Krystal’s POV

Class dismissal was just the same. Everybody’s going crazy even the instructors seemed excited to leave. My college friends too were agitated, dragging me away from my beloved desk. We were planning to visit Yesung Oppa’s café house but I was contemplating to go since I still hadn’t finish my paper work. The stress of being a student’s actually harder than preparing for a comeback to be honest. Just then a friend of mine from another department came running, calling out my name.


"Hey, Soojungah!"

"What is it?" I smiled at her.

"Someone's looking for you." She was grinning from ear to ear.


“I wonder who it is…”


I saw a crowd already formed in front of a car parked just meters away from the University gate. I thought maybe there was another star about to enroll at our school. I mean, with all those screaming and shouting, I bet that person’s popularity couldn’t compare to mine.


"Oh my gosh! It's really her!" A girl at the back shouted.

"I can't believe a member of So Nyu Shi Dae would ever come here." A guy in a suit squealed. Yes, he squealed.

"She's so pretty in person!" And so did my professor.


“So Nyu Shi Dae, ey? Are they talking about.... there's no way she would ever go here.”


I chuckled on my way to greet my sister who I know for God’s sake wouldn’t waste her precious free time going to my school. Either way, that was new. Maybe she was dying of boredom or just want to take a stroll around for a bit. I swam thru the crowd but once they saw who I was, they let me pass thru with ease.


“Yah, Unnie! Why are you..." I stopped my tracks, baffled. I blinked a few times seeing her smiling at me, standing there, leaning on her car like a model, arms crossed.

"Sooyoung Unnie?" W-What is she doing here?

"Well, your sister asked me to pick you up since our set's just near here." She said, looking all beautiful with simple clothes and light make up.

"I see." I nodded then swallowed.

"I'll just say goodbye to my friends.”


I ran back to where my friends were trying to act not so surprised. Opposite to me, I think my friends were trying so hard to get noticed by her. I couldn’t blame them, she’s really that attractive.


"You didn't tell us she was that hot in person." A younger friend of mine said, nudging my side.

"And... she's quite handsome for some reason." Followed by another remark from my other friend who’s a bit older than me.

"You guys are nuts." I shook my head chuckling. If only I could say what they had said. I turned around waving.

"Lucky you. Take care, Soojung!" They both shouted.



Okay, so taking a car ride with her was something to brag silently... just deep inside. ‘Cause I totally felt like the luckiest girl that time. It’s just like how I imagined my special someone would be waiting for me to pick me up.


"Kindly put your seat belt on." She said while wearing hers.


I grabbed the buckle from above my shoulder then pulled it down across my body. I tried to click it into the receptacle but it wouldn’t budge.


"It's stuck." I grumbled.


She took of hers to shift her body in front of me to adjust my seatbelt. It went okay at first until I noticed how close our faces were from that position. I looked away, blushing.


"Here we go." I then heard a clicking sound.


I mouthed thank you. She smiled back in reply. The ride then went real quiet for several minutes.


"You don't look so happy I showed up." She said out of the blue.

"No." I answered right away.

"I-I mean, I like it. I was just a bit surprised." A bit TOO surprised.

"Okay." She giggled.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, looking at her.

"I don't know. Home, I guess. Your sister just asked me to pick you up but if you want to, I can drive you anywhere you want."

"Home  sounds good."

"If you say so." She shrugged. I breathed out to relax.

"Oooh! Crepe!" The car harshly stopped in front of a Crepe House. Sooyoung Unnie quickly went out, leaving me dazed.

"Wait just a sec!”


It made me laugh a bit anyway. She did come back in a minute with two crepes in her hand.


"Here." She held out a strawberry flavored one.

"No, thank-


I wasn’t hungry that time but was forced to eat since she already shoved it down my throat. I took a bite on it before turning to her. She was currently her fingers.


"Yummy, right?" She smiled cheekily.

"You're done already?" I asked, amazed.

"It was tasty.” We chuckled afterwards.

"Oh wait. You have some cream over..." She was pointing somewhere on my face but looked a little confused.


"Here." She poked her finger on the wip cream sitting on top of my crepe then daubed it on my nose.

"Yah, Unnie!" I tried to protest but she was laughing so hard I couldn’t help but laugh as well.

"You are so cute." That time, I was positively sure she saw me blushing. She chuckled a little before wiping the cream off my nose with her thumb.

"Sorry, little Jung." I was left speechless seeing that smile.




Whenever she looks at me, I'd freeze up. I'd look away wishing my heart would stop beating in a different manner. When I look back at her, I'd see her already smiling at someone. And that someone is my sister who has very special feelings for her. I should be happy about it but it's frightening to know that deep inside, I want to protest and be the one she's smiling at. No. That's not how it should be. But the more I restrain myself from her, the more I deny that I've somehow managed to fall deeply without being obvious: the worse I get from telling her how much I love her when I shouldn’t.


Writer’s POV

Days went on like how she planned them to be. She’d act as if she didn’t want to see her so much. She’d smile a little when they meet then distance herself to avoid any contact between them even if they’re at the same place or standing real close to each other. It was hard but she had to endure every minute of it.

On the other side though, Sooyoung seemed to notice it. She felt rather ignored than being avoided. She noticed how Krystal would look away when she looks at her or when Krystal would turn cold when she greets her. She grew worried. Maybe she was too confident with their close relationship that she didn’t become aware of what she might’ve done to hurt her or of why Krystal was acting that way towards her, she thought. Did she neglect her? Was there a gap growing between them because of her? Although she never liked being ignored, what she hates the most is knowing there’s this distance forming between her and that person. And no matter what happens, she’d do anything to keep that someone real close to her.


Krystal’s POV

The doorbell rang. I wondered who it was coming at such time that night. I stood up from my seat, closed my book then ran out from the dining area. I held the doorknob, oblivious of whom might the person be.




Tug-tug. Tug-tug. Tug-tug.

That was how my heartbeat sounded like when I saw her on our porch, holding a couple of DVD’s and a bucket of popcorn.


"Oh... Sooyoung Unnie..." They must be having a movie marathon.

"Is that Soo?" Unnie asked aloud from the living room.

"Come on in, Unnie." I quietly lead her. She sat next to Unnie as I stood at the back feeling a little awkward.

"I'll leave you two alone." They smiled in response.


Before completely losing my sight over them, I took a glimpse. What a happy couple they were. It took me several seconds to feel that tiny jealousy starting to eat my insides. I grinned apathetically, sighing on my way back to my seat.




About half an hour later, I grew bored and distracted. Finals seem hours away but I couldn't concentrate for some reason. I stood up and went to the fridge to get something to drink. I remembered Mom buying two bottles of red bull for Dad. Perhaps I could use one to feel energized and since he's still on his business trip he won't know, I thought. I opened the fridge, smiling but minutes later I ended up annoyed. I just couldn't find them. I was about to ask Unnie where Mom had hidden them or if she had the same idea as mine, but I was halted when I heard Sooyoung Unnie say my name. I wasn't sure so I stood next to the stairs just beside the living area.


"... about Krystal..." That was my name.

"Is your sister okay?" I heard her ask


 She might've noticed my constant distancing. I sneaked in more so I could see both of them.


"Yeah. She seems fine. I don't think she's going through something." Unnie answered.


"It's better this way... no one knows I'm struggling deep inside..."


"She just seem..." Sooyoung Unnie paused. She stared somewhere else then I saw her lips almost arching.


"Why does she seem greatly affected? Is she concerned?"


"Anyway, so what should we watch next?" She grinned a little, scanning the DVD's on her hand. There was that pounding on my chest again. Unnie looked at her. She lifted her chin with her finger so she could look back.

"Hey..." She called softly. It was a bad idea to stay there.

"Don't worry, okay? She's fine. I assure you. Plus, you're worrying too much about her." Unnie pouted.

"I'm jealous." Sooyoung Unnie only giggled.

"Dummy." She said.

"I'm worried 'cause I care about her too and she's also really close to me." On second thought, staying there and eaves dropping was a good idea. I was smiling widely, hugging my knees.

"Whatever you say." Unnie shrugged. She clicked the remote and the tv was on mute.

"So, Soo... since we're talking now..." Unnie adjusted her position. She sat closely to Sooyoung Unnie so she could face her.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Do you like someone in particular?" I almost choked when I heard her say it.

"What kind of question is that?" Sooyoung Unnie chuckled in response this time.

"Just answer it." Unnie rolled her eyes.

"Why did you ask that first?"

"I just... I just assumed that you like someone..."


"Oh come on, Sooyoung Unnie, are you that clueless? She's obviously indirectly confessing!"


I was at the middle of being jealous and disbelief realizing Sooyoung Unnie's bad state of awareness. She just sat steadily there with a dumb look on her face. And it was undeniably cute. But what the heck?!


"Come on!" Unnie shook her arm.

"Okay, relax." Sooyoung Unnie calmed her. We both waited for her response.

"I'm not attracted to anyone." WHEW.

"For now?"

"Yes, for now."

"I see." Sooyoung eyed her for a moment.

"You're such a weirdo." It was the last thing I heard before going back to my search. On my way, my mind started drifting away. I bit my lip and stopped in front of the fridge. Whatever I was thinking, I think I was out of my mind.


"I may still have a chance."


Jessica's POV

She left an hour later. We only finished watching one boring movie but I wasn’t bored at all. I had my attention to her and that’s the only thing that had gotten my full interest even if it was her precious Leonardo dying on screen. She didn’t notice me anyway. Actually, she never noticed me as her type. Knowing that she still hadn’t thought of anyone else to date was a fifty-fifty kind of situation. A, she only see me as her best friend. B, I could make her fall for me if I continue to show what I feel for her without exactly telling her. We may never know; she could be the one to confess first. But Sooyoung is Sooyoung. It’d be easier to break a coconut using my forehead than instantly make her like me, even for just a bit. She’s this type of person to realize something in a rather bad timing. She’s too dense yet she’s also a little too sharp which is exciting for me to read in a person’s nature. It might sound crazy but I fell for her because of those things about her.

Why I fell for her was never a question I’d ask myself. I guess when you have a best friend, you either become best friends forever or only the other one always has to fall for the latter. It must be the golden rule and we barely figured that out after so many ages. But how would I know it’s a happily ever after for us if I was just the one aching for it?

When Sooyoung asked me about my sister’s state, I realized how selfish I was to think I was the only one she cared most about. It snapped me back to reality that she’s also got friends around and we have seven other members. And that she’s also has this close bond with my sister.

I don’t remember how it exactly started but maybe it was the day I formally introduced them to each other. Soojung was this energetic little eight year old kid and I was the quiet and okay, a bit snobbish big sister. One day after training, I introduced her to Sooyoung, who was that tan radiant kid I trained with for the past two weeks. I have not considered her as my best friend that time. We played with Soojung the whole day at the playground near our house and from then on, she had become her playmate too although Soojung only get to see her when I bring her to our house which was not even close to often. At some point, they grew comfortable with each other despite the short meetings. Sooyoung would carry my sister when she gets bruises since she’s become the taller one as we grow. And just like us, they didn’t have to talk much and they understand each other quite well.

It led me to think that I might’ve neglected my sister for too long because of Sooyoung. It’s not that I’m blaming her rather; I’m actually the one to blame. I keep telling her about Sooyoung and my feelings for her every day that I never get to ask her about her day and how she was. I forgot she has feelings too. It must’ve been a burden listening to me and my blabbing.




Right when I just finished putting on my make-up, she calmly passed by my room. I called onto her for a little conversation.


"Yah, Soojung-ah." She turned to me, brows arched.

"Sooyoung noticed something and she's worried about you. Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked sweetly. She walked in, looking a bit baffled.

"Huh? I'm quite sure I'm okay and my only problem now is I'm always getting hungry every minute." She answered as I eyed her.

"I swear!"

"Okay. But if I find out you're not okay, you're in big trouble." I crossed my arms.

"What the- I'm upset and yet I'll get punished?" She groaned.

"You are the best sister ever." She said, sarcastically. We chuckled afterwards.

"Why, thank you!"


She was about to go when I called her once more.


"Krys..." I wanted to be sure.


"Are you sure?" But my sister has the same personality as mine. I think it’s in the genes though. We just like to say we’re okay when we’re not.

"Ughhh... I assure you like five hundred percent, YES." I know you’re not. I can feel it.


I walked towards her to hug her. She hugged back. I remember how she would tell me her problem when it’s not much of a big deal for her but whenever she’s facing something big she’d keep it to herself even if it’s really evident.


"You can always tell your Unnie when something's bothering you. Remember that, okay?" I placed my chin on her shoulder.

"That's so corny." She just chuckled in reply. We let go with a smile as I gave her a pat on her head.

"Aigoo, our little Soojung-ah." I said in a loving tone. She scrunched up her nose that made me laugh.


Krystal’s POV

I smiled to her before leaving. Quietly, I closed Unnie’s door but I didn’t go right away. My mind went blank. I leaned on her door for a moment. It was touching for her to ask me if I’m okay but it’s also a bad idea. I wanted to get out. I needed a place to calm down and take this tiny sadness away. I got my phone out then speed dialed Sulli’s number. There were a couple of rings before she answered.



“Hey, are you still at the dorm?”



-chapter three tomorrow! :P

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sinnosino #1
Chapter 2: I love this! Please update soon author-nim:)
tata09 #2
Autor shii...actualiza
Sootuff #3
Chapter 2: Jusgsis falling hard for Sooyoung.
But Sooyoung just playing innocent I think :)
tata09 #4
Me encanta tu fanfic..
Por favor actualiza pronto :) gracias
Chapter 2: update soon please
Chapter 2: The forever clueless SooYoungie~ ^_^
Chapter 2: Very appealing. Update now! Hahaha!
maki_rish #8
Chapter 2: oh.....
I believe SooYoung must realize sth, she is smart,
she is just playing innocent.
Chapter 2: Dense sooyoung
She's so lucky to have both of the jung sisters fall for her >.<

Oooh... Jungli on the next chap^^
Btw, i love lil jungsis moment you put there
Somehow it makes me happy

Can't wait for tomolo~
Chapter 2: aigooo,soo youre too dense you know,hahah

thanks for update ♡♥♥