She Shocks like Thunder

If People Were Storms.....

Now some people might have said that it was Krystal’s looks that drew them in, the luring eyes behind thick lashes, the curve of her hips, or the way she could seduce a person in under three seconds of meeting them, but for me it was the sound of her voice. It was just as silky as silk, and I swear it could break hearts and complete lives and fill your soul and ease your pain the moment you heard it. She sounded tired and her words came out like musical notes that swirled around the air, spinning around aimlessly until they fell into me. A symphony of words played delicately in my ear. She seemed to be arguing with a man who was falling to his knees in the shadows of the fire as he kept on trying to reason with her to stay with him.


I could almost hear how hard his heart ached for her, it was nearly as loud as the roar of my heartache. But I could tell she was defiant about taking him back, because when she spat his name it came out with a side of bittersweet venom.


All that possessed my mind at the moment was the thought of catching at least a glimpse of her, even if it was just a sliver of her shirt through the tent flap. I hadn’t seen her yet, but I was certain she was as pretty as her voice, maybe even more so. There was just something about her, about the girl who stopped my crying with a sentence, with the padding of her feet against the beach, that made me unexplainably attracted to her, without even seeing her.


The man, Siwon, was pleading with her with more vigor than before now, slurring with his words at his desperation to attain a hold on her heart and talking absolute nonsense. I could tell he was feeling her worm her way awayfrom him, and I nearly felt bad for him, and would have, too, but she burst into my tent that very instant, the flaps of the door billowed out from behind her like wings in the ocean wind, and began tying it shut to keep Siwon out. I caught sight of him for an instant, sand was sticking to his knees and his beer was sloshing around his hand. His eyes were wild with loss and his heart was burning a hole in his shirt. I watched as his shadow curled up against the light of the raging bonfire behind him. But the moment the knot had been secured, and she turned around to survey her surroundings, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.


The dim light of the paper lanterns strung about the ceiling hit her body at just right angles. She seemed to be glowing, like an angel from the heavens, or maybe like simmering embers of a fire. I had just met Krystal Jung Soojung for the first time. Her ebon hair was silkily spilling past her elegant shoulder blades, her skin was milky and unblemished. Her frame was slim and athletic and to die for, even though it was hidden beneath a pair of torn jean shorts and an American flag t-shirt. Her makeup was light and her lips were thin and curvy and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever and will ever see or meet.


She must’ve seen the red around my eyes and my nose, it would have been very hard to miss those details written over my shocked faace, but she didn’t say a word as she took a step towards me. Another lump formed in my throat, but it was distinctly different from the first. This one was born out of nervousness, out of the presence of a beautiful girl coming closer. Siwon must’ve run off somewhere to mourn the loss of her, because I didn’t hear another peep from the outside world the moment she settled herself on my bed beside me, our thighs grazing together in the most deliciously tantalizing ways. Her skin was warm to the touch, she was blazing, in fact, she might as well have been on fire she was so attractive.


Maybe I didn’t hear anything because all I could hear was the sound of her tucking her hair behind her ears or her eyelashes as they blinked open or how hard my heart was pumping. After a few moments of silence, she tilted her head to look and me and smiled, a smile I would rarely see in the future and was extremely luck to witness according to everyone who’d ever and would ever meet her, a little dimple appearing near the corner of . A genuine one, her friends would say. Maybe even a loving one, a caring one. She stuck her hand out with that same smile growing into a wild grin. I took it with sweaty fingers, but she didn’t mind. “My name’s Krystal Jung,” her eyes buried their way into my heart. “Sorry about the interruption,” she said. I smiled a little bit, ‘Oh no, I’d love to be interrupted by you at least a thousand times more,’ I thought to myself. Her handshake grew weaker as she explained with a faint smile I could have sworn looked sad for a split second, “One of my exes is here.”


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Chapter 6: I think I’ve fallen in love with every one of your Jungli fics. Gosh their interactions are alway so amazing and the way you describe certain events or emotions is just purely amazing. I’m really loving this fic so far and man Krystal must’ve really left an impression on Sulli for making her tag along with a complete strange lol
beatsbeat #2
Chapter 6: Love this fic
Chapter 6: Great fic !
Please update soon ~
yultijjang #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon..i love this
wow is very interesting ... please update soon... you need write more
ListeningToBTS #6
Chapter 6: Wow, you have a new subscriber!
Chapter 6: Ayoooo keep it going author!
Chapter 5: Sorry for the lack of comments. i've only read all the updates now.

i cannot comprehend with how deep your vocabulary here. Haha. jk. it was as if i'm reading a published novel. that's how good this is.

So.. i'm kinda confused, was Sulli reminished her summer with Krystal?

.. a summer fling which turns out to be her love... damn man. i could totally relate. ahaha.

Keep.this up. i hope you won't leave me hanging though i can't leave a comment in every chapters because school.

have a nice day. :))
avrilkristen #9
Chapter 3: Very interesting <3 update soon authornim :)
Chapter 3: Yes yes go onnnnn.