Yeah Baby, Juliette

Yeah Baby, Juliette!

Jinki took the next two hours to be amongst his thoughts and scribble lines on scrap paper he had collected. He laid on the floor and sang, then wrote, then danced around the kitchenette in his socks, then wrote, then sat absolutely silent on the couch, then wrote some more. Ninety-Eight Degrees was his first musical notion, and he came up with a staccato tune laden with soul, and there was the recurring idea of  Juliette’s connection to light, the sunrise, and the sunset. 그녀에게 빛이 나는 법을 배워야 해 he scribbled on the corner of one paper. I need to learn to shine like she does. The word 무딘 - dull - looked it’s definition on the paper, and Jinki couldn’t see himself fitting it into a love song. He decided nothing else would come to him tonight, retired to his bland bedroom for the night, to call his friends and get some sleep.
    Despite the promise of seeing each other next the same time next week, they started texting the next day. She would send him texts before and in between classes and lectures, but not during, so Jinki would take that time to think of things to say to her; sweet nothings and questions he scribbled down on the paper that had the beginnings of his song in the other corner. She began to ask about his music, if he and his band-mates had come out with an album yet, if he had any songs out she could listen to. Jinki chose to reply that they were working on it, but he had no recordings to give her, unfortunately. It wasn't a complete lie, they really were working on an album. Their third one, after two nice trips to the top of the charts and across Asia on tour. She continued on to ask about what music he liked instead, what was the popular stuff where he was from. He said he'd compile her a CD of his favorites, and get it to her right away. She smiled to herself, before putting her phone away as the next class started.
    "You need to put Super Junior in there, and ah…hmmm." Taemin lilted. "Put on some TRAX, and some Kangta, even though I think he's a self-centered brute."
    Jinki laughed out loud. Taemin was right. Kangta had been rude and narcissistic when they had remixed and toured with him and his band. But no one could deny his talent and dashing suit-clad facade was impressive. "Shall I put Abracadabra on there? I'm not sure about it." He inquired, clicking songs into place to be burned to the CD.
    "Yes! It's my favorite song in the world and entire universe and all the music it contains! But Jinki-Hyung, why no SHINee? Does she not like us?" Taemin asked, and Jinki could see him puffing up his cheeks like a blowfish in his mind‘s eye. He had told Taemin of Juliette, and Taemin's young mind had expanded upon the idea of the serenade like a chivalric knight with a ginger bowl-cut.
    "She doesn't know I'm a member." Jinki admitted. "I thought if she knew, it would keep things from being real enough to write a really good song about it."
    "That makes sense, but that's something hard to keep from somebody. You have to consider that her finding out on her own is a very real possibility." Taemin said thoughtfully, reminding Jinki of how insightful he was at only 17 - the baby of the band.
    "I think I understand." Jinki said.
    There was a long silence as they both considered their options, and possible consequences. Lee tapped the top of the phone against his temple and he could tell Taemin was doing something similar, because of the short blasts of static coming down the line. Minho had called earlier and hadn't brought up any sort of precautions, so Jinki was glad he talked to Taemin as well. He decided to change the subject whenever his career was mentioned from that point on. Finally, Taemin spoke, voice lethargic with dreams of storybook romance.
    "When you give it to her, you should wear my favorite tie."
    Juliette packed up her things in the lecture hall she spent most of her day in. Tuesdays were not days she danced, so she spent as much time as she could doing work around school, volunteering, cleaning, or stopping by the stores next door for knickknacks and books. She was immensely embarrassed to not have anywhere to be, after Dr. Ott's speech a week ago, and she didn't speak to him as he cleaned the board a dozen rows of seats below her.
    "Julie?" That wasn't Dr. Ott's baritone drawl.
    Juliette looked down. Peeking his head in the door was Jinki. Juliette tried to keep from blushing and set in a straight line as he slipped inside the room and waved a square object back and forth. Dr. Ott looked him over quizzically from the other side of the room. Julie hopped down two steps at a time to meet him at the bottom, swinging her overstuffed backpack over her right shoulder, another book under her left arm.
    "What is that you're wearing, there?" she asked, when she was on the same level as him.
    Jinki touched his blazer self-consciously and bit his lip. It was grey, and the button-down underneath was as well, in a lighter shade. Well-fitting and clean. It was the tie that caught her attention. It was tan, with garish bright orange and jet black leopard spots dotting the fabric. It hung loosely around his neck, doing a poor job of its purpose. It was hideous. She looked closely at the legs of his brown denim trousers, folding over his combat boots, and those had a faint leopard pattern too. Juliette suddenly felt more embarrassed for him than herself.
    "It's just something I found in the closet." Jinki chuckled, cursing Taemin in his head. "I told you I'd make you a CD. And I was passing by the school and thought I'd..."
    "Yeah, but I figured you'd get it to me eventually, not today!" Juliette said incredulously. "Thanks so much. I'll listen to it tonight."
    There was little more to say, and Jinki smoothed down his tie, biting his lip again. Juliette felt bad for even mentioning the heinous outfit, and she reached out and touched the button on his rolled-up blazer sleeve. He smiled at her.
    "Okay. See you later this week." He clapped his hands around the sides of her face as if to box her ears, and kissed her on the forehead, his eyes scrunched shut and lips puckered like a fifth grader in spin-the-bottle. He left, and eventually Juliette did too, her foot-shuffling turned to a skip. And Dr. Ott smiled to himself, and finished the board.
    “How, is my question? And where did you find a boy like that? And where can I find one for me?” Kate snapped, laying her body flat out atop the leg outstretched in front of her in the split.
    Juliette thought about her sister’s questions and slipped into a split next to Kate. No one else was in the particular practice room, and Kate wasn’t teaching any classes at the time, so the siblings had time to be together. Feeling resistance when she tried to lean forward in a similar fashion, she sat up and found the source: the CD in her cardigan pocket. She slid it across the polished wood floor to Kate.
    “I met him on the train. He sat down right next to me, even though there were other seats. I told him a bit about me when he asked, and about dancing with you after school.” Juliette shrugged.
    “His lips.” Kate collapsed into a pile on the floor, and the sisters let out a sharp peal of giggles. “I should ditch my car, and start taking the train too. Did he make this for you?”
    Juliette nodded, and Kate the disc. Kate’s big blue eyes and Kate’s blonde hair, and Kate’s curves, she almost felt like a villain for ripping the Old Maid card off her forehead and tarnishing her sister’s superiority. Almost. Kate opened the cover and looked at the messy sharpie writing on the disc itself. For Julie - Super Junior, Kangta, TRAX, TaeYang ft. G-Dragon, Brown Eyed Girls, Girl’s Generation and BoA. Kate snapped the disc out and slid it into the boom box in the corner of the room.
    “I wonder if any of it is good.” she said, as Juliette got up and joined her by the boom box.
    Kate built the suspense by going to press the play button in slow motion. Juliette got impatient and pressed it herself, and Kate grimaced at her. The room echoed with metallic clicks and bangs as the first song began, and eerie tune playing behind it so softly it could barely hear it. Kate, assuming the volume had an issue, turned it to the maximum setting. Suddenly it went totally silent. The sisters leaned forward just as the speakers exploded with synthesized mambo music. They shrieked in unison, startled, and Kate slapped the stereo’s off button so hard it almost slid off the table. They looked at each other wide-eyed, then burst out into crazy laughter.
    “I wonder if it’s been choreographed!” said Kate in between snorts.

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Okay, I have stopped being a silent ninja reader. SO YOU MUST UPDATE!!!!! :D
"he had a much easier time getting Juliette out of the silver dress than Kate had getting her into it." URHURRRRHURRR
junhuidu #4
Wait, she hid all the hair ties or kept the window shut with the hair ties?
junhuidu #5
Oh my goodness I have to get this out. Scrabble is like the most humbling game ever, I have the vocabulary of a chicken and I totally at it. <br />
<br />
I just realized when I type "andi" it's autocorrected into "andiwillalwayskeepthefaith." That's so cool o_o<br />
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XD "mysterious dancer alter ego" *is curious*
the plan involves Kate...doing WHAT?<br />
lolz.<br />
:D<br />
update soon!
junhuidu #7
She kept him in the rain? XD
DaphAndMe #8
Oh man! Intense! I loved the ending for this chapter "Lee forgot for a moment that he had only a month and a half left."<br />
Wow. Such good writing!
Awwwww~ update again soon!
DaphAndMe #10
You are such an amazing writer! Can't wait to read more!