A Dark Commitment

a/n= this is important.






The two boys went down the marble staircase to the basement, which was utterly noisy. Yells and laughters were heard as they entered the room. The basement was surprisingly bright with its gray background wall color. Everyone was training with their partners and Changmin immediately went to Yunho to practice their skills and power. Chen who noticed Sangeun sitting alone on the floor went to her. For the second time that day, Chen lent a hand to Sangeun who blankly stared at him, a few seconds later, she took his hand and got up to her feet.

      “Y-you’re not practicing?” Sangeun asked.

      Chen shook his head, “I don’t even know what my power is.”

      “How is that possible? I mean, everyone does.”

      “I don’t know, maybe because I was a wolf?” he asked to himself, all of it lies inside this syringe. He thought, should I inject it in me tonight?

      Yunho was silently hearing their conversation and glanced at Changmin who nodded his head. With their speed, they were now in front of Sangeun and Chen, Changmin irritatably close to Sangeun. Chen’s eyebrows twitched, and Yunho smirked to that. “get ready, Chen.” He said and nodded and Changmin who took out a dagger and pointed it at Sangeun’s neck. Chen widened his eyes and took a step, but was held back.

      “No moving forward, kid.” Changmin said, “one step you take, one step closer to her death.”

      “Changmin-ah, we only need her necklace.” Yunho chuckled, “just kill the girl already.”

      Changmin sighed, “it’s a lot of fun, though.”

      “You guys are Kirianarchis!” Chen shouted, “what the hell are you doing?!”

      “We only need her necklace, don’t we?” Changmin placed his lips on her ear, “shame though. This fine lady will have to say bye-bye.”

      Everyone’s eyes were now glaring at both Changmin and Yunho. If they take a step closer, Sangeun will be killed. If they try to kill Yunho which was impossible, Sangeun will be killed too. Changmin glanced at Yunho, who looked at Chen’s raging eyes, and he nodded.

      “Well,” Changmin said, “bye-bye.” He set the blade to Sangeun’s neck, but before that, Chen jumped and he was now on top of Changmin, growling.

      “AHA! I knew it!” Yunho yelled in victory, “you should thank us, Chen. Now you know your powers.”

      Changmin smiled in victory, “you did, so get off.”

      Chen furrowed his brows and stepped back. To his surprise, he was back on four feet. What the hell? He asked himself and looked at the others who had their eyes wide. “so this was all an act?” D.O asked.

      “Yup. Only for him to know what his power is.” Changmin said while standing up, “he’s really fast and strong.”

      Yunho glanced at Chen, “just think of something or someone you love, that’s how you turm back to human.”

      Chen furrowed his brows again. Someone I love? He thought of Mr. Lee but it didn’t work. Then after a few while, he turned back to a topless human. “well,” Kai said, “who did you think of?”

      “Shut up.” He said before glancing at Sangeun who was looking away, “you okay?”

      Sangeun turned to him and nodded, “I’m fine.” She said, “I was actually surprised when the first time Changmin-ssi-“ “Changmin oppa.” “Changmin oppa placed the dagger at me, it didn’t hurt at all.”

      “It’s called rubber, sweetcheeks.” Changmin smiled and lifted the rubber dagger up. Everyone sighed in relief, “that was nerve wrecking. Hyung, never do it again.” Baekhyun said, “it’s already dark. Why don’t we have dinner? I’ll go prepare and you guys help.”

      “I’m gonna take a shower.” Kai said, “so no helping.”

      “I’ll help, and Chanyeol, too.” D.O said.

      “I will!” Lay volunteered. Everyone went upstairs, but Chen was still behind. He took out the syringe and was about to stick it in. not now.

      Sangeun went to her room and shut the door behind her. Chen looked so- DAMMIT, SANGEUN! She cursed herself. She wandered around her room for a moment and finally laid herself on the bed. She looked at the ceiling and sighed, appa.. I miss you. she thought, how dare you leave me in the hands of someone so thoughtless like him? “Someone so thoughtless like him?” someone opened the door to her room, “who would that be? Chen?” the man said.

      “Who else?” she groaned, “why does he have to be so..cold? feelingless?”

      Luhan smiled, “don’t say that, Sangeun. You don’t know him yet. Try to get to know him, I’m sure you two will get along just fine.”

      “How? I mean, clearly, he gives off this dark vibe everywhere.”

      “You don’t know him yet, Sangeun-ah. I’m sure he’s a totally different person once you know him.” Luhan turned to leave, “besides, why does he always lend you his hand?”

      Obviously, Sangeun noticed it, too. Chen knew that Sangeun was sitting down comfortably, but why does he always told her to stand up by holding his hand? Does he want her attention? Does he want to get noticed by her? naah. Thought Sangeun. Probably he just wants for her to do something, and besides, he was told to protect her, so maybe he was just trying to protect her. maybe. She sighed. There are too many thoughts in her mind, and that’s bad. She shook her head and went downstairs to have dinner. A four story house is really a burden, especially when your room is on the third or fourth floor, you have to climb up and climb down. Some people call it sports. a/n: I call it being lazy, just like myself.

      Sangeun sat beside Sehun, but her left was empty. Where is Chen? She asked herself, “where’s Chen?”

      “Basement,” Xiumin said, “he never eats dinner.”

      Never eats dinner? Doesn’t he gets hungry?? Speaking of the devil, the refrigetrator opened and closed. Sangeun looked back to find Chen still topless and he was biting on an apple. He looks so hot. She thought. Just then, Luhan choked his food. Sangeun then turned red. She completely forgot that Luhan could read her mind. “very funny, Luhan.”

      “That- AHAAHA!” he laughed, “ohmygoodness, that was priceless.” He sighed after all the laughter, “that’s Luhan oppa for you.”

      The others glanced at the both of them and furrowed their eyebrows. They are crazy, all of them thought at once. Changmin and Yunho decided to stay over, since if they left, their hiding spot might get caught, and Sangeun and the necklace won’t be safe anymore. In fact, they were forced, although they could leave without a track. Not like they have red marks on their shoes making red tainted shoe prints. Changmin and Yunho’s room was on the second and third floor, leaving one room behind. Changmin’s room was beside Chen’s, which was also the same style as Chen’s. speaking of Chen, he was already at his room after getting back from the shower from the basement. There he was, staring blankly outside the window with the syringe tube with him. was it the right time? He wasn’t sure. How does he know whether it’s the right time or not??

      As Chen silently sighed, he noticed the reflection of the syringe on his study table from the window. He hesitated, but he walked to it and grabbed it in his right palm. Is it time- screw it, he thought angrily and gently inserted the syringe needle in him, he grunted as the blue liquid was injected to his blood. It was painful, a lot more painful than the ‘HUMAN BODY SERUM’ he took that time. But with time, it subsided and the burning feeling he felt came back with unforgettable memories stuck to his head.

      “Mommy!” the little Chen yelled painfully.

      “Leave her, Jongdae. Let’s get out of here while we can.”

      “But, mommy!”

      “Leave her, she’s useless now. She was a weight, but now..no more.”

      Chen stayed put, “no, I’m staying with mom!”

      “KIM JONGDAE!” the older yelled, “you are coming with me, right now!”


      The older growled, “suit yourself. Good luck surviving alone in the forest, I’m not staying here any longer. Don’t come to me weeping that you’re sorry.” then he left.

      Chen groaned loudly in pain and got up to his knees. Hyung. He thought angrily and clenched his fist. “Chen, you okay, man?” Kris came into the room, “dude, what’s wrong?” he asked, “hey, talk to me.” “Where are Changmin and Yunho?” Chen asked. “they’re in the living room, watching TV.” Chen got up to his feet, “whoa, man. You looked like you were on drugs and you just got up to your feet looking for them? Not in your life, mister. You need to have some sleep, and then you can talk to them next morning, okay?” for a man who has manly features, Kris is really a caring guy. he would never hurt a fly, and even if he did, it would be by accident. But to those whom he loves, he would do anything, even if it means risking his life.

      “Alright, alright.” There’d be no use arguing with this Kris, he would use anything –even if it means explaining - for everyone to get what’s best for them. Like Chen, what he needs best now was some sleep and to proccess this memory of his, back then when he was a little kid.


      When the morning came, Chen woke up early in the morning. He felt this uneasiness in his stomach and dizziness filled his head. He wanted to gag, the burning sensation last night was just the beginning of it all, he guessed. He ran to the third floor bathroom and gagged, but only clear liquid came out. The burning feeling came again, and this time, the memories came back slowly to his mind. It’s sickening.

      The wind howled, the river gave off a peaceful noise. Chen walked slowly to the river and drank the water. When he looked up, he saw his brother, he was talking with his friends. He took a glance at Chen and walked away from his direction. What was he going to do? Chen thought silently. He jumped across the river and went into the woods to find out. Based on the smirk his brother pulled off earlier, what he planned wasn’t something that would be a sight to see.

      “..run away..” he heard his brother say to his friends.

      “What?? Dude, you’re kidding.” One of his friends said.

      His brother chuckled, “I’m not. I’m sick of that ratty old hag.” Ratty old hag? Was that supposed to mean their mother? Chen wasn’t sure.

      Chen stood up and his body hit the wall, he roughly blinked his eyes –not wanting to know anything, but the memories kept coming to him. It hurts, the bitterness, the sweetness, everything pains him –the fact that he had a brother was just too much, and her mother was a burden? What wrong did she ever do?

      Chen was turning 18 that time, and for a teenager who lost his father long ago, it was tough. His mother needed to hunt, but due to her weak and sick body, his older brother who was already 28 had to hunt for the living of the Kim clan to survive. But Chen was still so naïve, he always thinks that his brother has never changed, that he was the same person that plays with him when he was still 7 years old, when he had only grew his primary fur.

      “Hyung, what are you doing?”

      “Oh, Jongdae!” he looked surprised yet pleased, “what a surprise! What’s up?”

      Chen walked closer, “what were you talking about?”

      “Nothing! Nothing at all. More importantly, what are you doing here out in the wild?” he asked.

      His eyebrows twitched, “I was just walking around, and we practically live in the wild.”

      “Right,” he answered, “of course we are. Anyways, let’s go home, shall we? I have something to talk with mom.” He said and walked first. His friends smirked and left, while he himself smirked and his devilish eyes were showing that no one, and he means no one, should nor could destroy his plan. It was pure evil –he was. Chen, on the other hand, had his suspicions on, but he was his brother, what could he possibly do? Defy him? definitely not.

      “Chen..Chen..CHEN!!!” a voice yelled, “dude, what happened??!!”

      Chen grunted and sat up straight. He buried his face in his palms, what exactly did he plan? He thought and sighed, not even noticing that someone is actually worrying about him, until he eventually snapped out of it and saw Chanyeol and Kris with their worry faces.

      “Chen, what happened?” Kris asked, “and last night, too. What the hell happened??”

     a/n=this is the part where I edit and add

      Chen knew, he knew that he couldn’t keep this a secret. He knew that these people inside this house are his friends, his family, “I injected my memories in me, and I guess these are the side effects. Queasy, dizziness, gagging, things like that.”

      “Memories?? So you’re telling me that you didn’t remember anything? Woah.” Kris said, “anyway, are you okay now?”

      Chanyeol helped the little guy up, “seems like you need some rest.”

      “Chanyeol, trust me, last night was the best sleep I had in months.” Chen chuckled and stumbled when walking down the stairs.

      “Yeah, I can totally see that.” Chanyeol said sarcastically and helped his friend down for breakfast. When Chen got down, he first sat on the couch and relieved a sigh, the queasiness was finally gone. Sangeun who just woke up saw Chen closing his eyes. She wanted to ask what happened, but she confined her intentions and walked away. Luhan on the other hand, who saw everything, shook his head in despair. When will these two get along? It’s like they don’t even know each other. Seriously, it’s like he knew that she lives here and she knew too, but that’s all. They don’t care who the other is. Perfect. Luhan thought.

      Yunho came down from his room and took a step back when looking at Chen, “dude, you’re a mess.”

      “I know,” Chen replied, “I injected my memories in me. Damn, it feels uncomfortable.”

      Changmin chuckled, “seems like someone had a good night sleep.” He said sarcastically.

      “Sarcasm noted, but yes, I did have a good night sleep.” Chen said, “but there’s something I need to ask you guys.”

      “Go ahead.” Yunho said.

      “You guys ran away in order to stop your friends from doing something evil, right?” Chen asked and both of the boys nodded, “is he an Archanian?”

      Changmin cleared his throat, “apparently, it’s they, and no, they’re not Archanians. They’re Kirianarchis, just like us, but they got possessed by the power of the Excelsior.” He explained.

      Yunho continued, “they tried to bring us into their plan, but fortunately, we have different thoughts from them.” He said, “one of them is a wolf. Speaking of him, he quite looks like you.”

      Chen furrowed his brows, “me?” could it be hyung? But wait..now that I think about that memory again..is my name Kim Jongdae? Mr. Lee said my name is Chen, not Kim Jongdae. He sighed, “you know what? Let’s not think about it first. I’ve had enough headaches for one day.” He said and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. There, he saw D.O making pancakes and Sangeun reaching for plates. He saw how she reached for it and couldn’t help but think that she’s really short –not that he’s tall.

      Chen chuckled to himself and helped Sangeun to get the plate on the top shelf. His chest was pressed against her back, making her stop at her activity and frose on her spot. Her heart skipped a beat as it heard Chen’s calm yet strong heartbeat. He was warm, and Sangeun just had this urge to hug him, feel his warmth. But who is she to do that? “Here.” He said.

      “Thanks.” Sangeun said and placed the plates beside D.O who smiled in return. Chen drank his water and stared at Sangeun, sure, she’s short, but for a girl, she’s quite svelte. Sangeun caught his stare and blushed, “w-what are you looking at?”

      “Oh nothing~” he sang and chuckled, “you’re really short, you know that?”

      She snorted, “yeah, like you’re one to say.”

      “Hey, at least I’m still taller than you, geez.” Chen smiled. It’s like a whole different dimension. Chen was all serious but now he’s all playful, either he’s moody or he’s just stupid.

      “Tss, whatever.” She rolled her eyes and took out her phone, then smiled. Chen who saw seemed to be curious squinted his eyes, “you have a boyfriend?” She seemed to like texting with that person through the other phone.

      “Boyfriend as in boyfriend, boyfriend or boyfriend, boy friend?” she asked.

      “What’s the difference?”

      She stopped texting, “well..boyfriend or boy space friend?” “Both.”

      “Well then it’s my boy space friend.” She said, “say, can I go to school tomorrow?” sheesh, I sound like a 3 year old asking for candy.

      Chen raised a brow, “school? hell no. too much trouble, too much danger, NO.” God, I sound like a parent.

      “What? Are you kidding me? Those are my friends, and school is a safe place, trust me, you’ll like it.” Sangeun smiled to make him agree.

      “I’ll like it? well, I don’t know for sure, but I guess I’ll find out by myself, huh?” Chen smirked, “you can go to school tomorrow, under one condition.”

      “And that is?”

      “I’m coming with you.”



and that is chapter 3!!


sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy :D






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Chapter 11: Omgg~~~ i fangirled so hard~~~~!!!!!
Chapter 7: 2NE1??!!
My all time favourite girl baannndd~~~~
Bam ratatata tata tatata~~!
Come back hooomee~~
Chapter 6: Too sweettt!!! >□<
Arrrgghhhh!!! Sometimes I just want to roll on the floor and whine endlessly!
My first language is not english, sometimes I lacked in my vocab.. and don't know what to write!! I want to express the FEELS of reading this fanfiction!
Nya~.. ㅠHㅠ
Chapter 4: Soooo cuuteee~~
I love it too when people ruffled my hair!
It's fun, and make me feel safe! >.<
I like hugs too!

Ahaahh.. sorry! I'm just being chatty right now!
NinaIsSupaAwesome #5
Chapter 6: I like this story <3 Author-nim plz write more Chen stories, I love Chen :)
Chapter 11: Great job author-nim~~ chen's not my bias but still i like the story♥♥..
Chapter 11: Omygod i cant say anything else other than i loved this! This one is my favorite supernatural starring chen! Thanks authornim for writing such a beautiful story like this! ♥ i wish for a sequel ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: yeày! like it. it hard to find chen fanfic. im glad that i found the great one. can i ask for the sequel? hehe. :)
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 11: Omg yay a happy ending! :D I've loved this story and I'm so happy Chen got some love. :3 I was very surprised by Jaejoong's actions but I loved it! Great story!!
Chapter 10: what about the next? OhMy. this chap is great!! updte soon plis! ;))