Trailer Know-How: Practice and Your Forte

℘isces ♓ Trailer Tutorial/ Resource
Practice and your Forte

So I decided to add this section. This section does not speak about technical stuff (editing, music, timing, videos and etc) but rather the side where not most resource shops talk about and that's how you can improve your skills as a trailer maker and there's two ways to do that: Practice and your Forte


Okay so I know this one is pretty given but new trailer makers will fall into this pit of "I can do this, it's just making trailers" and it's true anyone can make a trailer but only those who practice can make a GREAT trailer, yes I know it sounds cliche pfft.

But it's not easy to make a great trailer or at least a trailer that your requestor will love, it takes practice and patience and sometimes you might need even more of that! See you can't get good with just your first trailer, you have to practice and practice and learn how to hone your editing skills. Even now I still see flaws in my trailers and with each new trailer I try to improve my editing skills with each new trailer request that comes my way. It isn't easy but through time you'll get the hang of it and soon you'll be able to make beautiful trailers that will hopefully make the requester happy!


So what is a forte? It is basically something you are good at or in this case a genre you are good at making. For my forte would be the dark, angsty, and ty trailers. Oh! Fantasy is my favorite trailer to make. I admit I at making lovey dovey, rom com trailers and I've tried my best to make my trailers with those genre's work but when it just isn't your forte you sometimes lose the will to make them but that doesn't mean you can't improve your skill area.

My advice? Keep at it! It may not seem like it's nice in your eyes but your requestor might love it (but on the off chance that they do ask for a redo weeps then that just :<)

In the end it's basically just practice! Learn to venture into the unknown territory and play with them and who knows you might be good on both the good and bad sides of the genre family! If not, then learn to hone your skills some more until you kick lol

Hope this helps you guys out!


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Chapter 1: i have a question. how to remove the sound of the video clip in Windows Movie Maker.
Oooooh yay! A trailer tutorial :D I am in love with your preamble hahah