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Date: Sunday 13th April 2014

D.O. and Kai had just got home from a movie date, and the two were home alone just relaxing and watching TV. Kyungsoo was trying to lift Kai's spirits because Kai was in a bit of a slump lately. He was getting a bit lazy with school, less social and his appetite was getting smaller and smaller by the day. But why was that? Everytime Kyungsoo asked him, he just replied with "it's nothing, don't worry." He couldn't seem to recall any fights or minor conflicts they had either, their relationship was actually going smooth ever since they dated. Kyungsoo just couldn't go quiet about his boyfriends sudden change of nature, so he had to speak up.

"Jongin, talk to me! You haven't said a word since the car ride home. You even didn't want to stop for ice-cream. What's the matter with you lately?"

"I told you already, it's nothing, how many times do I have to tell you!"

"It's not 'nothing', I can see it in your eyes! Is it something I did? You know it hurts me too, to see my boyfriend sad like this."

"I.. I don't wanna talk about it right now."

Kyungsoo thought about what could possibly be wrong, then it hit him. "It's Sehun, isn't it? What's he been doing to you?!"

"Nothing! It's got nothing to do with him, I actually haven't spoken to him in a week."

"Really? What do you mean?" Kyungsoo asked in confusion. He knew for a fact that Sehun was very conniving when it came to landing guys, so he had wondered why did Sehun suddenly stop going after Kai. Did he actually take Kyungsoo's threats on board? Or was he plotting something? Either way, Kyungsoo didn't want to bring it up in case it made Kai more upset, do he just let it slide for now.

"I dunno, we just suddenly started talking less in class, and he hangs out with Lay's group at school now."

"Well maybe that's because you haven't been very talkative lately." Kyungsoo then held Kai's hands. "Please, I can't help you unless you open up to me."

"Okay, I'll talk it tomorrow when you get home from school, I promise." Kai then gave his boyfriend a small kiss, as reassurance that he was finally ready to open up to him. "I just still need a little time to think, that's all."

"No worrie- wait, when "I" get home from school?"

"Yeah, if that's okay with you. I want to take the day off to myself if you don't mind. I can clean up the house if you want me to." 
Kyungsoo could see the true sadness in Kai's eyes. He was really serious about this slump.

"Don't sweat it, it's okay." Kyungsoo smiled.


Date: Monday 14th April 2014

It was a little awkward at school for Kyungsoo the next day. He had gotten so used to being there with Kai, so he couldn't help but feel a bit lonelier than usual. But, he did had Baekhyun and Chanyeol to keep him company, so it was okay. However, Kai's absence wasn't the only thing pulling down his spirits. His mind was still dwelling on what could possibly be wrong with Kai lately. Today was the day that Kai had promised to talk about it, so the thought just didn't seem to leave his mind since last night.  

Him and Sehun were still on bad terms, and Kyungsoo was still curious about what was with Sehuns behaviour. He just completely cut of Kai after having admit he had feelings for him. Kyungsoo had to talk to him again. He needed to know his intentions, whether he was really up to something or not.

The bell for reccess had rung, and everyone had packed up their books and exited the classroom. He saw Sehun leaving, and decided to follow him just until he could get a chance to stop him.

"Sehun!" he called out in the hallway. Sehun had turned around and Kyungsoo had signalled with his index and middle finger to call him over.

"Yeah? What is it?" Sehun replied walking over to Kyungsoo.

"Okay, I'm just gonna get right to it, just what are you planning?"

Sehun briefly gave him a dirty look. The two were conversating in the middle of the hallway with students and teachers passing by, so they didn't want the conversation to get too out of hand

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deepbluecee #1
Not really my preference.
Chapter 9: Of course i'll prefer kaisooooo everrrr
Chapter 2: hum interesting... i´m looking forward to the other chapters =)
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 27: such a heartfelt ending. i'm kind of sad though that they wont be seeing eachother in the future. but i'll imagine they will.
itakyuurocks #5
Chapter 24: My biases kinda got the short end of the stick in this story. Tao and Xiumin are my top two in exo
PaigeOfHope #6
You are certainly one of the best Kaisoo and other otps author ever. Or author in general! Your story just had me from the events that happened right down to the ending. Although there were minor mistakes, the story lead me to get pass that and just think, "amazing". Good job! :3
Chapter 4: uhh, is it me or is ch 4 and 5 the same content?? O.o
0113pororo #8
Chapter 27: GEEZ this is too nice, I can't help. You're really cool author! Love it <3 KaiSoo fightiiiing:'']
Chapter 27: omg omg omg omg omg omg <3
janelleluvskpop_Zelo #10
Chapter 27: I finally got it to work!! ........after like a whole month -_-# but anyways......i loved this fanfic so much and i will read more of your stories! thank you *bows*