly opens the letter, and begins to read.

Hi, Taeyang-ah...

I know it might sound scary but I know the time you're reading this, I must have died. Firstly before continue reading, I want you to be not sad because everything that happened to me is definitely not your fault.

"Are you stupid? How can I not be sad?" Taeyang told to the air.

I finally can see everything! You know how I missed it to see every single thing, everyone, and to do everything myself? You can guess how happy I am now. I am happy that I might have a chance to see you. I am happy that probably you can bring me to your family and I will not be a disgrace any longer.

But seems like happiness doesn't exist long, the doctor said that some of my nerves got damaged. I was so shocked to hear the news. You know I've been excited for my own fantasy of being with you. Being a decent woman for you, Dong Taeyang.

I can't deny that the pain is very bad. To tell you the truth I even think that I might die soon. But the thought of having you by my side makes me stronger. I know you haven't had a girlfriend yet, right? You still miss me, right?

I can feel that I'm losing my weight day by day. I don't even have much energy to walk around for long time like before. Before I die, I just want to be honest. You might be suprised to hear about it.

I couldn't manage to tell you before but to tell you the truth, I know who you are actually. You were not just some random stranger wandering around the hospital looking for nothing. Taeyang, I can remember you clearly, I can remember your face and your voice very well. I know you were the one who riding the car. I know you were the one who hit me with your car and the cause of an accident that changed my life drastically. The accident that took away my ability of seeing. I surely hated you the first time you were dare to approach me. That was why I was being so cold. But I could feel your voice sounded very sorry of thing that you had done. Gradually I felt like you were not a bad person as we got to know each other. Without even realized, I fell for you. I fell in love with you. Without knowing, your voice is like an oxygen for me that I need it for my life. I fell even deeper day by day until all the hate towards you changed to be a pure love.

I don't want to dig up the past much further. The important one is the present, right? I just want you to know what I have forgiven you from a long time ago. Just please don't feel any guilty, okay? I want to thank you for your enormous love for me. I can't hang in there if it's not because of you. Even if I die, I want you to live healthy and happily without me. You have to promise me to live well for me. Don't feel sad over my death. Use it as your strength that there's someone that will always love you thogh she is not in the world anymore. Be strong because I know you can face everything ahead.

I can't talk much more. There are too many memories of us that I will always cherish. Taeyang, I just want you to know that I love you for whoever you are, and I want you to let me go, and continue your life that I will also feel peaceful if you live happily.

Taeyang is a crying mess as he finished reading the letter. He screams very loud due to the frustation of losing his only love. He couldn't control his tears and sobs. His secretary knocks the door since she heard Taeyang's scream just before. She asks Taeyang whether he's okay or not behind the lid, but no answer from him. She forcefully opens the door since she's very worried. She finds Taeyang looks so messy. He is cryig badly. A sight that she never saw before. A sight that she might see only once in her whole life.



Taeyang kneels down beside Min Young's grave. He caresses the tomb as he puts down some flowers on the grave.

"It's been a long time since you left me. Why are you being so evil to me, Min Young-ah?" Taeyang can't help but to cry. "I can't promise you that I will live well. How could I?" he uttered in shaky voice.

He is very sorry to her that he is a total coward. he didn't even be able to say sorry for his doings to her. He didn't even manage to say good bye. He didn't even have a chance to make her the happiest woman on earth. He only brought sadness and sorrow for her. Taeyang didn't even know how to pay her back. Even his life can't pay it all. She was his everything. Now, his life is empty after Min Young left. He now hates his family especially himself even more. He literally just hates his life. He hates being Dong Taeyang, and how coward he was that he couldn't even protect his only love.




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Chapter 3: Seriously made me cry.
Chapter 3: I don't know what to say... This is so damn angst.