
Once a lone wolf

Suho has been a guardian for Kris, ever since he left. The red furred pup had kept him sane for days when ever he thought to go back and whimper under his father to take him back in.

"Suho!!" He howled,

"Come on, you know I wouldn't possibly do that," He ran for hours straight.

The clouds above him is barely visible. But he knew it was going to rain for the thunder wouldn't stop rumbling above him. A slight movement stopped him. In between the trees he saw Suho being cornered by werecat.

"What do we got here? A young wolf, where do you come from kid? Where's your mommy?" the mountain cat clawed at Suho's face forming red lines along his face.

Kris snarled. No body hurts his pack. No one can. And no one will. Under the dropping rain he stalked behind the cat. From this side of view, he can see very well that Suho's tears started forming in his eyes. Kris' self control flew away once the gust of wind blew from behind him. His once blue eyes turned red from fury. The cat froze, he looked at the monstrous wolf behind him.

"No body messes with my pack, if you do, you're as good as dead," The blonde wolf aimed for the cat's neck. The fight then is hardly noticeable if not for the occasionally thunder that lines the two beast's outlines, fangs, and blood. Snarling and growls are heard rapidly as the rain fell heavily drenching Suho's red fur.

After a few minutes that seemed like hours to Suho, Kris stopped fighting leaving the cat lying lifelessly behind him. He carried Suho back towards the den.

"...I'm scared.."

"Everything's alright Suho,"

"I'm sorry Kris,"

"It's nothing,"

"I should've not ran away like that,"

"Hey," He placed Suho down on a boulder.

"It I say it's nothing, it's nothing alright? You'll be fine, I won't abandon you, or those two, or your brother, or.. The pups okay? You all are in good hands," The older the pup's face clean.

"You're just a pup, and yet you can take this matter easily, I'm hoping to have you by my side Suho, in ups and downs, to keep the hold of the pack, to keep the hold of me, help me by being a pillar in this pack along with the others. You guys are the only ones whose keeping me sane here, who can keep me away from my memories," He lowered his gaze to the younger's eye level. The red wolf nodded.

He knew this is going to be a long way.

He knows it very well.

And he's willing to give his all to Exodus.

"You're our guardian Suho, our guardian angel,"



A/N : Um.. I don't know guys.. What do you think..?

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Chapter 5: woot cant wait for the other members to appear. nice story plot anyway ^^