E p i l o g u e

It's Not Me

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Case #23 : Officer Park Chanyeol

Received 210217 - Dr. Byun Baekhyun, criminal psychologist
                     37 Ryusang Street, Gangnam
                        South Korea, Republic of

Officer Park
The letters enclosed were found within Kim Taehyung's hidden belongings brought by his non-biological parents as requested. Please read through them as they shed further light on the 2014 case of Kim Jieun's murder.

Dr. Byun Baekhyun


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No matter how hard I try, no matter how far I try to run, no matter how I try to change myself, I will never escape, these bruises branding me as a belonging of them. There will always be that voice in my head taunting me, telling me I'm nothing to anybody, telling me that I mean nothing

And I will always believe it. I am forever a slave to these words, to that voice.          

If I left this world now, would anyone cry over me? Would anyone notice? Would anyone even care? I doubt it. My memory will fade with time.

Would anyone cry for you? Would anyone miss you?          



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Even now, I am ostraciszed. Even now I am ignored. Even now, I am lonely. Even now I am pushed aside. All I want is to feel safe, secure, wanted. I just want to feel loved. I want to feel cared for, needed, irreplaceable

Instead, I feel like it's too much to ask for.

I wish that things would get better; for something to change, so that I can finally be free

But nothing will change.

It never did 

It never will.



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Lief is brilliant; life is life. But what is it worth? is it really worth seeing it through untill the very end? What do you live for?

We all die eventually, so what's the harm of bringing that end about a little earlier? I am merely forcing myself, for reasons unknown, to live, day by day, month by month, year by year.

I live, to live

That is all it is

That is all it will ever be



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These letters, written by Patient Kim Taehyung over varying periods of time, seem to support the theory of possible neglect and child abuse. I request that you investigate further into Kim Jaehwang and Kim Yesol. Any information on Patient Kim's mental condition will be forwarded to you as soon a possible.

Byun Baekhyun


Don't give me those scared eyes
There's a different me that's not me inside of me
The devil you saw last night was not me
Actually, I don't remember myself, I think I'm crazy


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Chapter 1: I KNEW IT WAS HYDE!! HELL YEAH!! But damn. I starded crying when I realized Taehyung had two people inside of himself -
This is amazing!
The sequel too!

Can't wait for the Jimin and Jungkook one!! <3
ascarybook #3
This was intense woooow !!
Slytherinese #4
Wow,a crime fic.Its so my thing ^^
Chapter 1: i knew this was based on jekyll and hyde
Chapter 1: Whoa. This was really good! Im kind of sad tho because taetae or I mean 'V' was the murderer....
either way it was really good!
dyotokki #7
Chapter 1: Totally a great story!! Loved it ;)
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhh this is awesome!!