Chapter 2

Who Would've Thought


"You should see how much you're destroying him, hyung." Suho muttered as he walked away.

He didn't feel any guilt at the things he said towards the man. He didn't even flinch as he heard sobs from behind. It felt weird for him to think that Luhan deserves this. He thinks that his hyung must know what Sehun's condition is with his own eyes so he could see how much the younger was suffering.

But he knew that would be impossible because EXO-M is leaving tomorrow for their tour in China.

Small yet cold droplets started to descend from the sky, but it was ignored by the figure that was kneeling in the same spot for half an hour. It not like he chose not to leave, but he couldn't. He couldn't even move a single inch. It was heavy, the feeling on his chest. His head was pounding, and so did his chest. He could feel his heartbeat echo in his ears, and the words of their leader too, was stuck in his head.

"I-I'm destroying him...?" Luhan muttered to himself, feeling the raindrops crawl on his skin. His hands began to tremble slightly, and so did his lips. Soon, tears mixed with the drops of rain as the travel down his cheeks to the ground.

He remained frozen in his spot, until the rain ceased to make contact with his skin. He didn't bother to see who was kind enough to put him under shade. It was as if the spell has been broken as he was able to lift his hand to his mouth, pressing it on his face to muffle the soft sobs that he failed to suppress. He dropped his head as his sobs became louder; his shoulders began to tremble evidently to the extent that his body began to shake, too. He couldn't stop the tears that were flowing. The pain on his chest was too much to bear as his own realizations hit him.

He saw how tired Sehun looks.

He knows the glances their maknae sends to his direction when he's not looking, because he will glance back at him when Sehun isn't looking.

He knows how much Sehun wanted to talk to him, but it was he, himself who put the barrier between him and the younger.

He knows how much it pains the younger to see him getting too close with Minseok.

He knows that it's his idea to distance himself.

He knows that he has hurt Sehun.

He was hurting, too.

But he didn't know it would have a big effect on the younger one.

He was a coward; he began to admit to himself. He wanted to hurt himself for being such a coward. He was so scared to fall that deep for Sehun that he had to save himself. But no. He didn't. He only made the both of them fall into misery. They had the chance to live happily. 

But Luhan chose to destroy it, because he was scared.

He felt arms wrap around him, the umbrella still giving them shade from the rain. Luhan didn't stop his soft cries as he felt the arms around him tighten.

"H-Have you noticed it too?" Luhan whispered, barely audible and the rain was helping it to be like that, but he knew the other heard it as he felt a soft nod behind him as the man leaned his chin over Luhan's shoulder.

"I did." Minseok whispered, hugging Luhan tighter.

"Why didn't I pay attention to it sooner?" Luhan mumbled to himself again. "I-I'm a coward, Minnie. I-"

"Shh." Minseok hushed Luhan. He gazed at the other's eyes, feeling sadness as he saw the emotions on Luhan's eyes. Sadness, pain, lost. Yes, Luhan was indeed lost. "I know. That's why I didn't stop you. What you're doing to Sehun is wrong, but I didn't stop you because I know you're scared; and if I did stop you, who would you run to for comfort, for counsel? No one would understand how you feel but me, Luhannie."

Luhan knew Minseok was right, because the older did the same thing a few years ago. Minseok, himself, did the same stupid thing that Luhan did, but it was received well by the other party. Jongdae was now happily dating a girl, but up until this day, Minseok regretted his decision but he has to be happy for Jongdae because it was his choice. He didn't know why he didn't stop Luhan from doing the same mistake as he did. 

Probably because he wanted someone to feel the same way.

Luhan continued to sob in Minseok's arm, the umbrella soon flew away and neither of them moved, both were deep in their thoughts about the mistakes that they did.

"Is..." Luhan glanced at Minseok. "Is it too late to go back?" Sadness and regret was obvious in his voice. Minseok smile bitterly at the younger and shook his head.

"We still have tomorrow. Fix things before we leave for China. If you don't, I'm afraid it might be." As the oldest hyung, Minseok realized his selfishness and thought that he shouldn't drag Luhan into the mess he is in right now. Of course, he doesn't want to be alone but Luhan has his own life, and Minseok doesn't want his selfishness to ruin it.

The heaviness on Luhan's chest lifted as he heard the older's words, but he could totally shake everything off. There was still a heavy feeling, which was probably a bad omen, but Luhan brushed it off as a feeling of guilt. Luhan nodded, his tears soon lessened as he wiped the mixed tears and raindrops on his face. He forced a soft chuckle as he looked at the drenched Minseok behind him. "Let's get back inside and have a hot bath. We can't risk having a fever tomorrow!" 

 Hopefully, he'll catch their maknae tomorrow and make sure to fix things before they leave.

His body shivered. His comforter never seemed to stop the cold from rushing through his body. It was raining hard outside. He felt himself drowning to the sound of the rain hitting the roof. He stared at the window, observing the raindrops on his window. He watched as each droplet joins with another one, and joins with another one until it reaches the ledge. Some droplets merge with more than one, sometimes with only one, and sometimes it doesn't. His thoughts once again travelled to the man who made him like this.

Is Luhan falling with him too, like the droplets that merged into one and fell at the same time?

Or was he falling alone?

He tightly closed his eyes as memories started to flash back, his happy memories with Luhan. The times when they would go watch a movie together, eat their meals together, and buy their bubble tea together. He wanted those memories to go away because it sends small shots of pain to his chest with every second that their memories flash through his head. Just like how he spends his nights when this happens, tears soon welled up in his eyes and slowly dropped to his pillow.

He was crying once more.

He wants it to stop. He doesn't want to cry anymore. He doesn't want to remember the happy memories between him and Luhan. He wanted the pain to stop.

But he was lost.

He didn't know what to do.

He suddenly jerked up, the tears ceased to fall from his eyes as he looked at the man who grabbed his hand. It was Suho.

"H-Hyung." Sehun's voice cracked, he inwardly groaned as he tried to hide the sadness and hurt in his voice. He didn't want his hyung to know that he was crying. "I thought you were sleeping already."

Suho gave the younger a soft smile, wrapping his arms around him. "It's okay to cry, Hunnie. Let it out."

"I-I'm not-"

But Sehun couldn't lie to himself. He was that type of person. Before he could finish his sentence, more tears flowed down from his eyes as he returned Suho's embrace.

Both remained silent as the older rubbed soothing circles on his sobbing member. He wanted Sehun to know that he was not alone, that Sehun has someone to cry on, that Sehun isn't alone.

After a few moments, which seemed like an hour or so, Suho felt the younger's breathing even. He chuckled softly to himself as he slowly laid the younger's sleeping figure on his bed. He once again cried in his sleep.

Suho then made sure that he mustn't let Luhan meet with the younger tomorrow. He wants the youger to forget him. Sehun was too broken to see Luhan leave. It would only break the younger more.

The older gazed at Sehun's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, as if he doesn't have any problem in the world. He soon vowed to himself that he won't let Luhan and Sehun meet until the younger shows this peaceful face while he was awake.

He knew he wasn't the one who would help Sehun, but he knew someone could. Someone who's not Luhan.

Suho stood up from the bed as he walked out of the room, knocking softly on the door opposite to their's.

The door was opened by Kyungsoo, who had Jongin behind him.

"What is it, Suho-hyung?" Kyungsoo asked, yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt your sleep but can I speak with Jongin?" Suho asked, eyeing the now sleeping figure behind Kyungsoo. "Or maybe I'll do it tomorrow."

Being the one who watched silently behind everyone, Kyungsoo close the door behind him. He grabbed Suho's hand as he lead him towards the kitchen, a place where no one dared to enter once Kyungsoo stepped into it.

"Is it about Sehun?" The younger asked, crossing his arms as he leaned on the counter. Sleepiness was not evident in his face anymore, as he felt that this was an issue that has to be discussed immediately.

The older nodded, glancing behind him to see that no one was in the area.

"I can't let him see Luhan tomorrow." Suho said in a low tone, still cautious about their location.

"What? Why?" Kyungsoo protested. "They have to fix this before Luhan leaves for China. What if Sehun doesn't recover? What if he gets worse once Luhan leaves?"

Suho pursed his lips, biting them softly as he organized his thoughts. "What if they meet and Luhan breaks him even more? I can't risk seeing Sehun break down in front of everyone. You haven't seen the look on his face when he thinks about Luhan. You don't know how it feels to hear him cry himself to sleep every night. You don't know how it feels to be there, but can't do anything for him. I- I want him to forget and that's the best thing I could think of. I can't let him meet Luhan until he forgets."

The younger sighed rubbing his temples as he felt a forming headache. "How can he forget then?"

"Jongin." Suho muttered.

"What?" Kyungsoo asked, barely catching what the older said.

"We can't help him, but Jongin can."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened. He bit his lower lip slightly before responding. "Don't tell me..."

Suho nodded in response. He also knew that this was not the best solution, but it would be the most effective. "Jongin can make him forget."

The younger groaned before approaching the older, grabbing his arm and squeezed it softly. "I don't want you to use him as a rebound for Sehun."

"But this is the only way to help him. I can't risk the talk with Luhan because it can make or break him, and it's possible that the latter may happen. Sehun can learn to love again and forget Luhan, and he needs Jongin. Jongin is the only one capable of making Sehun forget." Suho looked into Kyungoo's eyes as he placed his hand on the younger's. "Trust me on this one. I know what I'm doing."

Kyungsoo made a lot of disapproving looks, but soon gave in as he found the older's decision to be preferred than the first one. The risk was too great for it to turn out to have a desirable conclusion, though the other was also risky, but it has less. It's true that Jongin could help the younger. As his roommate and his closest friend, Kyungsoo knew the way Jongin looks at Sehun. 

No one but Kyungsoo knows how much it angers Jongin to see how Luhan was treating Sehun. 

No one but Kyungsoo knows how much Jongin wants to save Sehun, but he, himself, has no confidence to do so.

But Kyungsoo thought, with the help of him and Suho, Jongin would be able to boost his confidence and save the youngest.

He was betting on this, and hopefully, it will end well for the both of them, and Luhan, obviously, was out of the picture.


A/N: Not proofread yet. I know I deserve a lot of beating for not updating immediately as soon as my finals were finished but I lost my muse for a while ;w; I'm sorryyyy.

Anyway, ideas came and flushed through my head as I wrote this so I think it would be more than five chapters because it's just starting. I put Luhan's point of view here so you guys could see that Sehun isn't the only one suffering, but Luhan is too. I just noticed that I don't use Suho's real name. Oh well. It was too long to type -w-

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Sorry for the late and short update :)

Please comment! It'll make me update faster.

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[WWHT] Fifth chapter* Sorry. Hopefully I'll be done soon but school's keeping me busy too. I'll try to put it up this week. I'm sorry!


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Chapter 5: no rebound please ToT
barawa #2
Chapter 5: update more author nim..pleaseee
Chapter 5: opppp courssseeee, jongin is the right choice, sehunna!
But then again, this is angst, omg hope it would be sekai in the end tho
littlemiss-sunshine #4
Sekai makes me happy! Please let Sehun be happy with Jongin. <3
howlette94 #5
Chapter 5: I'm sure Sehun made the right decision this time =) Love SeKai!!!
Chapter 5: Im happy for sekai <3 but im scare what is waiting them in future
Chapter 5: really want to know what jongin or sehun would do in the future till they lose one of them ;a;
barawa #8
Chapter 5: Yayay..sekai time...i hope the end will be sekai..yehet...update soooooooon and more author nim..pleaseeeeee
Chapter 4: Update soon ; ; This is sooooo daebak♥
lovelexx3 #10
Chapter 4: Suho should let Luhan explain everything to Sehun so that they will end up togeter and not hurt each other any more. The pain that they experience could kill themselves esp since Luhan will miss Sehun more and more but Sehun will stop loving Luhan.