I can´t stop


Hello! Well, this is the first time I'll write something here (I am a newbie je). I think all we have thought much of what  will happen in this fan fic, but still I want to write itI have to warn you, my native language is not english, so maybe I will have a lot of mistakes (Please feel free to correct me jeje).


The YongSeo couple has been immortalized in the hearts of many fans and now the two are back with their new songs and new statements, returned to the spotlight.
Despite having been a long time since they left "WGM", and never have been a couple in real life, there are actions and feelings that remain printed in their heart


-Oppa ... - Seohyun said with a heavy heart - Why do you do that? Why keep hurting our hearts? You should not have said that in that program.
Yong Hwa sighed as he stared into his eyes thinking of a proper way to answer her questions without hurting the feelings of both of them. " But the perfect answers to these questions have always been painful ", he thought before deciding to speak.
- The answer to the first question is , because I do not want to forget that I love you and I dont want that you forget that I do. Every day I asked the same question to myself , and that's what I answer me  quietly - Sigh painfully - Answer number two. Why keep doing it ? Because that is my way to keep you. Because no matter how selfish it sounds, I just  can´t , I can´t stop loving you.
He took a step toward her. Seo Hyun took a step back . Yong Hwa waited for her to ran away, if she did that there was no way that he could pursue her; his Manager was waiting in the hall. CNBLUE still have schedule for that night. But Seo Hyun just stood there looking down and shedding tears . Yong Hwa took another step forward, and she take another back. They continued do it that, until Seo Hyun´s back hit the door . Yong Hwa locked her in his arms.
- Don´t, oppa
- Why? Are you afraid of me?
- I am afraid of myself - Seo Hyun raised his head so fast that her nose touch Yong Hwa´s chin - I am very afraid that if you kiss me i will not be able to let you go again.
- You don´t have to.
And with that said, he kissed her. He kissed her hidden from the world like when they parted that night of last filming. Nothing had changed . Her lips were still clumsy , highlighting the innocence of that little girl with woman's body . She even  did not know where to place her hands, so she left them floating in the air . And most importantly , he still felt his body trembling with every touch of her lips.
He was feeling how her heart seemed to want out of her chest and he tried to deepen the kiss. He take her delicated hands in his and lifted over her head. She had not yet replicated. But when his tongue try to open his way between her lips , He felt her hands loose from his grip and pushed him . When he opened his eyes he saw a blushing Seo Hyun with trembling hands and chest heaving .
-Oppa ! How dare you ?
- I did not hear you complaining a while ago
Yong Hwa smiled mischievously . Seo Hyun frowned and let out a groan of indignation. And as quickly as the sweet moment started , it was over. Seo Hyun opened the door, but before leaving she turned and let out her frustration.
- Will you grow someday? - She questioned exasperated as she closed the door again. They don´t need their discussion to be made ​​public - This is just another point against having any relationship with you.
- A moment ago you said that if I kissed you, you would not be able to let go of me . I don´t understand you, Seo Joo Hyun.
- I feel like a mouse being chased by a cat.
- I think it is more like a deer being chased by a lion - cheekily smiled as he watched her become more frustrated - Oh , your nostrils are expanded.
She scream and hit the floor with her heels.
- I'm going to walk as far as I can from you.
- You always say that , but you always answer my calls.
- You are so vain.
- How is it that a sweet moment became a anger moment?
- Anyway, I'm serious, Jung Yong Hwa ,  I will not allow you to keep playing with me.
-Hyun... you offend me , I think I've always made ​​it clear that I love you seriously - said looking worried .
- Seriousness is something that will never exist between us , either by our company, for our fans or for your childishness . So please , get out of my life.
Seohyun would reopen the door, but Yong Hwa took her arm and turning again to be facing him.
-If I take a step back , will you allow me ? Miss you - She recognized that. He was singing "Can´t stop" - I will be waiting from a step back from .
Then she could not take it anymore . That hurt , it hurt a lot. She let go of his grip ,opened the door and ran away . Some idols were still in the hall
- Can I ? Can I ? ! - Yong Hwa yelled from the door leaving several of astonished idols.

Jonhyung, who witnessed the scene from across the hall came to him
-Are you ok?
Yong Hwa looked at him and shook her head.
-I do not know how or when, but we will be together. I love her, Jong Hyung. I will be patient and wait for her
to be ready.


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