"Too Graphic?..."

BamXJae's Text Messages

BamBam: Like, what the hell?!

Young-Jae: Wait, what happen?!

BamBam: I can't believe she just asked me that!

Young-Jae: Ask you what? Who?

BamBam: Whatever, might as well start saying yes to anyone who comes up to me and asks if I'm a ing fresman!

                I swear, people can't just judge other people by their height!

Young-Jae: I'm confused...

BamBam: Its like the people saying that Tiffany, during the YouTube Awards era, should back to her home country, but in reallity(misspelled?), her home country is the United States of America!

Young-Jae: USA for short...

BamBam: Or that time when Yo-Seob, from BEAST, was mistaken as the maknae.

Young-Jae: Haha, Yo-Seob mistaken as the maknae! That's what I thought, too, when I first heard of them~

BamBam: And if somebody asks me the same question, I'm going to imagine myself smashing their ing face in a nearest locker!

                Or maybe that's too graphic...

                Anyways, hey, Jae, what's up?

Young-Jae: I'm still confused...

BamBam: Why are you confused?

Young-Jae: I don't know, to be honest...

BamBam: Oh, my god, Young-Jae...

[I'm sorry, my imagination is running a little low...]

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YooHoo~ Update!~


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Chapter 52: I've never shipped Bamjae before but now I'm starting to thanks to you, ahaha xD
Chapter 19: Im clapping like an idiot baby who sees a tv program called the ANt Mutlers showing off Murphy Muttsons private parts.
blueandgrey_ #3
Chapter 49: Oh god Bam Bam, I dont think guys can get pregnant hahahaha xD
Chapter 48: do you mean the moment when youngjae dragged bam in the trolley?
hahaha ikr theyre just too cute
Chapter 47: Oh myy goood! This is too funny!! It's like... the middle of the night here, there's no noise and I'm here, laughing like a... like a... like a I don't know. lol.
Seriously, you made me laugh so much! Though I don't really like "BamJae"... I have no opinion. But I like... no, love your story. :]
And I love you too. <3
Chapter 26: Yay sisTAR REFERence i lovE SISTAR
Bubbaboo #7
Chapter 2: Hhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahaha! X'D

Aigoo bamie~ <3
Chapter 44: yes you may cry on my shoulder :')
hahaha thanks for always update ! .
love it
blueandgrey_ #9
Chapter 40: they're so cute /cries/ ♡♡