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Teach Me How to Dance
It was finally my turn  
After waiting in a line of crazy screaming girls, I walked up the staurs onto the stage and stood in front of the boys of 2pm as they asked me my name and signed my CD  

"Whats your name?" Wooyoung asked me, looking up at me as I look down. 

"Yaekyung. Oppa, by the way I love you!" 

"Thanks! Haha, I like your name, it goes with your pretty face." Wooyoung smiled at me with his charming  eyes. 

He was my favorite member. My ideal type. 

After getting all of 2pms autographs, I turned and began to walk towards the stairs. 

I slipped on the carpet and fell on my , crushing my newly signed CD as it came shattering on the concrete ground next to me. 

All the girls stared and I think I even saw Taecyeon as Chansung look at me but I was to embarrassed to know. 

I had fallen flat on my in front of 2PMs very own Jang Wooyoung. 

This couldn't get any worse. 

I collected what was left of my pride, brushed my bangs back to the side, threw my mirror and chapstick that had flown out of my bag back in and walked down the stairs off the stage. 

I looked back at the boys sitting at their table, already busy signing other crazy fangirl's CDs. 

Wooyoungs eyes met mine and to my surprise it wasnt embarrassing or awkward at all. I felt like he was apologizing for the carpet making me fall. 

Then I saw him talk to his manager who was standing behind him. 

"Ah what is this?! Hey!! Keep walking your blocking the line!" a girl with a high pitched voice whined behind me 

"ok ok, sorryy!" I retorted annoyed. 

Then a strong grip held my arm and pulled me to the side. 

"Hi miss, Wooyoung has asked to speak to you so please come sit back behind the stage and wait."

"Me?! I mean ok, but.."

"Just please come."

I followed the man and sat behind the stage and waited for Wooyoung. 

Finally, after 2 hours of just freaking sitting there, all the boys walked off the stage and walked out towards the van. 

But Wooyoung came towards me. Im not the type to be starstruck but when an idol stares at you and walks closer and closer I couldn't help but feel not and nervous. 

"Park Yaekyung, with the pretty face. You said you loved me right? How about some dinner?"


1st chapter! Thanks for reading and comments would be nice! It motivates me - more comments = faster and more updates!! ^_^ <3

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