oh no

Teach Me How to Dance
sorry this was typed on my phone, forgive me for any errors!:)
Comment! It keeps me motivated:D

The next day I went to JYP at 1 just like Wooyoung told me to. 
Walking in, the vibe was so cool. It feels like I belong here, well I always have wanted to dance a little but I didn't really pursue it. 
Anyway, I told the guy at front my name and he looked at me with a big smile. 

"oh Yaekyung-ssi! Wooyoung in on the 3rd floor, first door to your left!" he directed me. 

Once I got to the room, I realized it was a practice room with mirrors for walls and a large open wooden floor. Wooyoung walked over to me and gave me a hug. 
"Yaekyung-ah! Youre here! As you may know, this is Taecyeon, Junho, Nichkhun, Junsu, and Chansung." he introduced all the members to me and I thought I was going to faint. I just stared at them with my mouth open. Wooyoung reached over and closed my mouth for me, embarrassingly. 
"Guys this is Yaekyung, the girl who fell at the fansign remember?" I elbowed Wooyoung in the chest for having to remind them of me in that way. As Wooyoung coughed in the corner I let out a cute laugh and introduced myself. 
The 2pm boys were very nice. 
"of course we remember you, it's nice to meet you" Nichkhun said as he shook my hand and smiled his amazingly gorgeous smile at me. "Your is okay right?" Nichkhun pulled me in close and whispered in my ear.  I seriously think a little piece of me died right now. But our little moment was ruined by Wooyoung when he came over and grabbed my hand away from Khun. 
"Hey! Don't you have to call Victoria or something. This is my girl!" Wooyoung exclaimed. 

"OOOOH~ Yaekyung is Wooyoungs girl Nichkhun, Yea come on man!" was heard from the rest of the members in the background. Especially Taecyeon and his loud voice. (lol). 
Wooyoung started to blush a little when I looked up at him. 

"I'm not his girl." I retorted. 
"... Yet" Junsu laughed at us. 

"Okay, okay, guys can you all leave now so me and Yaekyung can start?" 
"Start what?!?" 

All the other members left and it was me and Wooyoung left alone in the room. He pushed me up against the mirror, his arms on both sides of my head. 
"So... You're not my girl?"
"obviously not... I've known you for 2 days."
"Well, what do I have to do to make you mine?"
"You tell me" I smirked and ducked under his left arm and stood next to him 

"oh, I see how it is. Can I at least have a little kiss to know that your at least interested in me?"

I have him a peck on his cheek and walked to the center of the room. 
"So, what are we doing today?"
"I was thinking we could dance a little. How about a little one on one battle?"
"okay okay... You first."

Wooyoung turned the music on and began. As usual his dance was flawless. He used alot of sliding and spins along with those amazing hips of his... *drooling in my mind*
When it was my turn, I did a lot of popping and waves. I did a wave against Wooyoungs chest and he obviously liked it. Lots of hair flipping and the usual for me. 

** outside the door***

"Damn this girl can dance!" Junsu whispered to the other guys. 
"yea she's hot.. When she isn't on her " Chansung agreed 
"yo, how did Wooyoung get a girl like her to come over?" said Junho. 
"obviously she's a 2pm fan.. what fan wouldn't?" Nichkhun pointed out a very true explanation.  

"... Guys we should go now- what if they see us watching through the door?" Taecyeon asked worriedly...

**back to WooYae :) ㅋㅋㅋ couple name!***

We dance for a couple hours and then collapsed onto the floor.
"How about some late lunch Yaekyung. I think we deserve it." Wooyoung was huffing and puffing which was a sight that was way too hott. 
"Yea sounds good. But your buying" I smiled at him. 
"Pff, of course, your my girl I should pay," he sat up and moved my hair out of my face.  
"of course baby" I said sort of mockingly.
"HAHAHA YES! You said I'm your baby! I'm Yaekyung's baby!" Wooyoung stood up triumphantly. 

I looked at him like he was crazy but so adorable at the same time. I stood up and he gave me a hug.. a hug I secretly wanted to last forever. 

Wooyoung put on a hat and sunglasses, the best he could do because it was 100 degrees out. We ran across the street to the 짜장면 (Korean noodles) restaurant and got a table.  

We ate lunch and talked. 
"So oppa.. what made you notice me?"
"umm.. Not to be shallow but your face and body..." He looked down and shoved a chopstickfull of noodles into his mouth. 
"... Really? Not the fact that I screamed I love you attracted you to me?" 
"well every fan screams that to me so..."

I'm not an easy person to win over, even if it is a celebrity trying to woo me but something about Wooyoung made me work extra hard to try and not give in so quick. 

That night I watched TV and flipped to the Entertainment News channel. 
"Today, 2PM's Jang Wooyoung was seen leaving the JYP building with a mysterious woman. They ate a late lunch together and were said to have laughed a lot and hold hands."

oh. my. gosh. 
A scandal... just then, my phone rang. It was Wooyoung calling. 

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