
If People Were Storms.....

Krystal was the kind of girl people could spend their entire lives with and still be discovering new things about her even as the years went by.


She was like the human version of the movie inception: there was always another layer upon another layer of her that you had to spend ages digging to get to, and then spend another eternity trying to figure that layer of her out. There were so many faces to Krystal, it was as if someone had poured an endless array of personalities and traits into her, like the perfect blend of smarts, athletics, talents, and beauty, into her being. An angel with a wild side. A stolid face that explodes with laughter in the blink of an eye. She could change in a second, she could be anything she wanted to be.


Most people just ended up drowning in her, in all of her twisted serene grace and wild notions, falling wildly in love with her the moment they tried to understand her. I could always tell exactly when they’d succumbed to her, their eyes would shine brighter than the stars overhead and their bodies would go limp and I could nearly hear the slowing of their heart beats as they realized that Krystal would never love them the way that they loved her. Krystal was like that, the honey that drew the flies in, an irresistible attractiveness radiated from her body and every beating heart to her in an instant.


If there was any girl out there in the world that knew she was beautiful, really, really beautiful, it was Krystal Jung Soojung. Lord knows that everyone has lost count of just how many people have been lucky enough to have gone out with her, only to be dumped weeks later. There never seemed to be someone that was exactly what she was looking for. She slipped through fingers like water, and had the ability to sink and sail ships with a single smile flashed in any direction. Everyone seems to want the chance to try and get to know the wild at heart girl. But then again, no one really was with her long enough to know much of anything at all. There were even sides of her that her closest friends had never seen before.


If storms were people, Krystal was some kind of hybrid made from all natural disasters rolled up in one person, bubbling just underneath the surface of her face. She was a twister on the dance floor, creating dance moves left and right, with each throb of the bass drumming into her chest she became drunken with the sound of music ringing in her ears. She turned into a hurricane when there was something she strongly disagreed with, her arguments whirling out of and flattening down her opponents like the snapping of trees bending back to allow wind to blow through them, though she could be like the calm before the storm as well, because she was open to many different opinions and was amicable in nature. She was an earthquake in athletics, rushing up and down the soccer field at top speed, smashing through the other team’s defenses with ease. She struck people like lightning and set them on fire with her flirting touches and sentences and just by being herself. She lit people up and then doused them with rain like a storm. Krystal just had a way of you in, and you couldn’t help but be pulled along for the ride. 

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Chapter 6: I think I’ve fallen in love with every one of your Jungli fics. Gosh their interactions are alway so amazing and the way you describe certain events or emotions is just purely amazing. I’m really loving this fic so far and man Krystal must’ve really left an impression on Sulli for making her tag along with a complete strange lol
beatsbeat #2
Chapter 6: Love this fic
Chapter 6: Great fic !
Please update soon ~
yultijjang #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon..i love this
wow is very interesting ... please update soon... you need write more
ListeningToBTS #6
Chapter 6: Wow, you have a new subscriber!
Chapter 6: Ayoooo keep it going author!
Chapter 5: Sorry for the lack of comments. i've only read all the updates now.

i cannot comprehend with how deep your vocabulary here. Haha. jk. it was as if i'm reading a published novel. that's how good this is.

So.. i'm kinda confused, was Sulli reminished her summer with Krystal?

.. a summer fling which turns out to be her love... damn man. i could totally relate. ahaha.

Keep.this up. i hope you won't leave me hanging though i can't leave a comment in every chapters because school.

have a nice day. :))
avrilkristen #9
Chapter 3: Very interesting <3 update soon authornim :)
Chapter 3: Yes yes go onnnnn.