Bigger on The Inside

Doctor Who?

''It's just a blue police box from the 60's'' I mumbled, the only thing running through my mind was - he's insane. Oh yes he was so insane but there was something so....interesting about him. 
''Come inside'' he grinned, unlocked the door to the blue box and disappeared inside. 
''Isn't it too small for the both of us?'' but without waiting for his answer I stepped inside. ''It's bigger on th-''
Before I could finish my sentence he chuckled happily and said, his voice full of glee. 
''Bigger on the inside? Oh yes. I know. It's a TARDIS.''
''Tardis?'' I asked, puzzled.
''Time and relevant dimension in space'' he smiled proudly.
''Did you make that up?'' I asked, slightly teasing him. It's a bit silly. 
He shook his head and his mouth shaped into a longing, sad smile. I asked no more questions. He didn't seem to want to talk about it.

I got out of the box, slowly walking around it. It's small. It is. How can it be bigger.. I was still very amazed by it. No it can't be. I mean- 
Once again he cut my thoughts off. 
''Oh come on in. Lets go. Anywhere, anytime!'' 
I came inside again, slowly walking around it. In the middle, it was something that seemed like an engine. It's beautiful. I placed my hand on it and I could see a happy smile spread on his face. Charming.
''Where do you want to go? What time do you want to go to? Earth? Or anywhere in space?'' 
''But.. Doctor who?''
''Just the Doctor.'' He smiled that same charismatic and cheerful smile and whispered ''Trust me'' 
I did. I trusted this insane, crazy man. I didn't know why, but I did. 
''TARDIS. I like it'' I mumbled to myself. 
''So where to?'' he asked me again and I bit my lip, thinking of all the places we can go to. 
''Back. Back in time. I want to go back back back in time. I want to see the past. A lot of the past!'' 
''Oh but why go to the past when we can see the future!'' He lit up with excitment. 
''If you're not going to listen to where I want to go.. Why even ask, Doctor?'' I giggled quietly. 
Without a word he pressed a few buttons, held down a few levers and the blue box shook and vibrated. I held onto one of the railings, I was excited! This was so much fun! 

Suddenly the TARDIS made a weird sound and we stopped shaking. 
''What happened?'' I asked. 
''We have landed'' He smiled and pointed towards the door ''Step outside. The year is 1810. Earth. Prepared to be amazed......''




Sorry for the late chapter update. I was a little busy. 
Sorry this chapter isn't that long, I wanted a small introduction chapter which would only focus on HyoYeon reacting to the TARDIS
Hope you guys like it. I'll try to update soon! ~~

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lunafxstar #1
Ugh yesssss
Druggedwithkpop #2
Chapter 2: Update soon ^^
Chapter 1: update soon ^^
ArchieJowist #5
Chapter 1: Oh my angel, this is so crazy! I love you, author-nim, really! How come... ;; Super Junior x Doctor Who - I can now die in peace ;; <3 First chapter is really great, there is no other person beside Eunhyuk that would be better Doctor, haha! Can't wait to see next part, I hope you will have a good day/night, wherever you are now ^^
shea_shariff #6
Wow!! I like dr who. This gonna b great.