Just When I Needed You Most


This is inspired by Sungmin's cover of the song 'Just When I Needed You Most'


Hello. Please bear with me. This is my first time writing a Suju/Kyumin Fanfic. I'm not really good in writing. But I want to try and work hard. ^^ Sorry for the wrong grammars cause English is not my first Language and most probably I'm a Donghae bias and i might get into his Donghae's wrong grammar virus sometimes or maybe often times. Kekekek ~~

I hope you like the fanfic. I would appreciate the commets and I'll take it positively and work hard in the future ^^V


Enjoy ~~ ^^ Kekeke.


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ayawani #1
Chapter 1: Character dead. Main character dead.. aaaaaaahhh.. ㅠㅡㅠ
" There are a lot of goodbyes in this world. A goodbye for now and
see you later. A goodbye and see you tomorrow. A goodbye for
now mad see you someday. Those goodbyes who have a
specific time of hellos again and those who doesn't. But the
most painful goodbye is a goodbye of forever. Because in this
goodbye there's no more next time and second chance of being
able to meet again." I like this paragraph..
Sungmin, please be strong.. and move on..
RayhanAdni #2
Chapter 1: T.T poor minnie. owwwew Cho Kyuhyunnn. Whyyyyyy? its sad. thanks for writing ^^
Chapter 1: omg criiieeeees.. this is so good and i even cry
Chapter 1: it's very beautiful yet sad at the same time.. wonderful T__T
Chapter 1: huhuhuhu goodbye T___T
my heart freaking sad
bedhairrrr #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god! This is freaking sad :( I know it is a very common plot but the way you wrote brought out sad feelings T_T
Chapter 1: the pain of goodbyes..

this story simply goes straight to the heart..
Chapter 1: Hi are u sure this is your first time writing story *judging look XD*
U're awesome
i love the way you wrote it,,my feeling for kyumin :(

Please make more
buttlover #9
Chapter 1: Omg this is too... speechless... my heart really hurt now ;___; awesome!!!
chullie07 #10
Chapter 1: Aaaahhh.. Kyumin T.T