My One And Only

My One And Only


“YAH!!... stop it guys *pouts*” taeyon doesn’t know what to do anymore; they're really pushing her button. She just doesn’t want to confess that she, indeed had her first kiss. But she wants to keep it, for one big reason, her best friend JunSu. Today was their get together, and to change their daily routine of playing bowling and shopping, they all decided to have a confession time about their love life, and that’s why everyone was eager to know about taeyon’s first kiss and if ever the guy was her first love.

Everyone was now ganging up on taeyon, adding up with cutie Junsu, who’s so curious with his best friend’s first kiss.


“come on tae… did you really had your first kiss?...just admit it now, who is it?... is that the guy you told me before? Your first and only love?” asked junsu with a know it all look.


“just admit it… we understand you, no need to go hulk on us” teased heechul.


“YAH!!!..... I really did have my first kiss… and no he’s not the one….And let’s not talk about it let’s just change topic *pouts*” reasoned taeyon in a low voice.


“seriously, if you had your first kiss....why won’t you tell us?” mocked heechul.


“come on tae… who is it? Im eager to know” added junsu, in which everyone ganged up on her once again.


Her hands then turned into a fist, as a blush crawled up to her cheeks.


“fine..its with a guy”


“obviously” said heechul sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.


Taeyon then looked at her best friends cute and excited face, making her nervous and worried even more.


“just get on with it tae… we don’t have all day” said heechul as he shakes taeyon’s shoulder.


“it’s with YooChun oppa” everyone was about to cheer, but as soon as they heard YooChun’s name, everyone was speechless with their mouths open, shockness was visible on their faces, including a now quiet junsu.


“well what do you know… her first kiss is chunnie!!” said junsu as he clasped his hands together, with a fake smile.


“come on guys… we’re talking about her first kiss…and she did say chunnie’s not her first love” added junsu as he tried to lessen the tension in the air.


“and it’s a long time ago, right tae?.... it's in the past now” assured junsu to the rest of their friends who were now looking worriedly at him, he kept muttering the word past in a weak smile, which indicates he's assuring himself. Even though many thoughts were clouding his mind, especially if taeyon was telling the truth. He feels that the first love she kept mentioning was his yoochun and it really hurts. But he trusts taeyon, or so?.


“actually it was just recently, more like last sunday” added taeyon which silenced junsu, as he felt his heart was being crashed by taeyon’s innocent confession. He then remembered about their sunday house event, were taeyon helped them in decorating their new house. Taeyon also told him about her one and only love, about spending the last and special day with him before she fully erased him in her heart and move on.


“could it be…that it became special because of the kiss?... will yoochun leave me soon? Is he thinking about the kiss?... come to think of it, he’s been quiet this past few days and everytime i ask, he kept telling me it’s about work… could it be?” asked junsu to himself as he feels that his whole world is crashing down.


“but i…” before taeyon could finish what she was about to say, junsu cutted her.


“I think I’ll go ahead first”said junsu in a weak tone and after that, he stormed out of the room, leaving everyone and ignoring taeyon’s calls.




For the rest of the day junsu stayed away from his family, friends and even yoochun, he even turned his phone off. He felt betrayed and hurt. He know’s he should hear out yoochun or tae’s explanation, but as of the moment he’s afraid of what he might hear.


Ever since they became a couple and considering their both males, junsu’s fear had never left him, the fear of waking up one morning and finding out that yoochun wasn’t his anymore. And now, he felt that it’s happening and he’s afraid of facing it, cause he doesn’t know if he can handle it. He loves yoochun so much that he’ll die if yoochun will leave him one day. But taeyon is also his friend and even before he became yoochun’s boyfriend, taeyon already told him about her one and only love.


Sliding his back at his door as he holds his chest. He sobs quietly, afraid of making his family worried. When he came back to his parent’s house earlier, he told them not to tell yoochun his whereabouts, he even ignored the worried questions of his family and just told them he’s tired and he needs time to think. In which his family let him, even though worriedness was visible on their faces.




YooChun was phasing back and forth at heechul’s apartment, they're all worried and taeyon’s more than guilty, this was the reason why she doesn’t want to admit about her first kiss. She's afraid junsu might misunderstand, in which it happened.


“I don’t know what to do anymore hyung…I can’t contact him, his family doesn’t know where he is” said yoochun worriedly, as tears kept sliding down his cheeks, he wasn’t afraid of letting anyone see his tears. All that matters is to find his beloved junsu.


All heechul could do as of the moment, was to comfort his friend. He doesn’t know if he should tell yoochun the truth, he believe its taeyon’s role to do so, but seeing as the latter was afraid. He’s confused, he wants everything to be cleared and to know if there is something between the two. He wants to hear both sides, he wants to help his friends. To fix the mess, and one thing comes to his mind at the moment and with that, he fished out his phone from his pocket and typed a message on his phone. And after that, he sent it to a particular number with prayers added in his mind.


“we were fine earlier hyung *looks at heechul’s eyes, as if he’s pleading for heechul to help him*… I don’t remember having any argument with him… hyung im worried, what if.. what if something bad happens to him?.... hyung” cried yoochun as he pour his heart out, in heechul's embrace.


Heechul sadly rubs yoochun’s back in comfort as he eyes taeyon as if talking to her through the eyes, which made taeyon to look down, she’s afraid yoochun might misunderstand, she’s afraid yoochun will further hate her. She’s really confuse, there were those things that were meant to be kept hidden, but a time like this, what is the right thing? But then if she will remain quiet, she’ll feel even more awful if yoosu break up because of her.


Taeyon then raised her head and took a deep breath.


“yoochun the truth is, I told junsu about my first kiss… we were having one of those confession moments about our love life… ”


Yoochun then freed himself from heechul’s hug as he turned his full attention at taeyon who was looking straight at his eyes.


“but what does it have to do with Su’s disappearance?... ignoring my calls and ignoring me?.. TELL ME TAEYON!!” heechul then held yoochun’s arm and rubs it.


“calm down chun, don’t scare her and let her finish what she has to say” continued heechul in which yoochun folded his arms across his chest. Ever since Yoochun found out about taeyon's feelings towards junsu, tension was always between them. As much as it sounds unfair, he felt threatened with taeyon around, as if she'll steal him away from him.


“I told him and everyone…that… *looks down* you were my first kiss and it happened just recently... i also think, he thought your the person i told him as my first love, whom i still love as to this very moment”


“BWOH!!?... are you insane?... *breaths in and out* taeyon I know you love su, I know that… your actions speaks about your feelings, but do you have to go to this point just to break us up?”


“NO!!.... you don’t understand oppa….”


“of course I understand, I didn’t know you’re a low type of person....”




Yoochun, heechul especially taeyon were all shock with the slap. Calming herself, taeyon shakingly lowered her hand.


“im sorry for the slap, but you have no right to talk about me like that *wipes tears*… you don’t know me, nor you haven’t heard my full explanation… Yes I do love junsu oppa more than ever…but… but im not that low to the point that i will do stupid things just to separate you both.... his happiness is what’s important to me and that is you… im content as long as he’s happy…. your his everything”


“is that so?... then why do you have to tell junsu that lie? huh taeyon? Tell me?... if junsu’s happiness is important to you, then why?..”


“because i was on the edge and it’s the truth... but behind that is a story, which will clear everything... it's just that, he didn't let me explain about the kiss.... remember the time you saved me from falling from the ladder?”



Yoochun tripped from one of the leg of the ladder, which caused for it to fall down together with taeyon. With fast reflex and worry, YooChun caught taeyon in his arms but with yoochun’s imbalance posture they both fall down. With taeyon on top of yoochun and their lips crashed together.

Shockness was visible on both their faces, that taeyon freed herself from yoochun’s hold and stood up.

The atmosphere was awkward, that they don’t know what to do.

“t-thanks for saving me” said taeyon as she helps yoochun from standing up.

“n-no p-problem… *coughs* about the kiss....”

“it was an accident oppa, let’s forget about it” cutted taeyon in which they both smiled at each other.

End of Flashback…


“that was my first kiss… but believe me, it means nothing.. it's just that, they were asking me about my first kiss and despite my worry, I confessed it to shut the guys up… but I didn’t know that my worry will happen and junsu oppa will misunderstand it… he didn’t let me explain that’s why we’re in this mess… so *looks at yoochun’s eyes* im really sorry yoochun oppa…. I’m really sorry, and I’ll do everything just to fix this mess” said taeyon as she looks down on the floor. The confession feels great but her heart still hurts, for the fact the junsu is sad and yoosu couple might break up because of her. And if ever that happens, she’ll never forgive herself.


“I’m sorry too” the three shockedly searched for the owner of the voice. And there, near the door was junsu who was sobbing and approaching them.


“im sorry tae… I know I shouldn’t have let my jealousy and fear eat me” with that, junsu hugged taeyon.


“you’re my best friend, my most important friend… I should’ve let you explain…. I should’ve trust you more, I shouldn’t have jumped to my stupid conclusion... im just scared tae, im scared of what I might know, im scared of being left by the man I love and im scared of hurting you further, nor ending our friendship”


“it’s okay oppa.. I understand you… this is the reason why im hesitant of telling you guys who my first kiss was… I know i told you before about my forever love. But trust me it’s not yoochun oppa, it’s you; it always been you, I just didn’t have the courage to confess, but im in the process of moving on, so rest assured *smiles*... the kiss was an accident and about your fear oppa, trust me yoochun oppa will never leave you… never doubt his love” they then loosened the hug and stared at each other’s eyes with smile’s visible in their faces along with the moist of their tears in their cheeks.


“pabo!!” whispered taeyon as she pats junsu’s head. In which junsu smiled and patted taeyon’s head, as a sign that they forgive each other.


Junsu then turned his attention at yoochun, and without saying anything he sprinted towards yoochun and hugged the latter tightly, as if there’s no tomorrow.


“mianhae…mianhae…mianhae…..” cried junsu in which yoochun continued kissing the crown of junsu’s head.


“your indeed a pabo su… how many times do I have to show you, how much I love you?.... that my love will not die that easily…. Just trust me and my love for you”


“I know and im sorry chun… it has always been my fear from the start considering, I can never give you any child and more imortantly im a guy” said junsu as they loosened the hug and stared at each other’s eyes.


“pabo… *wipes junsu’s tears*…. I told you before that, I don’t care if you weren’t born to give me any child, we can always adopt…. And who cares if you’re a guy, what matters is my love for you… you’re my one and only love junsu, and that is forever until my last breath…” and with that, yoochun captured junsu’s sweet lips and they kissed passionately. Making taeyon and heechul smiled happily at the couple.


“finally” said heechul.


“I love you junsu, My one and only love”


“I love you too chun, My one and only love” they both smiled at each other.


Yoochun then turned his attention at taeyon.


“I’m sorry about my words earlier… im really sorry tae for doubting you.. I hope there is a room for our friendship” said yoochun as he walks in front of taeyon and offered his hand in which taeyon smilingly accepted it.


“it’s okay oppa, I understand you…. you were just worried and angry earlier… and im sure we will, as long as you give your trust in me” smiled taeyon in which yoochun nodded his head.


Yoochun then put his right arm over junsu’s shoulder and kissed the latter’s forehead.


“im glad you visited heechul hyung's apartment and heard the whole truth…. Your timing was really amazing” said yoochun in which taeyon nodded her head.


“I agree, it was like the heavens gave us miracle to fix this mess” added taeyon.


“actually, it is amazing but I didn’t plan to visit hyung… he texted my twin brother that he needed help because he was robbed and when i saw the door was not locked I helped myself in, and I heard your conversion from taeyon’s story about your accident kiss” reasoned junsu as they stared at heechul.


“thanks hyung” said yoochun in which heechul nodded his head.


“it was nothing… seriously, I don’t know what to do with this situation and the only solution I came up with, is for you three to face one another and talk… I wasn’t expecting taeyon’s full confession and the timing of junsu’s arrival… I guess the heavens want this problem to be solved”


“but I didn’t see heechul oppa texted anyone” added taeyon with confusion visible on her face.


“that was the time, you were both busy with your own worries… I just can’t stand seeing you guys this way, we after all are friends… and we cannot be ruined just because of a misunderstanding” reasoned heechul in which the rest nodded their heads.


"and about your one true love, it'll come at the right time... just enjoy life and wait tae" whispered heechul at taeyon's left ear, in which taeyon nodded her head as she stares at the loving couple in front of them. She's more than happy that everything is settled and his best friend/love is with his beloved one now.


"all this drama is making me hungry, let’s eat out" said heechul in which they all laughed as they walk out of heechul's flat as if nothing happened, laughing all the way with some teases here and there.


The End


Sometimes, people tend to let their anger or jealousy rule them which resulted to broken friendship or relationship. It may be hard, but at every conflict, the possible solution is to try to calm ourselves, hear the other out, listen and trust. Trust is the most important thing in every relationship or friendship, without it nothing will happen. Always listen to them first, and most importantly, listen to your heart. You know this people more than anyone, unless it’s really not worth it.


How was it? hope you guys likes it ^-^.... how about you unnie? hope you likes it hehehe *fingers crossed*

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xiahheartprincess #1
Chapter 1: short but cute thanks!!!!
Chapter 1: Hehehehe~ i can not stop giggling while reading this fic~ so cute and sweet and i feel like to squeeze them like a doll~
I loved this! /hearts/
Chapter 1: aiiiisssshhh sweet sweet sweet i can't believe i criedXD
Chapter 1: ahhhhhhhhh. sweet
Chapter 1: love love love the story

glad su came in time :') so they can fix their problem :)

true, dont judge it one side we need to see other side too, listen first bfore we go to conclusion. trust is the first thing should to gain in the friendship n in the relationship :)